Lectura de sambata dimineata

Sfarsit de luna si sfarsit de saptamana. Un octombrie fabulos de incantator, cu soare cald, pere rosii si struguri negri, crizanteme galbene si fuste plisate, tarte tatin si ceai de scortisoara, atat de multe proiecte care mai de care mai euforice si mai epuizante, cu vise implinite si multe multe cadouri… Plus o saptamana care m-a lasat fara suflare, la sfarsitul careia va lansez trei super, super invitatii.

Prima este Unveiled la a patra editie – un eveniment la care puteti intra in contact cu cei mai tineri si promitatori designeri romani. Puteti sta de vorba cu ei, le puteti proba hainele, puteti vedea ce inseamna piese unicat, puteti descoperi ce inseamna si cum arata o piesa care v-ar putea diferentia in noianul de h&m-uri. Unveiled se desfasoara sambata si duminica, intre orele 12.00 – 20.00, intr-o locatie foarte frumoasa, la Din Casa, in str. Constantin Coanda 18).  Ioana Ciolacu-Miron, Irina Irimia, La Chatterie, Rue des Trucs, Astrid Tarlea, Florentina Giol, Ramona Rusu, Elke Szilier, Heritage Shoes by Andreea Chirita sunt cativa dintre designerii care isi dau intalnire cu voi acolo.

A doua invitatie este pentru concursul I.D. Sarrieri, la care eu fac parte din juriu. Woo hoo, ca sa zic asa!!! In caz ca vreti sa participati si, you know, sa aveti o sansa la o sesiune de shopping de 1,000 euro…  Documentati-va despre stilul anilor ’60, scotociti prin garderoba si creati o tinuta inspirata, la propriu si la figurat. Inspirata din moda anilor ’60, dar in trend, si inspirata – cu o nota personala, autentica, originala, frumoasa. Aveti la dispozitie 2 saptamani de gandire, girls.

Last but not least, a treia invitatie este la cursul meu de stil personal, pe care il organizez in Bucuresti, in weekendul 19-20 noiembrie. Timp de 2 zile, va povestesc tot ce stiu si va explic de-a fir a par totul despre tipul vostru de silueta si cum sa o re-desenati prin imbracaminte, ce culori ar trebui sa purtati si de ce ar trebui sa divortati de negru si gri, cum sa va potriviti colierele in functie de decolteu si coafurile in functie de trasaturile faciale, de ce unele dintre voi isi schimba garderoba o data cu sezonul iar altele raman cu acelasi stil din liceu pana la maturitate…  Dupa cele 2 zile, nu va garantez ca veti pleca ca dupa un makeover, dar in mod cert veti aborda altfel garderoba, hainele, oglinda, shoppingul. Gasiti aici pe blog toate informatiile, temele atinse, costul participarii, iar daca aveti nevoie de detalii in plus, imi lasati un comentariu:)

Vorba lunga, saracia omului. Hai sa si citim ceva, iar intre timp stay happy and spread the love 🙂

Vogue’s earliest celebrity models – „Modelling during the 1920s, in and out of the studio, was not yet a profession considered entirely suitable for girls from smart ­families. At best it was a juvenile novelty, at worst it was ­considered shameful or slightly provincial, like ­“taking to the stage”. In Financial Times

A perfumer’s seductive scent – „Jean-Claude Ellena, the official in-house perfumer for HermĂšs since 2004, is possibly the most adventurous, unconventional nose in France. In „Journal d’un Parfumeur,” he explores the conundrums of his profession with the delicacy of an olfactory poet. ” In Wall Street Journal.

The house that Calvin Klein built – “Omnipresent as Calvin Klein is throughout the world, the man behind the brand has a reputation for being anything but that
 Yet during a rare public tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte with Fern Mallis Monday night, the designer opened up
 No subject seemed to be too personal for the 68-year-old Klein, who appeared relaxed and affable throughout the interview — his first at 92Y in 12 years.” Pe WWD.

A site for do-gooders who want to look good, too – „Move over, Gilt and Net-A-Porter. These innovators in selling high fashion online are being joined today by Community Collection – a new web company that is marrying several post-financial-crisis cultural phenomenon into one url:  People who want to donate to good causes, can do so by buying fashion online.” Pe Wall Street Journal.

The moral of Dior’s numbers – „“The Christian Dior results are in and, contrary to what some people had predicted in March when John Galliano, Dior designer, was fired for saying bad stuff, they are good. In fact, they are very good.  Revenue for the first nine months is up 21 per cent (at constant exchange rates) to €705m against the same period in 2010 and retail revenue rose by 27 percent.” In Financial Times.

Online flash sales less flashy as inventory shrinks – “The flash sales business has lost some of its flash, forcing online luxury clothing merchants such as Gilt Groupe, Ideeli and Rue La La to radically change their business models. These businesses burst onto the fashion scene during the recession to try to move a mountain of unsold clothes. Now there is less luxury inventory and flash sales sites are bigger. That has forced these companies to pay more or find other ways to get their products.” Pe Reuters.

FerrĂ© struggles to find its feet – “After Mr. FerrĂ© passed away in 2007, the brand’s parent company IT Holding SpA went into government-backed bankruptcy administration in 2009. The brand functioned under bankruptcy receivership until Dubai-based retailer Paris Group bought the Italian label in March. Now, just seven months later, the house’s future is in question again after allegations of mismanagement under the new owners.” In Wall Street Journal.

Storm clouds loom over China’s red-hot luxury e-commerce market – “With China’s luxury industry expected to become the world’s largest by 2015, and the country’s online population swelling, dozens of companies have jumped on the high-end online retail bandwagon
 With online shopping moving up the value chain, more competition looking to crack the market, and more individual brands expressing interest in adding e-commerce functionality in China, there’s plenty to be optimistic about. But as an extremely young and untested market, full of similarly young and untested companies, storm clouds may be looming.” Pe Jing Daily.

Is ready to wear the new Couture? – „From Chanel to bright young talent Mary Katrantzou, houses are incorporating haute techniques into their regular collections.” In Wall Street Journal.

How Spanish brand Loewe woos China – „Less than a month after its spring 2012 runway show in Paris, the Spanish luxury brand Loewe (famous worldwide for their leather) mounted a recreation of the full show in Hong Kong today, October 19. The full line up from the Paris show was flown over for the event. When you really think about it, the Hong Kong Loewe show was a much bigger affair than the one held in Paris because it had three different sessions for regional press.” In Forbes.

Brown magic  – „Once an acquired taste, suits in chestnuts and caramels are—to one fan’s chagrin—having a moment. Their rebellious nature eludes many, who simply see them as drab and common, in their corduroy, mohair, tweed and worsted-wool incarnations. I a sea of blues, grays and blacks, a brown suit has always looked unique but subtle—the hardest mark to hit in the world of men’s style.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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