Lectura de sambata dimineata

Jumatatea lui octombrie – mai ales weekendurile – inseamna confort si caldura, paturi cadrilate moi si lumanari albe, condimente in mancaruri calde, gustul dulce al merelor tarzii si portocaliul dovleacului, miros de frunze arse si de crizanteme, bratari si coliere statement in loc de cercei. Mai inseamna si altfel de raze de soare, un altfel de playlist, altfel de culoare pe unghii, altfel de esarfe…

Iar pentru ca toamna inseamna si mai multe proiecte, mai multa munca – acum organizez urmatorul meu curs de stil, va fi pe 19 si 20 noiembrie, similar ca structura celui din primavara dar putin schimbat. Asadar, daca sunteti interesate sau aveti vreo prietena/ colega/ sora, lasati-mi un comment ca sa va trimit toate detaliile. In plus, stay tuned in urmatoarele saptamani pentru ca voi avea niste concursuri interesante: cu un foarte prestigios brand de lenjerie intima, cu un brand de bijuterii si cu unul din mall-urile bucurestene. Lots of goodies, daca sunteti printese frumoase si cuminti!

Iar pentru ca printesele se ingrijesc si de interiorul lor, nu doar de exterior, avem si ceva de citit..

One month, too much fashion – „If editors had to choose which show to attend next September, could New York, London and Milan all survive?” In NY Times.

From rags to riches – “With big-name museums increasingly relying on fashion, it was only a matter of time before corporate brands saw the advantage of creating their own exhibitions and ‘museums,’ where they could set their focus without any intervention from pedantic historians and where they could make or break their own rules… But with so many more museum exhibitions scheduled to open and an audience that adores fashion displays, no one would dare to dismiss a heritage piece as ‘this old thing.’” In T Magazine.

No Logo – „Luxury products without overt branding are the new mark of exclusivity.  When it comes to statement accessories, brands as diverse as Victoria Beckham and Céline are whispering their exclusivity amid a growing consensus that “anonymity” is the key to being recognised.” In Financial Times.

U.S. fashion’s best voice – “New York has its own forgotten, or almost, stars and tastemakers, though their legacies live on.  Eleanor Lambert was one such person. She was the greatest fashion publicist of her time, and one of the greatest publicists, period. Among her accomplishments was helping to create the Metropolitan Museum’s Costume Institute and, starting in 1948, its glittering annual gala She championed the careers of Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Anne Klein and Perry Ellis when they were still fresh-faced kids.” In Wall Street Journal.

A super-stylish vampire – “If the definition of a vampire is a pallid, blood-sucking monster with frightening fangs, Carine Roitfeld, former editor of French Vogue and a pivotal figure in the fashion world, does not seem to fit the bill… ‘Why a book — especially for someone like me who hates looking back?’ Ms. Roitfeld asked herself… ‘It marks 30 years. The end of a chapter is a good moment — and they have been ‘belles années,’ beautiful years, when I have succeeded in work and with my family.’” In NY Times.

Fashion’s brave new world – “Beginning with the invention of nylon pantyhose by Allan Gant Sr in 1 959, fashion and technology have gradually been brought together as new materials and techniques opened up countless possibilities for designers… One step further along the technological scale comes catalytic clothing, which… Claims could help combat the harmful emissions released by vehicle exhausts in cities.” In The Telegraph.

In his shoes – „THIS is the tale of the little stiletto that could, a shoe that in the long-ago days of the luxury-goods boom scampered to the top of a rarefied heap. It was just a handful of years ago that the name of Manolo Blahnik […] was familiar only to hard-core fashion hunters and residents of ZIP code 10021.” In NY Times.

Think big but start small – “Ms Busquets’ investing style stands apart from more famous venture capital firms, which shower start-ups with tens of millions of dollars, bestowing young companies with colossal valuations. Instead, she doles out small investments as a company needs capital.” In Financial Times.

Jean Paul Gaultier: from catwalk to big screen – “It is 40 years now since Gaultier was talent-spotted by Pierre Cardin.  The young would-be designer from the provinces (born in Arcueil) has come a very long way… Khelfa’s film is one of an increasing number of documentaries and dramatic features set in the fashion world. Whether Valentino: The Last Emperor or The Devil Wears Prada, Gaultier has watched most of them. However, he has mixed feelings about the way the camera has captured his professional world.” In The Independent.

The woman who built a wardrobe with doors all over the world – “While the British high street struggles in the face of the economic downturn, My-wardrobe saw 68% sales growth in the first half of this year. Sales doubled in the 12 months to May after Curran introduced more upmarket brands such as Missoni and Phillip Lim. More than 900,000 shoppers visit the site each month to view collections from 180 designers, spending an average of £260.” In The Guardian.

A sea change in style – “The carousel of horses — and maybe the merry-go-round of the fashion world — twirled through the Louis Vuitton show on Wednesday, as the models stepped off the white horse roundabout, and the audience debated whether this would be the last LV show headed by Marc Jacobs.” In International Herald Tribune.

The art of online portraiture – „Social-media profiles are increasingly important in building your business identity. Think of these pictures as the modern-day version of the oil paintings that estate owners once commissioned. The smallest details in them will convey volumes.” In Wall Street Journal.

Steve Jobs: fashion inspiration – „He understood that if you wore the same thing every time you appeared in public you became both instantly identifiable and the owner of a look. This idea, which means no one else can wear the same clothes without referencing you, owes much to fashion figures such as Coco Chanel and Anna Wintour.” In Financial Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Alexandra says:


    Eu sunt Alexandra si mi-ar placea mult sa particip la urmatorul curs de stil din noiembrie.
    Astept cu nerabdare detalii legate de cum sa ma inscriu.

    Week-end placut.

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