Lectura de sambata dimineata

Azi nu are cum sa fie sambata, nu-i asa? Pentru ca ieri a fost luni, sau asa mi s-a parut mie. Timpul a zburat mai repede ca in alte dati, poate si datorita Citroenului pe care il am in testdrive si care m-a „obligat” sa imi creez drumuri prin oras – asa ca am batut Bucurestiul in stanga si-n dreapta, de la 8 dimineata pana pe la 1 noaptea. Personal, mi-a bifat aproape toate cerintele – senzori de parcare in spate; GPS incorporat, sistem audio minunat, un motor puternic, design yummy (si poate fi personalizat, pe formula corpul o culoare/ capota alta culoare sau un imprimeu – buline, animal print etc etc…), oh si se conduce fantastic! Singura mea nemultumire, tipic feminina – n-are nici un spatiu rotund in bord, unde sa imi pun si eu cana de cafea fierbinte!!



Cum am fost ocupata saptamana asta, habar nu am ce se intampla in acest weekend in Bucuresti, asa ca nu va pot recomanda mare lucru. Dar va puteti incepe sambata cu o vizita virtuala prin Micul Dejun de Bucuresti, apoi  iesiti la plimbare pe Calea Victoriei sau prin Bucurestii negustorilor. La pranz opriti-va la Moo Moo, iar apoi cumparati-va un ziar si stati pe o banca. Go with the flow today, bucurati-va de soare, faceti-va suprize, sarutati-va si tineti-va de mana, visati cu ochii deschisi…


Inainte de a pleca din casa, treceti prin recomandarile zilei.

Mary Portas: from fast fashion to a more considerate consumerism – “Three things have contributed to this: the financial crisis, the environmental situation, and the digital revolution… our obsession with fast fashion killed much of what was great about the British high street: experience, service and specialisation.” In The Telegraph.

Playing dress-down – „There’s something intoxicating about casual clothes worn with impossibly elegant ones. Picture it now: a heavy wool Shetland with a trumpet skirt and emeralds. A delicate gown with wind-whipped hair and a coarse Harris tweed. When it comes to evening dress codes, breaking them could be the most fun you’ll have all night.” In Wall Street Journal.

Window dressing warriors – “David Hoey [and] Linda Fargo, have dressed windows for 14 years… During that period, they have earned Bergdorf a reputation for decadent, intellectual art pieces that tickle both street crowds and museum snobs alike.” In NY Times.

New luxury frontier: a $5,600 Lotus jacket – “Lotus jackets could further burnish the brand, which stresses textile innovation. As it competes with lower-cost production of wool and cashmere from China, Loro Piana has introduced other superluxury natural textiles, such as vicuña and so-called baby cashmere.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fierce favourite – „Leopard print is a shorthand for eroticism, the dress code that says ‘I’m fierce, as well as wild’, although some may feel its prevalence signifies tameness, given that we have seen it so often before.” In The Telegraph.

100 years of WWD – “Women’s Wear Daily, the quippy and quirky trade paper of the garment industry, marked its centennial with a commemorative magazine out Monday that traces the evolution of fashion and also of its own coverage of fashion.” In NY Times.

Kate Moss’s last hurrah – „When Topshop hired Moss as a designer in 2007, eyebrows were raised – since when did being a model make you a designer, we wondered – but from the start, the smart thing about the label was how closely it was based on Moss’s own wardrobe.” In Guardian.

Coach gallops into Europe – “Mr. Frankfort, chairman and CEO of the American accessories company, was on a whirlwind tour of Europe recently, taking in both Coach’s first move into France at Printemps and a Spanish collaboration with the department store El Corte Inglés.” In International Herald Tribune

Drawing fashion – “It may be seen as a fickle industry, but while others have flippantly dropped the humble pen and paper in favour of photography, the traditional technique has not only endured but flourished in fashion circles.” In Wallpaper.

Master of the brand: Bernard Arnault – “Though LVMH quickly denied it would try to take control of the 173-year-old Hermès, the stage is clearly set. It may be a long drama: Three-quarters of the company is still in the hands of 200 Hermès family members. Winning them over could take decades.” In Forbes.

The secret history of Soviet fashion –  „The words ‘Soviet fashion’ evoke grim pictures of the masses marching towards an egalitarian future dressed in timeless, unisex uniforms the colour of an overcast sky in the depths of a winter. Not without reason.” In The Telegraph.

Fast fashion meets couture in Paris – “H&M has a particular reason to welcome the [Lanvin] collection to Paris: a new 2,800-square meter… store on the Champs-Élysées, designed by the French architect Jean Nouvel — the first time a ‘fast fashion’ chain has followed the architectural route.” Pe NY Times.

How luxury brands can move the brands with social media – “No one-size-fits-all solution exists, but brand marketers need to sit down and think seriously about overall marketing strategies and which social media platforms would be the best complements.” Pe Luxury Daily.

Preserving New York as a fashion capital – “The mayor announced a six-part initiative to ensure the industry’s growth in the next decade… intended to reinforce the city’s position as a magnet for emerging designers and to nurture the next wave of design, management and retail professionals.” In NY Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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