Lectura de sambata dimineata


Ho, ho, ho…! Ce ati gasit sub brad? Cadoul din visele voastre, minunat impachetat, cu o mare funda rosie on top? Sau obisnuita colectie de pachete de cosmetice de laBody Shop/ Sephora, plus niste CD-uri cu Hrusca/ Banica? Nah, glumesc, sunt sigura ca ati gasit ceva frumos – iar daca nu sub brad, atunci somewhere else, deep inside yourselves and on your smiling faces, pentru ca, nu-i asa?, the best things in life are not things 🙂


Nu ma intind mult la vorba azi, pentru ca toata lumea are de mancat, de pupat, de despachetat, de iubit si de cantat… dar in cazul in care va plictisiti la pranzul de Craciun, puteti face pe desteptele si sa introduceti in conversatie unul din subiectele articolelor de azi 🙂


Sarbatori fericite, printese, craiese si balerine dragi! Ne mai „citim” peste o saptamana…

From catwalk to coffee table – „It’s time to curl up and read. Rest and renew!  Fashion, even in book form, is very good for this; capable of providing endless distraction for the mind as well as the eye, capable of making you think twice about your own sartorial choices, so when you start the new year, you start with a better understanding of how you can use your clothes to your own advantage.” In Financial Times.

What retailing insiders found at the mall – „To shoppers, a long line at the cash register or a messy sweater display is the price of procrastinating. To a savvy industry insider, these things have deeper meaning: Which store is taking market share? Have payroll reductions left staffing too thin?” In Wall Street Journal.

New fashion moment –  „In spite of it all, however, Ford just wants to have fun—and he made that crystal clear with his Spring/Summer 2011 collection, shown in New York last September […]. Here, he speaks with Julia Roitfeld about the inspiration and the women.” In V Magazine.

Alexandra Schulman: my stylish Christmas – „Everybody has their own notion of how they want Christmas to be, and mine indulges in every tradition and tinsel-laden excess I can lay my hands on. It is total immersion, and if you’re not like-minded I recommend you stop reading now.” In The Telegraph.

20 odd questions with John Galliano – „Known for interpreting great moments in stylish history—including his revival of the 1930s-style bias cut—into sensual feminine clothes for today, the Gibraltar-born designer is perhaps fashion’s greatest romantic.” In Wall Street Journal.

Giambatista Valli: True luxury is when others come to you – “There’s something about Giambattista Valli’s clothes that is so fundamentally optimistic, they’ve got you at hello,” said Style.com’s Tim Blanks—and last week, the designer opened his first Paris boutique, in the centuries-old Galerie de la Madeleine.” Pe Style.com

Titans in party dresses – „For much of her young life, Miss Nagel’s talents, unusual for a socialite, have been on rather dizzying display: published articles, a scholarly paper, nationally syndicated op-ed pieces, awards, advocacy work for sustainable organic agriculture and social justice. An expert shooter in trap, skeet and clay, she was a blue-ribbon winner of a small-bore rifle competition.” In NY Times.

One-on-one with designer Thakoon Panichgul – “The fashion arena is verging on overload when it comes to ambitious young designers with a point of view and a passion to succeed. But every once in a while, one does manage to break through the din of excess and not only get noticed by those who matter, but woo the world with a sartorial sensibility that’s both arresting and right for the times.” Pe Globe & Mail.

Why some of the biggest world’s brands still don’t get Facebook – “Just because a brand has big marketing prowess or is known globally doesn’t necessarily mean it’s active or even gets social media–namely Facebook, that is.” In Forbes.

Why woolly is mamoth this winter – „As the ubiquitous Ugg has proved, you can even knit boots if you are so inclined. I don’t recommend it; even in these heady, chilly days of woolen supremacy and plunging mercury, anything knitted is best worn on or above the hip and mostly at the weekends. The runways were full of things made of knitted wool for autumn/winter—dresses, cardies, coats, pants and even, perish the thought, actual sweaters.” In Wall Street Journal.

What’s next for designers in 2011 – „In the midst of the recession, designers could actually help their hard-hit businesses by focusing on e-commerce and social network connections. The ones who did that are looking pretty smart right now, because there are even more new ideas to try in 2011.” In NY Times.

Style books for the pickiest personalities –  „A handful of books I can heartily recommend as holiday gifts: some shed new light on the fashion world, others on the lost elegance of the past. Nearly all help illuminate our age-old interest in looking and feeling more attractive. And, of course, they look as stylish as the ideas they pursue.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fashion blurs gender boundaries –  “Transsexuals, transvestites and models with no clear gender affiliation are all the rage in current advertising campaigns and editorials.” In The Telegraph.

Name you need to know: fashion designer Bibhu Mohapatra – “New York City has experienced a bit of a fashion renaissance lately…another newcomer is poised to join their ranks, in a very different design niche. His name: Bibhu Mohapatra. His specialty: ball gowns.” In Forbes.

In the web of jewelry for men –  „In terms of style, professional men have their own corset to wrestle with, one with mere millimeters of wiggle room for lapel size, collar length, tie width and cuff length, and a palette drab enough to make a sparrow feel pavonine by comparison.” In NY Times.

One step beyond the ordinary –  „The annual dilemma of buying something unique for loved ones can threaten to take all the joy out of the festive season. As the word „luxury” becomes increasingly overused, people are looking instead to one-off, bespoke items that go a step further.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Roswitha says:

    Craciun fericit!!!
    Ma gandeam sa te intreb, daca nu vrei sa facem link exchange?:)

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