Lectura pentru dimineata de weekend
Azi e o zi foarte lenesa, pentru care nu mi-am propus mare lucru. Am un teanc mare de reviste langa mine (printre care si ultimul supliment al Forbes, despre bloggerii de moda), imi voi face ordine in dulap, am pe lista sa vad „Never let me go” si sa gatesc ceva yummy. In ultimele doua saptamani am visat doar galben si turcoaz…
Fashion fakes get more sophisticated – „The new generation of counterfeit goods are made of high-quality materials with the proper factory identification. Prices are rising, too, confusing customers who are looking for the real deal at a discounted price.” In Wall Street Journal.
The has-beens of the fashion industry – “There’s a sentiment on the fringes of the fashion industry that is picking up steam and now fully seeping into the industry’s most coveted position: the inside… Big city fashion weeks and major trade shows are not what they once were.” In Huffington Post.
My secret life: Christopher Kane, fashion designer – „As a kid I wore all sorts – I was hooked on the Benetton jeans, bright colours and all that, but I look back on it fondly. I was encouraged to dress up – my sisters to used to dress me in full-on rainbow.” In The Independent.
The IT Girl, now a woman – „Chloë Sevigny has left behind her days of being everywhere, but with her first runway show, she’s still defining fashion.” In NY Times.
Way off the runway – “The cachet once associated with owning a name-brand designer has been significantly diluted… This, combined with a post-recession wariness of conspicuous logo-flaunting and an eco-fueled desire for small-batch, low-impact authenticity, may be shifting the nature of luxury.” In Wall Street Journal.
Martin Munkacsi: the father of fashion photography – „Munkácsi’s image distilled the essence of the kind of sporty, open-minded American girl to whom a generation of young women, buoyed by the silky-smooth wisecracks of Katharine Hepburn and Jean Harlow, felt affiliated. It conveyed an electrifying surge of impulsiveness and informality, as if at any moment she might run out of the picture and into their lives.” In The Telegraph.
Prada is making fashion in China – “About 20% of Prada’s collections… are made in China. The Milan-based company manufactures outside Italy in other cheaper countries such as Vietnam, Turkey and Romania… ‘Sooner or later, it will happen to everyone because [Chinese manufacturing] is so good,’ Prada designer Miuccia Prada said in an interview.” In Wall Street Journal.
What will be a luxury in the future? – “The traditions of old luxury – the luxury of things – are awfully dull for new consumers. They want to be touched emotionally by their experiences, and there are new priorities, such as ethical concerns and sustainability.” Pe BBC.
Got Twitter? You’ve been scored – “Imagine a world in which we are assigned a number that indicates how influential we are… If your influence score is low, you don’t get the promotion, the suite or the complimentary cookies. This is not science fiction. It’s happening to millions of social network users.” In NY Times.
What to wear when – „The terribly chic girls behind Outnet.com have created stellar ensembles for nine to five and beyond.”. In T Magazine.
Sensible and stylish summer sandals – ” let’s discuss the state of the sandal market and concede immediately that the boss has a point (she normally does). There are two types of sandals out there at present: Those as flat as England’s South Norfolk and those with heels like the Burj Khalifa.” In Wall Street Journal.
A new shirt closes gap in modesty – „It took a frustrated young Washington lobbyist to fix a clothing problem that has bothered professional women for years. “The one item in a woman’s wardrobe that is supposed to project professionalism ends up undermining your credibility,” she said recently. “I wanted it to be youthful, to be fresh. I wanted it to look like myself. I wanted to wear things that were not form-fitting but that were tailored.” In NY Times.
China vs. America: who loves shopping more? – “Americans are portrayed as the world’s ultimate consumers… But a new survey says that consumers in China were more than twice as likely as Americans to not only enjoy clothes shopping, but to love it… They’re consuming in a particularly conspicuous, showy fashion.” In Forbes.com
Skirting the issue of gender – “Men in skirts or men in suits?… Out pop the same challenges every menswear season. But the gender play in the spring/summer 2012 Paris shows seems more intriguing. Designers are looking at a global market that includes cultures… where male/female garments are fluid.” In International Herald Tribune.
Retailtenment: the future of shopping? – “An extension of previous high-concept… These concept stores provide the kind of entertainment designed to make you – or at least your children – leave the premises grinning from ear-to-ear as you reel from your experiential day out. This is Retailtainment.” In The Independent.
SI eu ma entuziasmasem foarte mult cand am vazut suplimentul din Forbes, insa e foarte putin despre bloggerii de moda, si nimic nou 🙁
Oricum, link-urile tale sunt lectura grozava pentru duminica!
@Ioana: Intr-adevar, suplimentul din Forbes vorbeste tot despre „vechea garda” a bloggerilor, foarte tari, dar intre timp au mai aparut atatia! Ca sa nu mai spun ca nu zice nimic de cativa care mie mi se par importanti: Tommy Ton, fetele de la The Cut.. Ar fi fost interesant sa faca o diferenta intre blogurile influente de moda si cele de stil personal.
Ay, si eu ador turcoazul! 😀 Iar pozele din articol imi fac asa o pofta de shopping… Thanks!