Lectura de sambata dimineata

Dupa jumatate de zi ieri la shopping (cu o castigatoare de la Butterfly Days), dupa o conferinta a lui Adrian Oianu care s-a intins pana catre 11 noaptea (si despre care o sa scriu maine, stay tuned) si o alta conferinta pentru lansarea cardului de reduceri la shopping Optimo, dupa o discutie prelungita tarziu in noaptea de ieri cu o femeie tare faina, cu suflet mare si voce calda, azi ma pregatesc pentru vara. In sensul ca mi-am dat seama ca e momentul sa declar oficial ca vara e aici, in toate formele – rochii lungi, rochii cargo/ safari/ whatever, sandale flats, cercei cat mai mari, ochelari de soare de nedezlipit, genti mai mici, seara terase cat cuprinde, dupa-amiezele cu picnicuri (chiar si in fata televizorului, daca nu am cum sa ies sau cu cine), liste de lectura, vreau sa vad licurici si lumanari, capsuni si pepeni verzi, inghetate si coronite de flori…


Intre toate astea nu o sa uit, evident, sa mai fac din cand in cand recomandari de lectura si, bazandu-ma pe succesul recent al unui meniu propus pe facebook, poate va dau si idei de „dragoste in bucate”. Azi ma gandeam, sa fiu sincera, la o reteta de salata: pepene verde, cu branza feta, ceapa rosie, masline negre, patrunjel si menta, langa o lipie calda. Yummy….

Sarah Burton confirmed as CD at Alexander McQueen –  The Telegraph este unul din ziarele care a anuntat ca „Alexander McQueen and its ‘parent’ company, Gucci Group, announced that Burton will supervise the creative direction and development of all collections of the brand going forwards.” Cred ca e timpul sa recitesc Fashion Babylon 🙂

New designer at Hermes – the times, they are a-changing, vorba poetului Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan. Jean Paul Gaultier pleaca de la carma artistica a Hermes, fiind inlocuit de Christophe Lemaire. Mai multe pe NY Times.

The rise of DYI fashion blogs – citesc pe Black Book: “A number of online platforms are hoping to facilitate entry into an even more exclusive fashion club: designers. Sites like UsTrendy.com, Threadless.com, Infectious.com, and the soon-to-launch FashionStake.com, are some of the many online outlets putting a new spin on the usual fashion career blueprint by making it easier and cheaper for young designers to tap into customer needs, reach buyers, and market and promote their collections..”

UK bans two Louis Vuitton ads – “The U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority Wednesday banned two Louis Vuitton print ads that it says could have misled consumers into thinking its products are handmade, when in fact the luxury brand also uses machines”, scie pe Wall Street Journal. Way to go, zic eu, care gasesc total absurda si exagerata lista de asteptare de 3 ani pentru un Birkin (nu ca m-as fi inscris…. dar daca vreodata voi dori…)

Greatest moments in fashion blogging history – “Today, bloggers rule the front row. But in the dark and distant past—like, you know, pre-September 2009—they were often treated like second-class citizens in the fashion world. Here, a look back at some of the milestones in the revolution.” Foarte cool, a se citi pe Style.com

Reassessing the 70s: a brave new wave –  pe NY Times. “It has been dismissed by opinion makers as ‘the decade that taste forgot’ — the era of bell-bottom pants, glam rock glitter, clammy polyester, shrunken sweaters and a palette of orange, brown and avocado. Yet suddenly ’70s style is being re-assessed.”

Multitasking fashion? It’s hours of fun – un concept cool, ma duc si eu pana la dulap sa vad daca gasesc ceva asemanator. Pe Times UK.

How we shop now – intr-o epoca a consumerismului exacerbat dar si dupa o perioada de presupus ascetism bugetar, cumparam oare mai putin dar mai de calitate? Tot pe Times UK

How to get dressed for the beach – ceva mai practic, de data asta, tot pe Times UK, in cazul in care va pregatiti de plaja.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    ruxandra says:

    cu intarziere un comment despre articolul cu schimbarea de cd de la hermes…articolul ca articolul, dar comments-urile sunt de o bogatie neasteptata..citez : „Lacoste was never about grand gestures and neither is Hermes, and both brands have more in common than one thinks, at least within French (fashion) mythology. The Hermes scarf and Kelly have always been associated with a bourgeois way of dressing, yet so has the Lacoste polo. Walk around Paris on any weekend (in the non touristy part of town, preferably the 15th) and you will spot dozens of men and women wearing a Lacoste shirt, with a pair of jeans or shorts. It’s hard to explain but it’s one of those cultural associations that comes to mind.”….just beautiful

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