Lectura de sambata dimineata

Calendaristic, toamna este deja aici. O simt deja, mai ales dimineata. Mi-ar placea ca toate weekendurile lui septembrie sa fie insorite iar pe unul dintre ele sa mi-l petrec undeva la munte, intr-o casa acoperita de iedera si cu dormitoarele infasate in cearceafuri inflorate, cu cani de cafea aburinda si paine prajita cu miere, buchete de crizanteme galbene pe masa si un soare palid dimineata, cu vedere catre o gradina de un verde suculent si un cer de un azuriu intens… Poate la Zabola?








Fashion week preview: the faces – “Now that we’re practically on a first-name basis with Doutzen, Lakshmi and Anja, it’s time we meet Bambi, Fei Fei and Kat. They are some of the new and almost-like-new faces we’ll be seeing next week at the New York fashion shows.” Pe NY Times.

Fashion week outgrows its famous tents – „Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week isn’t simply moving from one park (Bryant) to another (Damrosch). It’s also set to expand throughout the entire Lincoln Center complex when it begins its stay there on Sept. 9.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Classic accessories reinvented for autumn – „It’s goodbye to logos and hardware as accessories become less showy and more luxurious”. Pe The Telegraph.

Should luxury brands use Twitter? – “Luxury is an intricate web of emotions… can it be captured in 140 characters (and that too with a shortened link of some sort if the company is trying to drive some traffic to a specific webpage or website)?” Il gasiti pe Luxury Society.

Preppy is back and is sharper than ever  – „Students are not the only ones going back to school this season; fashion is too. Preppy style – the argyle sweaters, chinos, tweed jackets and twin sets associated with America and Britain’s academy-oriented upper crust – is having a moment.” Pe Financial Times.

What do girls want? – “You can understand why brands like Chanel want to limit their Web exposure, but what happens to interest if the immediate outlet is blocked? This is not a generation that will wait to get a number for admission.” Pe NY Times.

Erdem: a man for this season – „Dressing the great and the grand clearly hasn’t gone to his head. His name may not yet be rolling off your tongue with the familiarity of a Gucci or Prada, but […] Moralioglu’s elegant, feminine collections, his fondness for a longer-length dress, often smothered in beautiful print, particularly florals, and his employ of the finest embroidery and fabrics have gathered him fans such as Keira Knightley, Claudia Schiffer and Ashley Olsen.”  In The Telegraph.

Copyrighting fashion: who gains? – “Paradoxically, the payoff from free copying has been enormous.  The fashion cycle turns faster, and the industry gets richer – and creates new designs more frequently. So why on earth would anyone want to change that?” Pe NY Times.

When luxury brands outsource, should they tell? – “Italy’s Parliament has passed a law that [requires] manufacturers be able to prove that their products were primarily made in Italy and, if any part of the work was carried out elsewhere, a traceable location must be shown.” De citit pe Today.

Marketing new rage: brands sponsoring influential bloggers – “Forget about just display ads. Increasingly, the future of advertising online seems to be through sponsorships, contests, giveaways, product placement, widgets and games — often with bloggers.” Genial articol pe WWD.

How the late Corinne Day changed my life – “Her style of photography, and that British Vogue shoot in particular, kicked off the whole grunge movement in the ‘90s in a blaze of controversy. No discernible make-up, natural light, girls with flaws.. Her work was so unmistakably British and effortlessly cool.” In The Telegraph.

Bulgari recovers its luster –  “Though jewelry lies at the heart of Bulgari’s business, Mr. Trapani’s decision to diversify into watches, perfumes and accessories over the past 20 years has “radically changed” the company he joined in 1981, he says. These lines now account for almost 50% of the company’s sales.” In Wall Street Journal.

New looks, new books – „There is plenty of riveting reading for the fashion-savvy this season, from a tome that charts the history of boots to the consummate coffee table book about Emilio Pucci. As if by magic, the literary and fashion worlds have collided. As the shopping rails sag under the weight of the new autumn/winter collections, so bookshelves will fill with season-appropriate fashion tomes.” In Financial Times

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    classiq says:

    da, la Zabola. starea de spirit pe care o descrii pare sa fie in perfect acord cu atmosfera de acolo. am citit prima data despre Zabola acum ceva timp in Elle si cand ma gandesc la o escapada departe de lumea dezlantuita acolo as vrea sa merg. poate o sa-mi pun si in practica planul in curand

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