Lectura de sambata dimineata

Finding respite in cool shade, in this pastel world of light and shadows,
Butterflies flutter in a golden haze and crickets sing in motionless meadows…

Nu mai e mult si vara se va incheia. Mai avem totusi timp, cateva saptamani, sa ne bucuram de cosuri impletite din rafie, de coronite de flori asezat pe parul proaspat spalat, de inghetate si sorbeturi de fructe, de pepene verde si limonade, de fuste lungi vaporoase si bluze transparente, de fierbinteala soarelui la amiaza si de nopti blande cu cantec de greieri si miros sarat, de nasuri arse, chiar de cateva ploi (ultimele!) de vara si, mai ales, de momente perfecte de respiro.



La un moment dat, ne intoarcem si la realitate, iar intre cafeaua de dimineata si alergatura de weekend, merita sa ne facem timp si pentru lectura.

Designer Nicholas Kirkwood talks extreme shoes – “After graduation in 2005, he found work with milliner Philip Treacy. It was there that he noticed a void in the market for truly artistic shoes. ‘There were really exciting things going on in ready-to-wear with Alexander McQueen and Hussein Chalayan, and with hats too,’ he said of the London fashion scene at the time. ‘But the shoes were from a different decade.’” In L.A. Times.

Indian summer – „Designers are predicting an unseasonably warm fall, with vibrant flower prints blooming on everything from hot pants to cocktail dresses. And although wearing blooms and buds—traditionally reserved for the resort and spring seasons—is considered a fashion faux pas by the no-white-after-Labor-Day camp, flowers popped up in every variety on the runways at Gucci, Miu Miu, Jil Sander and others.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fashion: red in tooth and claw? – “The story so far: in 2008 Louboutin trademarked a lacquered red sole on footwear ( Pantone No. 18-1663 TP, or Chinese Red). In April this year Louboutin filed a trademark infringement lawsuit in New York saying that YSL had breached its copyright by using the red sole… Potentially worse for Christian Louboutin, who has another hearing in the case scheduled this Friday, the judge also implied that his 2008 trademark could be cancelled.” In Financial Times.

Peter Philips, the most influential make-up artist in the world As the global creative director for Chanel beauty– creating looks for that company’s runway shows, beauty advertising campaigns and the product itself, from nail polish to lipstick, worn by millions, if not billions, of women – he is the most influential of his profession by far… Among many other beauty moments, it was Philips who created the extraordinary underwater alien look for Alexander McQueen’s final show, Plato’s Atlantis.” In The Independent.

Pushing the boundaries of black styleAs opposed to the fascistically frozen street-style snaps of The Sartorialist and others, these pictures are styled and plotted fictions but also affecting ones, depicting a pair of young black men taking ownership not just of the body and what goes on it, but also of the environment it moves in… Already they have wide reach: Street Etiquette receives 20,000 page views a day.” In International Herald Tribune.

London: fashion capital of the world – “London has overtaken New York as the world’s fashion capital for 2011, according to a survey by the Texas-based trend analyser, Global Language Monitor. Based on a system that tracks the frequency of words and phrases in print, electronic and social media, London has officially claimed the top spot – which New York had claimed for several years – after a surge in media interest.” In The Telegraph.

The denim jacket: a definitive closet must-have -„It’s layerable, light weight and tempers frilly summer frocks in an instant. And depending on the style, it can give your look a worn-in western look or fashion forward-edgy appeal, creating new possibilities for certain items sitting in your closet. ” In L.A. Times

Barney’s fall line –  “Like many of its clients, Barneys has had its ups, its downs, and its great many in-betweens, and it is, at right this very moment, engaged in that most New York of pursuits: a reinvention… Last summer, Mark Lee was hired as Barneys’ new CEO. His reputation is as golden as it gets in the fashion world: He’s spent his career in Europe occupying high-level positions at important fashion houses—­Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, and, most recently, Gucci.” In NY Magazine.

Fashion’s latest blockbuster – „What is the premise of fashion every season but the idea that the hoary old building blocks of a wardrobe (shirts, dresses, trousers) can be recombined into unexpected and thrilling new products that we will all want to rush out and buy?” In Financial Times.

To every suit there is a season – „Thick, woolly suits will soon begin showing up in stores as designers push fall collections to persuade men to buy a suit for every season.  Brands are moving away from the year-round suit and instead are pushing heavy-fabric suits and sport coats for fall, in thick English and Scottish tweeds and wools. The trend aims to resurrect the idea of the seasonal suit and pay homage to menswear heritage.” In Wall Street Journal.

Wipe on, wipe off: the march of the towelettes – „These upscale wipes are infused with sunscreen, self-tanner, hair serum, deodorant. They remove nail polish, dirt, maybe even wrinkles. And they are becoming ubiquitous as brands scramble to satisfy consumer demand.” In NY Times.

Bagging a new style of customer – „How many bags does one man need? Coach says its new line of bags and accessories for men caters to a more youthful, creative guy who wants a bag for every occasion.” In Wall Street Journal.

On the phone: M-Commerce is the word – „“… Along comes m-commerce, capturing sales on the go. It’s quickly becoming a digital priority for the fashion industry, and accessories are rising as a hot category… Net-a-Porter’s accessories buying manager, Sasha Sarokin, reports that with m-commerce, more ‘everyday’ and ‘wear-now’ accessories, like friendship bracelets or small pendant necklaces, are big sellers. Higher-ticket items sell as well, particularly those that pack a strong photographic punch.” In WWD.

Chasing luxury dreams: a tale from Chengdu – “It’s one thing that the Chinese government infrastructure projects such as massive railway development; it’s another thing that it promotes luxury consumption. Yes, that is exactly what the government of Chengdu, a second-tier city in south-west China, has proudly done… According to Chengdu Retail Industry Association, Chengdu is home to 80 percent of international luxury brands and ranked third behind Beijing and Shanghai in luxury sales.” In Forbes.

Patricia Field: supports Galliano and speaks her mind about David Cameron – „Field is working as an ambassador for the Lenor fabric softener, offering style tips on how to wear the clothes that often lie forgotten at the back of wardrobes.  Over the years, she has faced criticism for using expensive designer labels and questions about how a freelance writer could afford „a closet full” of Manolo Blahnik shoes.” In The Independent.

Why the wealthy will stop spending – “Luxury (at least in the U.S.) is no longer a stable industry. It is increasingly becoming the most manic segment of our consumer economy, as it follows the hyper swings of the stock market rather broader economic growth. The new normal for luxury means there is no more normal. As financial markets, wealth and luxury spending become more intimately linked, luxury will be prone to more sudden spikes and crashes.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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