Lectura de sambata dimineata

Inainte de orice, sa va aduc aminte de 2 lucruri: 1. daca aveti 5 minute libere, putina inspiratie si chef de un cadou, puneti repede de un colaj in Polyvore ca sa puteti participa la concursul facut cu sprijinul Sprider Stores; 2. in cazul in care v-ati inscris la cursul de stil & imagine personala pe care il tin la Fundatia Calea Victoriei in decembrie, nu uitati sa platiti, cursul este aproape plin si simpla inscriere nu este suficienta.


Daca ati avut o saptamana din aia nebuna, un adevarat iures, va recomand cateva lucruri si locuri pentru weekend: mergeti sa vedeti ultimul Harry Potter sau, eventual, Medalia de onoare (sambata de ora 17 la MTR); mai exista varianta cu Shukar Collective la The Ark, tot sambata de la 9 seara. Daca nici una dintre variante nu va surade, stati acasa linistite – e ultimul weekend de calm, inainte de vijelia sarbatorilor, urmeaza Sf. Andrei, Sf. Nicolae, incep petrecerile, fuga dupa cadouri, cozile, cheltuielile, Craciunul si ia te uita, e Revelionul! Nu stiu la ce visati voi sau ce va doriti, eu am o singura dorinta pe wish list, and here it goes 🙂


Cat despre citit…

A luxury leader shies from an unwelcome suitor – “In the world of luxury brands, Hermès International has cultivated an image of purity… Lately, however, it has been attracting attention less for its expensive silk scarves… and more for the unwelcome approach of [LVMH] the luxury goods giant.” In NY Times.

Ascher London is relaunched – “The once-legendary scarf brand Ascher was famous for its collaborations with the 20th century’s most illustrious artists. Now the founder’s grandson is setting out to revive the tradition.” In The Telegraph.

Should luxury brands explore Facebook as a retail channel? – “Luxury brands have started to explore Facebook’s viability as a retail channel as the social network continues to position itself as the one stop shop for communications, networking and marketing on the Internet.” Pe Luxury Daily.

The just-in time consumer –  “Apparel makers and retailers such as Elie Tahari and Net-a-Porter.com are changing their production and selling schedules for shoppers who increasingly want to buy their clothes in season rather than ahead of time.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

A chronicler of fashion turns to the heart – ‘If you photograph a woman in a dress… it raises the question, ‘What are you saying about that woman?’ It sends a message. If you’re any kind of photographer, you are an activist.’ In NY Times.

Happy Birthday i-D magazine – „The first i-D covers, inspired by punk’s do-it-yourself ethos, were composed solely of the magazine’s stencilled logo. But it wasn’t long before portraits took over, Jones marking the royal wedding in 1981 with i-D’s first winking headshot: a press photo of Lady Di that he customised with a torn-out picture of a closed eye.” In Financial Times.

Karl Lagerfeld developing lower-priced line for Macy’s – “Designer Karl Lagerfeld will soon unveil a fashion venture with Macy’s… for an affordably priced ready-to-wear line that will range from jeans to gowns. The new line, slated to launch with a collection for fall 2011, is also expected to include a major online component.” Pe Media Bistro.

Flounce out in a ruffled blouse –  „To me, there’s merit in being able to walk into a room in a garment that is covered up from wrist to neck, while other women are busy shaking their jellies on a plate. Sometimes, as Diana Vreeland put it, elegance is refusal. There can be something arresting about being the odd one out in a room. ” In The Telegraph.

Sweet smell of success –  „Coco Chanel wanted to create a perfume that would be „a modern work of art and an abstraction.” Tilar J. Mazzeo’s „The Secret of Chanel No. 5” is, as the book’s subtitle has it, „the history of the world’s most famous perfume.” In Wall Street Journal.

Luxury brands tailoring approach to the web – ‘The tools are there now to create the same luxurious atmosphere that you have in a shop… You can come up with beautiful sites that are not just beautiful but also functional.” In International Herald Tribune.

Is Issa in line for the throne? –  “The label is ‘truly the Diane Von Furstenberg of the Sloaney set… something a well-bred and not terribly adventurous woman can reliably wear to polo matches or garden parties (or a really big press conference).’” In NY Times.  Acelasi subiect – who will design Kate Middleton’s wedding dress?, pe Wall Street Journal.

The future will be personalized –  “Today, we live in a world where we’re constantly overwhelmed by information. There are over 90M tweets per day, 34 hours of YouTube video uploaded every minute, and every Facebook user has an average of 130 friends.” Pe Tech Crunch.

Dreaming of clasps and tassels – “Handbag designer Anya Hindmarch designs in her sleep—literally. Some of her best-selling ideas come in the early hours of light sleep at her London townhouse, when a dream culminates in an image of a bag, shoe or detail like a clasp or tassel.” In Wall Street Journal.

Blow by blow accounts – „Last week the literary equivalent of two women showing up on the red carpet in the same dress occurred: two biographies were published about the same woman, wearing the same jacket. Which is to say, the books were wearing the same jacket photo. Horrors!” In Financial Times.

Gloria Vanderbilt: poor little rich girl – „Now 86 years old, she is the subject of a new book, The World of Gloria Vanderbilt by Wendy Goodman, filled with photographs of her beautiful face, her celebrated art, her range of jeans and her famously stylish interior designs.” In The Telegraph.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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Comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Sabina says:

    Un articol foarte interesant (si suprinzator!) mi s-a parut: http://www.modernism.ro/2010/11/25/hugo-boss-de-la-uniformele-nazi-la-star-wars/

    Weekend placut!

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