Lectura de sambata dimineata

The storm is over, so let’s have a great summer, girls! Au trecut mai bine de patru saptamani de cand nu ne-am mai baut cafeaua de dimineata impreuna, si stiti cum se spune: uneori si pauzele sunt bune…


Weekendul asta e plin de evenimente: festivalul Femei pe Matasari (unde va puteti intalni cu designeri tineri, va fi un concert Alexandrina, teatru in strada, workshopuri interesante), targul Absolutely Fabulous (unde o sa va cheltuiti banii cat ati clipi din ochi pe o brosa, o fusta, un guler de dantela sau mai stiu eu ce), filmele de la TIFF pot fi vizionate la Bucuresti pana pe 24 iunie, apoi Noaptea lunga filmelor scurte la MNAC… Asadar, daca ramaneti in oras, luati-va ochelarii de soare si sandale comode, mancati multa inghetata si cirese, bucurati-va ca nu va ploua si cerul va fi albastru, inchiriati o bicicleta, pupati-va pe frunte si nu numai…


Iar daca aveti timp de citit, iata ce mi-a atras mie atentia:

Clothes: too much, too cheap – “Blame the so-called democratisation of fashion if you will… consumers can ‘get the Marc Jacobs look’ only hours after the designer’s biannual New York show has taken place, and this despite the fact that the prototype… won’t go on sale until almost half a year later.” In The Independent.

Designers look for second chances – „It’s the fear of every high-achieving professional: excelling, reaching the top of your field—and, the next day, having to start over. Fashion designers who have crafted comebacks show the art of reinvention.” In Wall Street Journal.

Easy summer looks with prices to match –  „She typifies a breed of budget- and style-wise New Yorkers who […] engage in a bit of ritual hunting and gathering. Their frequent store visits and swift response to trends suggest that they have returned to the kind of recreational shopping that has been rare of late. They shop because it’s easy (fewer layers to impede their progress or obscure their bright new clothes) and, as some will tell you, just because they can.” In NY Times.

Fred Hayman: the man behind Rodeo Drive – “He’s been called the godfather of Rodeo Drive. And it’s not all hyperbole. Before Beverly Hills was the land of designer logos… Hayman was an architect of luxury in Los Angeles, bringing high fashion, a social shopping atmosphere and white glove service to what was still a sleepy main street when he went into retail in 1967.” In LA Times.

Feting an ending and a new start – “Why has ‘Saint Martins’ become a by-word for excellence? It is one of many colleges showing in London last week. All have in common the concept of nurturing creativity and individuality to push fashion forward and to allow the students to make work that is a mirror image of an ever-changing world.” In International Herald Tribune.

In Spain, finally homage to Balenciaga – „The outfits are left to speak for themselves, as art objects often lighted by a streak of color at the back of a plain space. They are sober and elegant for the day, but more frivolous in black lace for the cocktail hour, as in the array of glamorous pieces worn by an American client, Bunny Mellon.” In International Herald Tribune.

Tommy Hilfiger changes his stripes – „In one of the fashion world’s most unique arrangements, Tommy Hilfiger has hired two young designers to refresh a clothing line in need of an update. Meanwhile, Peter Som and Simon Spurr have their own lines on the side.” In Wall Street Journal.

The 11 best fashion brands to follow on Tumblr –  “It makes sense that fashion brands have glommed onto Tumblr. The microblogging platform’s highly visual nature is a perfect fit for fashion brands to showcase their identities in creative and subtle ways. Of course, some brands are much better at it than others. Here are the brands we think are using Tumblr best right now.” Pe Fashionista.

The height of fashion – “‘If you bought the first Harry Potter film, then you are probably going to buy the next one… But if you’ve bought a pair of red shoes there’s no certainty over what you are going to buy after that.. It’s more about understanding a customer’s preferred brands, styles and price point, then engineering that to a point where the product served to them is relevant.’” In Marketing Week.

Kriss van Assche by Rick Owens – “The last two years have marked a subtle turning point for the 35-year-old Van Assche, who has weathered the early storms, turned back the critics, and started to carve out his own territory. But as he confesses to Rick Owens, beneath his organized, controlled surface lies a quiet intensity that continues to fuel his work.” In Interview.

Cashmere King Bruno Coccinelli – „A self-made man, Mr. Cucinelli, 58, enjoys life at a comfortable distance from the international fashion centers, nourishing his appetite for philosophy and fine olive oil.”In Wall Street Journal.

Resort isn’t a season for fashion to take a break –  “The resort season is not a time for fashion to take a vacation. Resort collections, which hit stores during the all-important Christmas holiday shopping season, are a growing part of designer businesses as consumers move toward styles they can wear year-round.” Associated Press.

In China, women begin splurging – “‘Many people are inclined to believe that gentlemen are generously purchasing luxury gifts for women in China, but our observation is that the great majority [of the buyers] are women who have achieved great success in their business and are now rewarding themselves with the finer things in life.’” In Wall Street Journal.

Calling all aspiring artists: Louis Vuitton launches site just for you – “REcreative, www.recreativeuk.com, has been devised and developed over the past year… Aspiring artists can upload their work and share it with the online community in the ‘Projects’ section of the site, where leading artists and critics will select their favourite works to highlight.” In The Telegraph.

Social media: the second generation – “Forget those who ‘like’ you. Go after the ones who don’t. That’s the new strategy emerging in the ever-evolving world of social media…. Now the future of digital marketing isn’t about bulking up a firm’s own branded dot.com… it’s about getting their content onto someone else’s to reach more consumers.” In WWD.

Post-recession, the rich are different – „Bentleys and Hermès bags are selling again. Yet the wealthiest Americans are emerging from the downturn as different consumers than they were.”In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Roxana says:

    Am fost la Femei pe Matasari si a fost o mare dezamagire. Nu am gasit decat vreo 2-3 expozanti interesanti. Multe asa-zise obiecte artizanale/ de designer se regaseau pe mai toate mesele si cele mai multe erau prost facute. Poate ca ideile sunt bune dar nu este suficient pentru a crea ceva, trebuie si executate bine. Dar participantii nu sunt ajutati nici de organizatori, nu li se ofera nimic, decat un „hai veniti la un targ” sa vedem ce facem. O dezamagire.

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