Lectura de sambata dimineata

I lost my mojo… Nu-l declar inca nul, pentru ca sper ca imi voi regasi inspiratia si cheful de a scrie cat de curand. Vreau sa spun ca, uite, au inceput saptamanile modei si sincer, nu ma intereseaza. Nu ca as avea alte lucruri de facut (desi am!) si nici nu e vorba ca nu as stii ce sa scriu despre ele (pentru ca stiu!), dar pur si simplu nu ma mai… anima, nu ma mai misca, au inceput sa ma plictiseasca. Like little rats on a treadmill. Deocamdata nu stiu ce se intampla si nici nu am energie sa analizez lucrurile, dar curand am sa revin cu posturi mai dese. Oricum, una peste alta, a fost o saptamana aglomerata, se anunta o vara interesanta si mi-am pierdut si vreo 2 nopti razand in hohote pana la 3 juma’ dimineata, uitandu-ma la Mock the Week (daca nu stiti ce e, cautati pe youtube, pregatiti-va pentru addiction, accente irlandeze si scotiene, politica britanica si multe, multe fraze necenzurate, dar geniale).



In alta ordine de idei, mai tineti minte ca spusesem la un moment dat ca voi sustine niste workshopuri? Intre timp lucrurile s-au schimbat putin, va fi vorba de un mini-curs de imagine personala, va incepe in toamna (cel mai probabil in septembrie) si nu va spun mai multe pentru ca mi-e teama sa nu il „jinx it” (pentru ca nu-mi place cuvantul romanesc 🙂 ) Dar o sa anunt aici si pe pagina mea de Facebook.

Si, in sfarsit, ma omoara caldura. Mai am putin si clachez, pentru ca nu pot sa dorm noaptea. Voi cum rezistati? Nu cumva stati si cititi linkurile saptamanii, pana se crapa de ziua? 🙂 Ma plang de caldura, dar nu si de vara – savurez intens fiecare zi, mai ales lumina de dimineata, pranzul cu un pahar de vin rece, o carte buna in mana, orele languroase petrecute in cearceafuri dantelatate si in penumbra dupa-amiezelor si mai ales faptul ca orasul e mai gol in weekenduri.



The actual cost of digital marketing – pe Fashion Collective, cititi despre estimatele de cost la care ar trebui sa se astepte un brand pentru promovare online ca la carte.

Jewelry with stories to tell – “You don’t need 3-D glasses for the sculpted shapes to stand out and the colors to pop. But the high jewelry that had an open day during last week’s haute couture season is finely tuned to the latest fashion.” Pe NY Times.

The new summer power suit – „Dress codes tend to relax in the summer months. It’s difficult to endure business-formal when it’s 85 degrees. But it’s equally difficult to maintain an aura of authority when you’re wearing a hot-pink golf shirt.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Aging gracefully, the French way – „[…] she always wears a matching, if slightly kooky, outfit — like the red print skirt, loose cardigan and scarlet cloche hat she wore one day this spring — has great posture and is beautifully made up. She clearly loves being herself. And she makes me think that in France, women might forget everything else as they age — but never their sense of style.” Pe NY Times.

The socks and sandals look has got legs – pentru ca tot scriam, nu demult, despre acest trend. „Originating in the mid-Nineties as a London girl look, it was seen once more only this season on catwalks as diverse as Burberry, Marni, Dior and Alexander Wang.” In The Independent.

The 80-year hunt for IT fashion – „Trend forecasting is a critical service that big retailers depend upon. Buyers placing multimillion-dollar orders six months in advance need a crystal ball, and forecasts are the next-best thing. Even though retail executives travel the globe to spot new styles and source new fashions, many still pay for research to back up their work and cast a wider net. To peruse the trends in Tobe’s archives is to travel to a time when styles were manufactured across the ocean, and women waited to snap up a version of them at the local department store.” Tot pe Wall Street Journal.

Anna Mouglalis stars as Coco Chanel – „In a new film about Coco Chanel’s affair with Igor Stravinsky, the French actress Anna Mouglalis plays the designer – a role for which she is amply qualified”. Pe The Telegraph.

Season of Biker chic – un ghiont pentru cei de la Bate Saua si pentru fetele de la Vello Bello. „Looking at bike shops had become as fun as shopping for fashion because it is fashion. The accessories are as enticing as a new handbag: picnic baskets, tote bags, and even pet carriers.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Valentino’s techno legacy – “There will be cross reference to people, because you can’t separate the clothes from the life — it has to be biographical… interweaving categories of craft, art and the world of Valentino.” Special Report pe NY Times.

Shorts story – nu ca n-am stii sa purtam pantaloni scurti, dar pentru cine nu i-a incercat inca, gasiti pe Daily Mail cateva idei de styling

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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