Jenny… not so much from the block
Nu ma omor foarte mult dupa J.Lo, if need must be ma mai uit pe poze cu colectiile Sweetface, in schimb parfumurile ei imi dau dureri de cap (incerc sa ma tin la distanta cand vreo fata din Sephora incearca sa ma stropeasca). Plus ca n-am inteles niciodata faza cu „I’m still Jenny from the block” (plus diva latina, mama minune si femeie uber-desteapta de afaceri, un fel de 4-in-1, ca una nu le exclude pe celelalte), „dar ma imbrac in nurci si vulpi, nu ma despart de al meu Fendi de piton si, daca se poate, as vrea ca perdeaua mea de dus sa fie incrustata cu diamante”. Ipocrizie maxima, de parca un accent de Bronx si un album in portoricana ii vor face pe toti sa uite ca ai in spate o avere de 255 milioane.
Anyway, moving swiftly along, ca sa nu se creada ca sunt invidioasa (pentru ca nu sunt! nu-mi place Marc Anthony si nu vreau gemeni si nu vreau sa fiu cunoscuta pentu fundul meu!)… Editia de octombrie a revistei Elle a facut un pictorial interesant din punct de vedere estetic, in care J.Lo este vioara intai, acompaniata pe rand de Kaiser Karl, Diane von Furstenberg, Stefano Dolce & Domenico Gabbanna, Georgina Chapman, Oscar de la Renta, Michael Kors si inca cativa.
Cu cateva luni in urma, Harper’s Bazaar avea un pictorial foarte asemanator – in locul lui J.Lo era Jessica Biel, iar designerii aliniati erau cam aceeasi (Diane von Furstenberg era prezenta la apel, la fel Oscar de la Renta). Cred ca e mai mult decat o simpla coincidenta.
Pana una alta, ce pot spune este ca conceptele fotografiilor si felul in care au fost realizate au reusit sa redea si sa pastreze esenta fiecarui brand in parte – ascetismul cromatic la Chanel fata de exuberanta si „viata prin lentile roz in stilul anilor ’70” la DVF, chintesenta jet-set style la Michael Kors, voluptate si lux la Versace (fara legatura cu Invitation au voyage a lui Baudelaire), fetisul tocurilor inalte si a pantofilor splendizi la Atwood, feminitate si romantism opulent la Marchesa…Iar J.Lo are un agent genial, care a reusit sa ii negocieze o aparitie foarte cool si studiata si perfectionata, nemaivorbind de un stilist de milioane.
Chanel/ Karl Lagerfeld
“I chose this look from the Chanel resort collection because Jennifer looks great in a dress that is very feminine; chiffon and light. She is 100 percent ultrafeminine, a modern woman, a mother now, perfect for today’s world!”
Diane von Furstenberg
“What makes Jennifer unique is her total acceptance of her femininity.”
Michael Kors
„Jennifer epitomizes my love of the modern jet-set woman–today’s answer to Elizabeth Taylor glamour, circa Butterfield 8, all dipped in tones of honey, caramel, and camel.”
Georgina Chapman/ Marchesa
„She can transform into this stylish, aristrocratic beauty reminiscent of Sophia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette but at the same time is very down-to-earth and very relatable.”
Oscar de la Renta
“Jennifer’s Latin flair and her extraordinary sense of self come across in everything she wears.”
Domenico Dolce & Stefanno Gabbana
“I went to those memorable photographs of Irving Penn portraying his wife in a black tulle ‘mermaid’ gown. Jennifer looked just perfect in that mood.”—Stefano Gabbana
“I thought of Jennifer as a modern version of the ‘Belle de Jour.’ Her versatility and sensuality have turned her into the character played by Catherine Deneuve in Buñuel’s movie.”—Domenico Dolce
Brian Atwood
“She does a fantastic job of injecting the right amount of fashion dare into her look without seeming contrived.”
Versace/ Donatella Versace
„I wanted to glamorize a moment with two women sitting down and having a good, long chat, which is what happens in reality every time I see Jennifer.”
Albino Riganello/ Sweetface
“Jennifer is a strong, independent woman who is sure of herself and what she wants in life. The look is classic, but with a modern twist of the unexpected that Jennifer is known for in her personal style.”
Fotograf: Carter Smith; stilist: Joe Zee
oleeee , super tare pictorialul cu Jennifer , oricum e cea mai tare .