Lectura de sambata dimineata

Serile trecute am vazut un film dragut, despre 6 new-yorkezi in cautarea bucuriei vietii. La un anumit moment, unul din personaje povesteste o intalnire-discutie cu un taximetrist, care ii spune: „Secretul vietii este recunostinta. Ca sa fii fericita, trebuie sa spui ‘multumesc’. Dar sa nu te opresti la ‘multumesc’ atunci cand iti place ceva sau te face sa te simti bine, ci sa spui ‘multumesc, mai vreau’. Universul iti va da.”



Asa ca uite, dupa o saptamana interesanta, va spun si eu voua „thank you” – pentru ca ati fost atat de generoase si mi-ati impartasit ce carti va sunt de suflet, care sunt cele care va insotesc an dupa an si care ocupa un loc special in biblioteca voastra, dar si pentru ca ati oferit atata creativitate si felii din universul vostru cand ati dat raspunsurile la concursul cu genti (la care mai puteti subscrie pana marti!). „Thank you, more please!”, ca sa se intoarca si la voi frumosul, creativitatea, generozitatea, sa va fie viata ca o vacanta continua, in care cititi cele mai inspirate carti pe care le purtati in cele mai colorate genti! 🙂 Si more comments for me, evident…




Bun, si ce citim azi? Ca de asta suntem aici…

Straight off the plane, with polish and panache – „Savvy travel tips from designer Catherine Malandrino, from the ideal LBD to dealing with spilled drinks on turbulent flights.” In Wall Street Journal.

Socks and the city – „One day I discovered an entirely unworn stash, still with their labels on, hidden at the back of his overflowing drawer: pastel pink and yellow socks by Richard James; multi-coloured striped socks by Paul Smith; maroon wool and cotton mix socks by Falke; as well as pairs by loafer brand Fin’s and the fine cotton label Sunspel.” In Financial Times

Carine Roitfeld tribute to Elizabeth Taylor – “Fans of Carine Roitfeld who have been suffering from withdrawal symptoms since the ultra-chic former Vogue Paris editor vacated her post… Won’t have to wait much longer to get their latest fix… Roitfeld has reunited with her old partner… Mario Testino to style the entire September issue of V Magazine.” In The Telegraph.

For her new look, Beyonce goes under the radar – “The difference is in her choice of designers. Instead of sticking to major fashion houses like Versace, Gucci, Prada or Chanel, the singer has thrown the spotlight on a number of up-and-coming designers whose names are likely to be unfamiliar to all but the most diehard fashion followers.” In International Herald Tribune.

Random questions for… Current Elliott–  „“We were drawn to fashion early on,” the bffs said when asked what prompted them to choose careers in fashion. “It is an easy and accessible way to express your mood.  We really enjoy the sociology behind fashion and why people buy.” In The Fashion Informer.

How to wear white right now – „At this stage in the summer, if you want to put together a respectable new outfit—or soup up an old one, the only way to go is white or ivory.” In Wall Street Journal.

UK brands: retro in the new markets – “Clamour for British brands among emerging market consumers has been the making of luxury brands like Burberry and Mulberry… Appetite for retro British brands is sure to continue in the Bric economies – although there’s only so much tomorrow’s consumers can stomach.” In Financial Times.

Why Versace is putting worlers’ health before style – Italy’s style capital has become the unlikely focus of a battle to save some of the world’s poorest textile…Versace… Announced that it was throwing its weight behind a campaign to end sandblasting – a manual process used to produce trendy worn-look denim – but which campaigners claim destroys workers’ lungs.” In The Independent.

The gospel according to Forever 21 – “This is the American fashion chain run as a family business, the chain that, thanks to its “pile very high, sell very cheap” operation, has been a phenomenal success, with profits (in 2008) of $135m despite the fact that nothing it sells costs more than $65.” In The Guardian.

Keeping cool, fashionably – „In the punishing heat of a July afternoon, dresses are “the ultimate in comfort […]. Trends come and go, but the dress persists, secure in its status as a metaphor… To get to the heart of dresses’ appeal, talk to the women who wear them: those scores of fans, young or not so young, who have made them the backbone of their summer wardrobes.” In NY Times.

Adding jewels to their crowns – „Women retool the Tupperware party or Avon model of making money outside the office by launching homegrown haute jewelry businesses from home.” In Wall Street Journal.

Designs on doha – “Muslimah dress restrictions have paved the way for an accessories boom in the Middle East. For affluent young women here, however, designer accessories are not symbolic of money or aspiration but are simply the norm. So they increasingly seek out unfamiliar territory in the form of emerging designers.” In Financial Times.

A return to tying the knot – “After years spent languishing in the evening-wear department, bow ties are finding favor with a new audience—a younger generation… Tailors say the recent boom has had a trickle-down effect, fueling sales of traditional menswear styles.” In Wall Street Journal.

… iar asta postam eu, in urma cu un an si ceva: Biblioteci pe post de catwalk.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    coco says:

    interesant ! 🙂

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