Lectura de sambata dimineata

Au ramas mai putin de 3 saptamani pana la Craciun, asa ca e timpul sa va apucati de cumparat cadouri, de planificat sau cumparat outfit-uri pentru petreceri, de exersat your dancing shoes, pick-up lines si retete de cozonaci. In perioada asta evenimentele sunt la fel de dese ca ofertele de la Cosmote – numai in weekendul asta sunt vreo patru! – , dar partea buna este ca sunt diferite. Eu va recomand Molecule F & Friends, in clubul Embryo: veti putea proba si cumpara cu discount creatii din colectiile de primavara-vara 2010 si toamna-iarna 2010 ale Anei Alexe, Andrei Clitan, Alinei Botea, Corinei Vladescu, Mariei Filipescu, Monicai Fraser (FeMale), Izabellei Petrut…


Acum, ca vremea s-a racit, nu va mai pot impinge de la spate sa faceti plimbari romantice. Dar o sala intunecata, cu un film frantuzesc pe ecran suna si mai bine, nu? Pana joi va puteti giugiuli pe intuneric la festivalul de film francez, care ruleaza la Studio si sala Elvira Popescu. Bine, de fapt pupatul e optional :-D, voi oficial mergeti acolo pentru ca sunteti cinefile, iar eu mi-am rezervat deja bilete la vreo 6 filme…


In alta ordine de idei, lasati-va liber in agende pentru weekendul urmator. Daca sunteti in Bucuresti, va invit la All you want for Christmas, un alt eveniment de Craciun care imbina show-room-ul de designer cu workshopuri de stil si machiaj si care va avea loc la Memento, pe strada Sepcari. DesignerCraft (cu creatii Alexandra Calafeteanu, Vika Gorenco, Raluca Buzura, Berenike), FeMale, Tuxedo Confessions, Miss Babacilu, Lady Magpie sunt cativa dintre expozanti, iar eu voi avea 2 workshopuri sambata, iar duminica cateva mini-sesiuni gratuite de consiliere de stil.


Bine, bine, zisera ele, suficient cu informatiile, hai sa mai si citim ceva azi…

The new hue for 2011 – „The new year is looking brighter in at least one respect. Thursday, color authority Pantone plans to announce that its color of the year for 2011 is an intense pink it calls „honeysuckle.” A sherbety shade of pink, with a hint of red and orange zest, honeysuckle is seen by designers as a pick-me-up at a time when many people have had their fill of misfortune. ” In Wall Street Journal.

Designing against the odds – „The new film “Dressed,” starring Nary Manivong, is a cautionary tale of just how disillusioning the path to becoming a designer can be.” In NY Times.

New world challenges luxury brands – “Luxury consumers … are moving to a more introverted kind of consumption that involves family, friends and living well. In the new world of luxury, consumers are looking more to ‘be’ than to ‘have,’ BCG said.” Gasiti articolul pe Warc si aici.

Jimmy Choo steps back into men’s footwear – “Nine years after exiting the men’s shoe business, Jimmy Choo will be stepping back into the arena, launching a collection of dress shoes, moccasins, casual biker boots, sneakers and evening slippers for fall-winter 2011, the company announced.” In LA Times.

The little season that could – “Resort has gone from mild-mannered and meekly helpful to a seasonal superpower… It’s a colorful irony that a season inspired by leisure time has become the hardest-working collection in the business.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

„Superficial” fashion leads Uniqlo billionaire astray from Drucker roots – “Tadashi Yanai, Japan’s richest man, used advice from management guru Peter Drucker to build his Uniqlo clothing empire. To pull out of a slump that’s hammered profits and shares, the billionaire is revisiting the lessons.” Pe Bloomberg.

An eye for detail and plenty of pop – „Susanna Lau has created Style Bubble, a fashion blog that has gained cultlike status among designers, stylists and civilians.” In NY Times.

John Galliano on Dior, fashion and style – “Over the next hour he engages in ebullient conversation that is both thoughtful and as entertaining… In addition to addressing [the beautifully redone store], he will discuss his own creative process, anoint a mysterious Brit designer a rising star and argue quite convincingly that the best birthday parties happen in London.” Pe WWD.

Phoebe Philo wins BFA designer of the year – “Phoebe Philo, who has been hailed as the ‘Queen of the New Minimalism’, won the Designer of the Year 2010 title at the British Fashion Awards… [for Céline the] brand she has turned into one of the world’s most sought-after luxury labels, since her appointment two years ago.” In The Telegraph.

An unsigned iconoclast of 20th century design – „In the first quarter of last century, when modernist movements were transforming the world of art, the Paris jeweler René Boivin and his wife Jeanne helped to pioneer a revolution in jewelry design.” In NY Times.

Azzedine Alaia: the master of female form – “Maybe the notion of strong-looking fashion, based on concrete methods and examples rather than abstractions and ironic statements, is dying, and there is nobody around with the grit and stamina to map the geography of a woman’s body, as he has done for last 45 years.” In NY Times.

Florence reasserts craftmanship –  “Gone are the days that glossy surface advertising alone meant stellar profits, and even designers such as Tom Ford, who helped accelerate the previous generation of luxury sales, are now reverting to more authentic brand propositions.” In JC Report.

The rise of holiday me-tailers – “Social-networking also has helped break down inhibitions … We are so used to customizing the world around us… and technology has powered that… ‘In this day and age, I find everybody needs to be a little different.’” In Wall Street Journal.

Stylist with the key to Lady Gaga’s wardrobe – “Among the roster of models, designers and famous faces… was one name that people beyond the industry may not have heard. The stylist Nicola Formichetti… received the Isabella Blow award for Fashion Creator.” In The Independent.

A decade of change in the Chinese luxury market – “With major brands opening new, increasingly lavish, flagships on a regular basis, it’s easy to forget that China was a virtual blank slate 10 years ago, and that the market at that time was far more challenging than it is today.” Pe Jing Daily.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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