Lectura de dimineata

Cu niste ceai cu aroma de cirese si muffins calde la nas, astept sa se trezeasca si ma gandesc – iarasi, cu speranta – ca asa vor fi toate weekendurile urmatoare: cu soare, cer albastru, miros de frunze arse, dimineti foarte racoroase care imi cer jachete si esarfe, dupa-amieze numai bune pentru un picnic cu mere verzi, baghete cu Brie si vin alb, seri pe o terasa insfasurata intr-o patura, cu discutii interminabile, rasete cu lacrimi sau carti de comentat.


Profitati de soarele de afara: inchiriati o barca in Herastrau, pedalati pe o bicicleta pe Kiseleff, beti o cafea lunga in centrul vechi, plimbati-va de mana pe langa Parcul Ioanid sau printr-o piata de flori. Este cea mai cool perioada a anului 🙂






Iar cand va intoarceti din plimbari si aventuri, opriti-va sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii…

Earning her stripes – “From small-town roots in Indiana to the big time as head of Burberry, a $2 billion fashion empire and one of the most widely recognized brands in the world, Angela Ahrendts takes it all in her stride.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Net worth – „Net-a-Porter’s natalie Massenet made buying designer clothes online desirable. And then she earned $70 million selling the company. Now the mens market beckons.” Pe WSJ Magazine.

French Twist – „As muse and model, Inès de la Fressange has played many roles, including that of Marianne, the face of France herself. Since 2002, she has worked diligently to change the image of the Queen’s shoemaker, Roger Vivier. Mission accomplished.” Tot in WSJ Magazine.

The next wave – “It is not just six names who are making waves in New York, but an entire generation of designers who have the potential to transform what we think of as American fashion.” In NY Times.

The return of Roland Mouret – “My partnership with Simon Fuller is unique, he has allowed me to develop a business whilst ensuring I always had enough space and resources to follow my intuition and establish the company.” In The Telegraph.

At Fashion Week, it’s where you sit that counts – „With so many changes in the fashion media, designers are having a tough time deciding who gets the best seats.” In NY Times.

Outside the Met, Fashion’s ouverture – „The purpose of Fashion Week isn’t to sell clothes; Macy’s can do that. Rather, the purpose of the shows is to dramatize fashion, to conjure the steel and vanity lurking in every housewife.” In NY Times.

Designers show off less-expensive clothes – “Almost every high-end fashion designer has been forced to cut prices or launch lower-priced collections since the economy tanked… [secondary collections] are creeping out of the showrooms and onto the runways this week.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fashion as art – „New York Fashion Week’s Lincoln Center debut reflects the growing recognition of fashion as culture.” Tot in Wall Street Journal.

Anna Wintour weaves her web – “Just what Anna Wintour needed: another project. On the eve of New York Fashion Week and a mere two days before her brainchild, Fashion’s Night Out… she is unveiling the new vogue.com.” Pe WWD.

Well-heeled: Manolo Blahnik and his left-hand woman – “As his exclusive collection for Liberty arrives, Manolo Blahnik talks footwear, films and fabrics with his niece and ‘left-hand woman’ Kristina…Since he set up shop in the Seventies Manolo Blahnik has become the world’s most famous artisan shoemaker.” In The Independent.

A morning in the life of Donna Karan – “Twenty-five years ago, Donna Karan made her first Canadian personal appearance at Holt Renfrew’s Toronto flagship store to launch her ready-to-wear label. The New York fashion designer recently returned to mark the occasion.” In National Post.

The evolution of Fashion films – “‘This is the new advertising… The consumer and the audience are one…. While the Internet has facilitated the blossoming of fashion films, fashion photographers have long experimented with motion pictures.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

Postari asemanatoare

4 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Dana says:

    Vai, cat iubesc „rasfatul” asta despre care vorbesti mereu! Ma inspira. Multumesc 🙂

  2. 2
    Iulia says:

    Foarte frumoasa recomandare. Ai mare dreptate: este cea mai frumoasa perioada din an!

  3. 3
    Ana P says:

    Irina, citind introducerea si ca tot vorbeai de o toamna romantica, uite o piesa cu care am facut cunostinta astazi. Mie mi-a mers la inima de la prima auditie (e pe repeat de ceva vreme) si acolo o sa ramana. O fi de vina anotimpul sau poate I’m just in the mood for love… Bijuteria muzicala este Antony and The Johnsons – „Thank You For Your Love”, poate o stii deja

    Just wanted to share, cu drag 🙂

  4. 4
    Irina says:

    Aaaa, Ana 🙂 Antony & the johnsons sunt intre preferatii mei! Nu stiam melodia asta, dar la mine a fost o vreme pe heavy rotation Fistful of Love (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CImsEJHYyv4). Enjoy, cu drag si de la mine, desi e a naibii de trista 🙂

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