Exista designeri fericiti
Contextul economic actual inseamna mai putine joburi si mai multi oameni nefericiti (sau frustrati, cel putin!). Cu toate astea, se pare ca designerii sunt fericiti cu starea lucrurilor. Ba mai mult, cei cativa din elita modei sunt convinsi ca economia in declin are un impact pozitivasupra industriei. Nu-mi dau seama daca e vorba de faptul ca ei sunt cu adevarat „din alt film” sau, pur si simplu, sunt oameni talentati care au ajuns bogati si nu mai au nici un fel de contact cu realitatea. Sunt curioasa ce credeti voi, dar pana atunci cititi mai jos un extras dintr-un articol de pe WWD.com. (In ceea ce ma priveste, citatul Dianei von Furstenberg m-a facut sa rad in hohote!)
Marc Jacobs:
The weather is beautiful. I’m in love. I’m engaged to be married. I’m working on building a new home, and working in the studio with Steven Meisel and Madonna on the next [Louis Vuitton] campaign. Then, I have two days of shooting with Juergen [Teller]. The Met is [tonight], which I’m excited about. I’m receiving a FiFi Award. Then, we receive the International CFDA award for Louis Vuitton. So, I kind of have really great stuff on a daily basis. I can’t find anything to be unhappy about at the moment.
Diane von Furstenberg:
I think there was too much of everything, and I feel like the whole industry had to take a laxative. We just had too much s–t, and therefore there’s a cleansing thing that happens. In our industry, you have to have a reason to be. Some prices are just too expensive for what you are getting. Hermès is doing very well. Why? I can still use my mother’s handbags.
Karl Lagerfeld:
Chanel did even better this year than last year in the same time. That’s the miracle of Chanel. Is it the collection? I don’t know. Is it because people want things safe? I have no idea. It’s a miracle.
Donna Karan:
The good news is everyone’s heart is opening. People really do care. Is philanthropy down? Every night there are three or four events with people coming together to help others. It’s all about opening hearts and people really getting together.
Michael Kors:
The good news is in this crazy, terrible economy, I think people’s taste is getting better. They have to think about what they buy and they’re getting a more discerning eye because of it. There are no more shoes you can’t walk in, bags you can’t carry, dresses you can’t sit in.
Stefano Gabbana:
First of all, we feel hypercreative, reactive, excited and stimulated. Strangely enough, given the times, we feel good and feel the urge to experiment.
Phillip Lim:
Good news — my plants in my garden are happy and about to bloom. My dog Oliver has recently learned to lay down — on command. I am more inspired, and my focus is clearer then ever! Life is good, as it’s really the simple things that I have come back to. It’s been a reawakening.
Sidney Tolenado, CEO Dior:
The sky is not blue everywhere, but you have a lot showing here and there. People are working hard again; designers are motivated. […] People are talking a lot to the stores, to retailers, understanding the need, optimizing. The crisis has brought everybody back to retailing, merchandising and servicing — how to service better and talk to the customer.
Anna Sui:
Part of the thought process behind my spring collection was to make happy clothes and I think people are responding to that. We have a new fragrance that’s doing really well. It’s called Live Your Dream.
Yeohlee Teng:
First, I have to say we’re very lucky to have a president who not only can write, but can speak, so I think our overall quality of life has improved tremendously.
Vera Wang:
Pockets of good news, and I mean pockets.There was a little sign of happiness about a month ago when we did $20,000 on a Saturday. We also had a Saturday that we haven’t had in a while — we did $100,000 selling bridal uptown.
Nanette Lepore:
In a sense, what happened [in the economy] was kind of a good thing [for the industry]. I’m tired of it now and I want it to go away, but we all needed a little wake up call. Things were getting a little formulaic. You weren’t paying as close attention as you had to because everything was selling. When you get a little worried, you start paying closer attention.
Sursa: wwd.com
Cred ca braveaza. Si trebuie sa tina steagul sus, alfel se duc de rapa.
Ma intreb cine ar mai cheltui sume fabuloase pentru piese Chanel daca ar sti ca marea companie are probleme (dupa cum am auzit, chiar are).
Ar fi ceva in neregula cu aura lor, ar insemna ca nu sunt chiar atat de buni etc. etc.
Imaginea a ceva de neatins, perfectiunea, misterul, sfidarea limitelor pot fi elemente ale definitiei luxului.
Daca astea nu se mai confirma, se dezumfla si luxul, in consecinta la revedere cumparatori.