Lectura de sambata dimineata

Doar ce s-au terminat filmele norvegiene la ICR, ca a inceput festivalul filmelor thailandeze la MTR. As fi vrut sa pot vedea Best of Times, pentru cat de adevarate sunt cuvintele astea: „Things we want to remember, we forget; things we want to forget, we remember..”


In schimb, spre seara am sa merg sa vad Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu (pentru ca dimineata muncesc, duh), duminica ma intalnesc cu vreo 15 fete la mall (parte din atelierele de stil de la Calea Victoriei, unde btw, s-au deschis inscrierile pentru grupa de decembrie) si apoi lenevesc sub o patura, citind Madame Bovary (parafrazandu-l pe Flaubert, spun si eu ca, candva, Madame Bovary eram eu. Not anymore...:-P ) In alta ordine de idei, pe cele care iubesc perioada interbelica si tot ce inseamna vintage, le invit sa se intoarca in anii `30 si sa participe la Great Depression Party.

Ah, si inainte sa uit!! Stiti vorba aia cu „universul care comploteaza/ legea atractiei/ gandire pozitiva”? Zilele trecute ma visam, cu ochii deschisi, la volanul unei masinute girlie, rapide, colorate, schimband vitezele si muzica in acelasi timp pe autostrada, zig-zagand printre alte masini in oras, alea-alea… Nah, n-o sa va vina sa credeti, pentru ca nici mie nu imi vine sa cred, dar… Citroen mi-a propus (printr-o agentie de publicitate) sa testez noul lor DS3 timp de o saptamana. O.M.G, vorba lui Alex Baldwin. Nu ma dau mare acum – o sa ma dau mai incolo, si o sa le dau cu masina si pe toate prietenele mele! – dar cred ca e momentul sa pun bazele unei noi secte, care crede in fericire ever after, sincronicitate, „good things come to those who wait”si „don’t stop believing”.

Cat despre ce avem astazi de citit…

The perfect dress is a loyal friend – „Where fashion is concerned, perfection is in the eye of the beholder; but also, and more critically, in the experience of the wearer. TPD then is the item of clothing that makes you feel fantastic the moment you slip it on—regardless of the time of the month; the fact you just had a nasty shock when you stood on the scales; no matter the row you have just had with your partner/child/boss; or that you spent the previous night sleepless, worrying about whether or not to close your offshore accounts. TPD is your ace of spades, your „sure thing”; it is what you turn to in times of strife, stress and uber-important last-minute business dinners, when you don’t have time to think about what to wear.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Olivier Theyskens and Theory: Q&A – „I see everything becoming so global. When I started working on this collection, I thought about what kind of clothes I would like to have in my wardrobe if I were a cool girl.” In NY Times.

Fashion people are seeing red – „Red is the sleeper of the season, and it’s manifested itself in some pretty unconventional, taste-challenging ways, too. Red trousers are unexpectedly, unbelievably, catching on amongst fashion sorts.” In The Telegraph.

Saved by the closet –  „In today’s sour economy, however, what once seemed like waste is starting to look like wealth: assets to draw on when times get tough (and not just because of all those ads promising top dollar for your gold jewelry). Material abundance, it turns out, produces economic resilience.”Pe Wall Street Journal.

Eat, pray, love – and shop – „The problem is, the book – and possibly, the film – is all about not buying stuff. It’s about looking for answers on the inside. If the movie is successful, one would assume that those who identify with Gilbert’s journey – and a few million people bought the book, so presumably a lot do – will actually exit the film in an anti-consumer mood.” In Financial Times.

Boucheron enhaces consumer experience with AR initiative – „French jewelry house Boucheron is letting consumers find out how the brand’s products look on their hands from the comfort of their homes via a new augmented reality Web experience.” Pe Luxury Daily.

Carriers of the torch, in a chorus of red hair – „But right now red hair is not just one woman’s statement — it’s a chorus. The subtly auburn girl-next-door actress Emma Stone, of “Easy A” and “Superbad,” made her “Saturday Night Live” debut last weekend. Scarlett Johansson and Eva Longoria both gave themselves red highlights in the last year, while the “Twilight” actress Kristen Stewart attempted a strawberry blond.” In NY Times.

Return of the hourglass look – „This autumn, everyone including Michael Kors, Miuccia Prada, Marc Jacobs at Louis Vuitton, and Jason Wu, have revived Christian Dior’s postwar New Look for a new decade. It is, says Ikram Goldman of Ikram, the influential Chicago boutique, “a fashion moment”. The question is why or, more specifically, why now?” In Financial Times.

Moncler, where the parkas need a bouncer – „The jackets, long the preserve of skiers (the company was founded in 1952), began appearing on fashionable hip-hop crowds a few years ago, widening the company’s reach beyond specialty shoppers. They come in a slate of bold and sometimes disquieting colors, often shiny, and, for winter wear, are relatively slimming.” In NY Times.

The midi skirt is back, but are you a Betty or a Joan? – „In one small triumph for womankind and a giant leap by the fashion world, the „midi” – described as this season’s „new womanly” look – is back. The „midi” – which comes in a flared, new style and a figure-hugging pencil version, can be better described as elegant and feminine.” In The Telegraph.

Out of the kitchen, onto the runway –  „The humble apron, iconic symbol of the 1950s housewife, is serving as inspiration for a number of fashion labels.  In their recent runway shows, designers like Anna Sui, Dolce & Gabbana’s D&G, and Missoni showed pinafore-style pieces with square necklines, straps and strings that tied in the back.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Maria says:

    Imi plac din ce in ce mai mult linkurile de weekend 🙂 Dar sa stii ca cel cu TPD ma face sa colind magazinele (intr-un sens pozitiv 🙂 )
    in cautarea uneia. Imi plac articolele care iti recomanda sa cumperi ceva pe care chiar te poti baza. Ne purtam de multe ori item-urile preferate care ne vin bine.

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