Lectura de sambata dimineata

Alta dimineata de sambata, inca o lectura de dimineata… Nu stiu ce fel de saptamana ati avut voi – a mea a fost furtunoasa, cu suisuri fantastice si coborasuri dramatice, cu mult de munca dar si cu o seara de lectura amuzanta (organizata de 121.ro cu sustinerea editurii Litera – care, in caz ca nu stiati, sunt cei care au publicat cartile minunate despre muzeele lumii impreuna cu Jurnalul National si care au tradus/ publicat romanul anului 2009 premiat cu Man Booker Prize, Wolf Hall), saptamana care a culminat cu deschiderea primului meu curs la Fundatia Calea Victoriei. Mai e nevoie sa va spun ca am avut emotii sau cat de mari au fost?  Iarasi am turuit ca o moara sparta, timp de 2 ore, si nu stiu din ce cauza dar vorbitul asta in public imi genereaza o euforie care dureaza ore in sir…

Simt euforia pana si in dimineata asta, inexplicabil, iar in timp ce imi beau cafeaua cu lapte si vanilie ma gandesc de unde as putea face rost de cidru de mere si o placinta cu mere (si asta din cauza fotografiei de mai jos).

 Toamna, mere, cidru si placinte :)

Anyway, va las sa cititi linkurile zilei, nu fara sa va reamintesc ca azi nu e o zi de stat in casa: la sala Dalles se deschide targul de bijuterii Autor (2 si 3 octombrie, intre orele 11-20), la MTR ruleaza „Mar Nero” de la ora 18, teatrul Masca este in a 4-a zi a festivalului „Masti Europeene„, daca aveti chef de o plimbare pana in pranz, faceti-o prin Herastrau unde se puncteaza „ziua mondiala a mersului pe jos” (not for the girls in love with high heels 🙂 ) si, finally, spre seara, puneti-o de niste head banging la Ozzie. Distractie maxima va doresc!

Q&A with Carine Roitfeld – “Vogue is a very specific world. You are Vogue, or not Vogue. There are some editors and writers who can be very good, and still not Vogue… It is, first, having the sense of luxury. It’s a sense of craziness, a bit. It’s a sense of beauty.” Pe On the runway.

In Paris, designers hit the redial button – “Nicolas Ghesquiere was showing Balenciaga at the Crillon, Balmain was at the Grand, and an American, Zac Posen, was making his debut here, in the very place where Yves Saint Laurent used to show. So why did the day feel like a broken record?” In NY Times.

H&M, Zara fast fashion pressures luxury labels to speed up –  “Luxury companies need to improve their logistics to react more quickly to changes in consumption patterns… Burberry Group is now able to replenish stock monthly and in April introduced a limited-edition… which went from design to store in three months.” Pe Bloomberg.

Is a runway show really necessary? – “In [the film’s] bravura, its beauty and its possibility of going viral to hundreds of million of people… this grand slam in the virtual world poses a question that is increasingly being asked by both designers and executives: Is a fashion show really necessary?” Pe International Herald Tribune.

Imagining the Brioni woman – “Mr. Dell’Acqua’s task is to inject his romantic, feminine-but-not-frilly aesthetic into a label whose womenswear has in the past seemed severe… The designer is taking a surprising approach for a brand associated with chairmen of the board.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Technicolor chic in Milan – „This week the runways of Milan were awash in brilliant colors, bold, clashing patterns and canny designs that managed to attain the holy grail of fashion—clothes that are both wearable and fashionable.” In Wall Street Journal.

Milan steps out of the back seat – “This has been a brilliant season for Italian fashion, a reminder that Milan can be a stronghold for new and exciting design… It’s hard to remember a season here in the last decade when excellent collections were the norm and not the exception.” Pe NY Times.

Why Gucci succeeds in China – “Gucci has a higher profile and recognition in China than many of its competitors — primarily achieved through its heavy investment in China. The company has expanded aggressively into the second and third-tier cities.” Pe Red Luxury.

The world of Orla Kiely, designer – “Orla Kiely, 46, is synonymous with graphic prints and kitsch patterns. The Orla Kiely brand produces ready-to-wear collections, homeware, furnishings, luggage and accessories, all emblazoned with her instantly recognisable graphics.” In The Telegraph.

Throwing down the gauntlet – “‘Made in Italy’ — who cares? It’s not a brand strength if you have to defend your work’ says Ms. Prada…’Mine is a political statement and it comes from a personal appreciation of originality.’” In NY Times.

How to build a digital flagship – “For brands, rather than establish microsites for campaigns, like we would physical pop-up shop locations, creating a digital flagship allows the website to be the main hub for all brand communications.” Pe Fashion Collective.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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