Lectura de sambata dimineata

O sa incep cu multumiri, ca la Golden Globes si Oscaruri… 🙂 Pentru cele care mi-au lasat asa multe comentarii, de bun simt, inteligente si din suflet, la postul meu despre femeile imbracate in culori triste. Se pare ca am atins un punct sensibil cu subiectul asta, nu stiu cum, dar mi-ar placea sa imi spuneti ce alte puncte similare aveti – poate incepem o dezbatere, who knows…


Anyways, daca nu stiti cu ce sa va ocupati timpul in acest weekend, am cateva sugestii pentru voi – sambata si duminica seara puteti merge in Laptarie, sa-i ascultati pe Byron care canta si posibil recita din Lord Byron; tot sambata, NCRR-ul prezinta cateva filme geniale (Wszytko co kocham/ Tot ce imi place, Lourdes si Contesa Insangerata), iar in oras ruleaza deja cateva filme nominalizate si premiate la GG (Love and other drugs, Turistul, Reteaua de socializare). Daca nu aveti chef sa iesiti din casa, programati-va o ora si jumatate de Ted (as in ted.com); merita din plin, indiferent ce subiecte alegeti sa ascultati. Sau afundati-va intr-o carte, timp de jumatate de zi, rontaind din timp in timp cate un biscuit…


Sau incepeti-va ziua cu linkurile mele, va decideti mai tarziu ce vreti sa faceti peste zi 🙂

In high definition, color – “Orange, marigold, lagoon blue and purple — the start of the Milan menswear winter season has been drenched with color. High Definition vision is the message from designers who seem determined to look forward… and to put a brighter perspective on autumn 2011.” In International Herald Tribune.

Milan, heritage, showmanship, theater – “But even the face-paint effects for the Facebook generation… did not give that extra kick of excitement to sleek suits and luxurious sportswear. Like most of the Milan menswear season, which closes Tuesday, the Gucci show was nice — but not a knockout.” In International Herald Tribune.

Social media breeds edvertorial – “‘It’s a new way of communicating with consumers… an editorial approach to telling your brand story, and the social-media space just lends itself so beautifully to that combination.’” Pe WWD.

Publishing without publishers – “Luxury brands have always advertised in the likes of Vogue, Esquire and Architectural Digest and tried… to get mentioned in the editorial pages… [But now companies] are reaching out directly to consumers — and cutting out the middlemen.” In NY Times.

The blurring lines of fashion – “Everyone in fashion is turning their hand to another discipline as stylists become designers, bloggers go mainstream and editors become creative consultants… the way fashion exists now, that means anyone in the industry can turn their hand to a new role.” In The Telegraph.

Everyday Escada? Life after 80’s power dressing – “Over the past two years, in an effort to add new customers, Mr. Sälzer cut Escada’s prices by 20%… reduced the size of the collections by a third, while increasing the number of daywear pieces.” In Wall Street Journal.

Next big trend: virtual fitting rooms – “Augmented reality, also known as interactive video technology… is set to transform the consumer experience. ‘It’s the next step in creating a seamless experience for the consumer at home, closing the gap between the store and online shopping.’” In Financial Times.

The incredible shrinking collar – „First pant legs got skinny, then jackets. The next menswear item to crash diet? Necklines.” In Wall Street Journal.

Behind the Scenesters: Mel Otteberg – “‘I don’t want the style to be noticed, per se. I just want the kid who’s reading the magazine to think, wow, that looks great.’ Here, Ottenberg talks about his big break(s), his atypical days, and how a little fear can be a very good thing..” Pe Style.com

Designers Anonymous – “Suddenly anonymity, the kind that lets you blend into a crowd, looks pretty desirable, too. It certainly did during a week of Milanese fashion shows that were so unostentatious as to be generic. Almost across the board, designers here chose a low-key approach.” In NY Times.

The sartorial geniuses, aged 60-plus – “From the photographic evidence coming out of Florence and Milan this week, an Italian man only approaches his full power and confidence in dressing in his fifties. At 60-plus, he may qualify as a sartorial genius… completely [outclassing] younger men’s gaucher attempts at fashion.” In The Telegraph.

For Italians, the sidewalk is a catwalk – „Italians’ love affair with fashion is most obvious in the more stylish northern cities, but throughout the country, even ordinary folk tend to make their appearance a priority.” In Wall Street Journal.

Couture that will get tails wagging – Time was when owning „the right sort of dog” was all that mattered. These days though, it’s what your dog wears, what he or she is transported in, drinks from and sleeps in that matters most.” In Wall Street Journal.

Golden Globes fashion – „[…] expect interesting silhouettes in unexpected colours. “Like,” says Silver, “a one-shoulder dress in shrimp.” Verdi, who dresses actresses Eva Longoria and Kathy Griffin, is drawn to this fashion season’s jewel tones – “like Andrew Gn’s vivid blues and purple”. He adds: “Colour is an easy way to get attention. And it’s hopeful. Wearing colour is positive.” In Financial Times.

Golden Globes 2011 fashion: who got it right and who got it wrong? – „Forget the actual award ceremony, the Golden Globes’ leading ladies know they have won or lost the night’s biggest battle before they’ve even set foot inside the Beverly Hilton: to avoid the worst-dressed lists come sunrise. So who’s going to be breathing a sartorial sigh of relief this morning, and who will be crying into their Corn Flakes?” In The Telegraph.

… si ceva separat, despre culoare si design interior:

Bursting out at the seams – „Who says colors shouldn’t clash? After years of boring beige, interior designers are rediscovering bold, eclectic styles and mixing them with different patterns and textiles.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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2 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Maria says:

    Apropo de dezbateri, ar fi interesanta si o discutie despre ce „strong assets” avem in garderoba si ce ne place…pentru ca fiecare stie totusi cu ce-i sta bine, probabil a primit si complimente cu diferite ocazii…rochii sau pantaloni? tocuri medii sau super-high? Sales sau next season? Weekend placut 🙂

  2. 2
    catalog avon says:

    Dupa o jumatate de zi in care mai mult am zacut, mi-a venit ideea sa mai citesc cate ceva de pe acest blog si am fost placut de impresionata (ca de fiecare data, dealtfel) sa citesc ultimele noutati. De data asta m-am hotarat sa scriu si cateva randuri, ca multumire pentru articolele pe care le postezi. Felicitari si bafta in continuare!

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