Lectura de sambata dimineata

O saptamana ca a lui Icar – cu suisuri fantastice si coborasuri abrupte, cam asa au fost ultimele zile pentru mine. Multa munca si frenezie depusa intr-un business plan pentru un business de moda (evident), nervozitate si fluturi in stomac la niste interviuri de recrutare, intalniri cu multi prieteni si ha-ha-ituri peste masura, totul garnisit cu ceva frumos despre designul scandinav si planuri – mai mult sau mai putin serioase – de a merge la Zabola, Biertan sau Vama Veche, si apoi, la final, totul incununat de o amigdalita zdravana, din cauza careia nu am putut dormi 2 nopti si care, in mod bizar, ma face sa ma simt de parca as trai in Maroc sau Algeria. Probabil din cauza ca beau ceaiuri tot timpul; in schimb, camile si covoare zburatoare nu am vazut.



Anyway, cum azi par sa fiu in convalescenta,  cred ca doar o sa imi cumpar niste plante, voi citi Elle-ul de iunie, poate voi trage o fuga pana la petrecerea Tabu/ Facebook, sigur voi dormi din plin si voi mai cauta niste linkuri interesante, ca cele de azi… Bronzatul, saptamana urmatoare…


PS: tristetea mea cea mare este ca Times UK a decis sa suspende accesul gratuit la varianta online, aplicand in schimb accesul contra-cost. 🙁 so long, Lisa Armstrong..

Why I stopped the sale – „When plans for an auction of Isabella Blow’s collection of fashion and photographs were cancelled last month, there was speculation about why. Her friend Daphne Guinness writes for the first time about stopping the sale.” Pe Financial Times.

The Yohji Yamamoto story – “Yohji Yamamoto, the charismatic and mysterious Japanese designer, is allowing the first-ever published biography about his life to be published. The book, entitled (enigmatically, of course) ‘My Dear Bomb’, will be released worldwide in October.” In The Telegraph

What’s in a name? It’s Gucci vs Gucci – „On one side is a luxury goods brand loved by celebrities and fashionistas across the globe; on the other, the great-granddaughter of the empire’s founder. Welcome to the battle of Gucci vs Gucci.” Pe The Independent.

Bluefly going viral for more luxury buzz – “Bluefly is adding live interviews with celebrities to its fashion shopping website and allowing consumers to upload their own videos, part of a larger effort to attract buzz, new customers and sales.” Reuters

The grown-up model comes of age – „From 43-year-old Kristen McMenamy to 81-year-old Daphne Selfe, older women enjoyed outings at the autumn/winter 2010 catwalk shows.” In Financial Times.

Erdem Moralioglu: a man for all seasons – „The London Fashion Week designer has successfully moved the classic garment away from any lingering associations with Laura Ashley or Hyacinth Bucket, and turned it into something both pretty and modern. More cool cocktail party than the Queen’s garden party. ” In The Independent

Tom Nicon, face of Burberry, jumps to his death from Milan flat – „He had been due to take part in Milan Men’s Fashion Week, which began on Saturday. He had attended a fitting for Versace in the morning and was due to attend a meeting with his modelling agency, Success, in the afternoon, but never arrived. He was found dead at the foot of the building shortly afterwards.” Tot in The Independent.

Luxury shopping tours gain popularity – “In France, Chinese tourists surpassed all other nationalities as the biggest shoppers according to a recent French government survey. As a result, French travel companies are developing more shopping programs for the Chinese.” Aparut pe Red Luxury

Fashionable shorts: these movies have credits – „“In a time when the iPad has eclipsed the September issue, and editorial channels are growing while advertising page numbers are shrinking, luxury labels have to promote their collections somehow. The result? A fashion film movement, in full swing.” In T Magazine.

Japan opens doors to more Chinese shoppers – “Swarms of Asian tourists disembark from a bus with tinted windows, snapping pictures and staring in awe at Japan’s capital city while a petite tour guide waving a flag shouts instructions—in Mandarin. Chinese tourists are to Japan today what the Japanese were to Manhattan and Honolulu during the late 1980s: the single fastest-growing group of overseas travelers and the highest spenders.” Aparut pe Wall Street Journal.

Radical surgery on regular menswear – “Off with the coat sleeves! Cut away the collar! Snip at pants until they morph into shorts! Split the seams and close them with zippers! Radical surgery on regular menswear was the message of the Paris summer 2011 season that ended Monday.” In NY Times.

Hey, small spender – „The hour of bling has blung. And yet… Bottega Veneta dares to sell tie-dyed T-shirts for $330 each, while Apple has sold three million iPads in 80 days (at $499, minimum) to somebody. Who has the money? Nobody’s telling.  Several new books are suggesting that it’s time for shopaholics to seek a cure.” In NY Times.

The subtlety of Zegna – „In an age of technology, he (Gildo Zegna) says, „it’s important to remember the feeling of the clothes, the smell of cashmere.” And here, he lifts a swatch of the lush fabric to his nose and inhales. „What we do is authentic; it’s history.” Pe Washington Post

Luxury department stores on Twitter – “It’s been interesting to watch as more and more luxury brands and retailers get on the ‘Twitter train.’ In particular, [watching] how the department stores (amidst their complex organizations) are innovating in this space. Unfortunately, not all have gotten on board, but there are a few clear standouts.” Pe Fashion’s Collective

Designers pitch brand New York – “Young labels like the Row, Jason Wu, Nellie Partow, Waris Ahluwalia and Prabal Gurung are trumpeting their New York roots on apparel and labels in an effort to create a sartorial version of the locavore movement.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

Postari asemanatoare

5 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    ioana says:

    insanatosire grabnica..cat mai multe planuri finalizate cu succes si spor la cumparat flori..:D sa ne arati ce flori ti-ai cumparat

  2. 2
    Ana says:

    Irina sa stii ca blog-ul tau este mica mea oaza de senin si bun simt estetic:)

    Love loving your blog:)
    Lots of hugs

  3. 3
    Irina says:

    @Ioana: nu mi-am mai cumparat plante/ flori 🙂 Am dat banii pe o rochita minunata de la Sprider: alb-crem, cu tivul dantelat si buzunare, ma simt in ea ca si cum as avea 12 ani 🙂 Poate ii fac o poza.
    @Ana: uaaaaaaa, zambesc larg acum! Si eu iti citesc tot timpul blogul si abia astept sa cumpar rochii de la tine 🙂 Da-mi de stire cand iti lansezi colectia. Hugs back!

  4. 4
    dressaddict says:

    Hi, hi, si eu tocmai mi-am luat o rochie fenomenala 🙂 maxi de la Sprider, plus ca am si prins-o la un pret redus mai mult decat convenabil. Dar stii ca eu am intrat prima data intr-un Sprider datorita tie 😉 ? Citind despre brand intr-un articol postat aici pe blog. Ca niciodata nu mi se parea atragator ce vedeam in vitrina, dar inauntru a fost altceva, am gasit lucruri chiar deosebite si la un foarte bun raport calitate-pret. Multumesc de pont!

  5. 5
    Irina says:

    Raluca, sa stii ca si eu mai gasesc din cand in cand mici „minuni” la Sprider 🙂 Ca sa nu mai spun ca imi plac enorm hainutele lor pentru copii, intotdeauna cumpar nepotilor mei cate ceva colorat. Iar acum au si niste reduceri fantastice…

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