Lectura de sambata dimineata

Pentru weekendul acesta, va recomand juxtapunerile pline de farmec: o camasa bleu din denim moale si o fusta din catifea reiat, un sacou din tweed cenusiu si o rochie din matase, un pulover tricotat, rustic si o fusta ampla, rafinata… Ceva modern cu ceva vintage, asa cum ar fi vizitele , pe rand, la Autor 6 (ca sa descoperiti sau sa revedeti ce inseamna bijuteria contemporana romaneasca) apoi la Absolutely Fabulous (ca sa va delectati ochii cu camee si cercei vintage, cu gulere de dantela si fuste retro plisate, cu buline si paisley).

Evident, inainte sa trec la recomandarile de lectura, un foarte scurt reminder despre cursul meu de stil. Aici gasiti toate informatiile, va avea loc peste 2 saptamani si mai sunt doar cateva locuri libere! Asa ca hurry up, va promit ca va fi mai fun decat un weekend gri, obisnuit, de noiembrie 🙂

The beating heart of fashion – „“Even if you don’t follow fashion, a stylist has indirectly influenced what you have on right now, informing your sartorial ideas on everything from power dressing to pastel romance. Grand, whose clients range from high fashion to mass market, is at the top of the pyramid.” In Wall Street Journal.

Finally, the web at hand – “Next week, the first issue of a glossy magazine from the editors of Style.com, with the puzzling name of  Style.com/Print, will hit newsstands… Aside from the novelty factor of its origins, it is a surprisingly effective product, one that reads with a swiftness that is not unlike the experience of clicking through multiple screens at a time. The first 100 pages can be read in five minutes.” In NY Times.

Olivier Theyskens on creativity and commerce – “Olivier Theyskens’ career is one for the books. The kind they teach you in fashion school about talent and creativity and its flip side, business and commerce.  Olivier Theyskens 100:  Fashion visionary.  Olivier Theyskens 101: A business cautionary tale. His career is a minefield of lessons.” In Forbes.

Victoria Beckham’s fashion line on track to make £60m – “It has been reported today that Victoria’s eponymous label generated sales in excess of £15 million in the first quarter of 2011, up a staggering 70 per cent on the same period last year. If this trend continues, Beckham will be in line for sales of £60 million by year-end, and with her second, cheaper line ‘Victoria by Victoria Beckham’ going on sale in the New Year, it appears she may have a fully-fledged fashion empire on her hands.” In Telegraph.

Luxury handbags ditch logos for exclusivity – „The world’s top luxury accessories brands are learning that the key to maintaining the aura of exclusivity is to hide in plain sight. To reconcile volatile economies with the demand for greater status symbols, top labels like Chanel and Victoria Beckham are producing high quality bags that speak for themselves, without the use of logos… Without logos, products themselves accentuate a brand’s personality.” In Red Luxury.

The overcoat as object of design – “The temperatures across Europe dropped last week from Indian summer to shivering winter, just as MaxMara, coat maker par excellence, celebrated its 60 years in style. The iconic camel cover-ups from the Italian company went on show at the State Historical Museum in Moscow on the last leg of a five-year roving tour… ‘The coat is an icon in fashion — a little bit more than a fashion element — more an object of design,’ Mr. Maramotti said.” In NY Times.

Mink or fox? The trench gets comnplicated – “Signaling how interactive the online shopping experience has become, Burberry, the British fashion label, is offering a way for customers to design and order custom trench coats online. Called Burberry Bespoke, the program is a full-scale attempt at “mass customization,” a long-time goal of retailers and unusual for a designer fashion house. Customers select the cut of their trench coat, the fabric, the color, and then navigate through options such as bronze-studded sleeves, bridle leather cuff straps, mink linings and shearling collars.” In Wall Street Journal.

Tiffany enters Louboutin vs YSL stand-off – „A legal dispute between fashion labels Christian Louboutin and Yves Saint Laurent took a new turn yesterday when the jeweller, Tiffany, came in on the side of the shoe designer. It filed an amicus curiae to support Louboutin’s case that a colour can be trademarked and its use prohibited.” In The Independent.

Sitting down with 3 generations of Missoni – “Last month, the Italian luxury label’s Missoni for Target collaboration was so hotly sought after that it caused the retailer’s website to crash. Last Sunday, three generations of Missonis gathered in Beverly Hills to accept the Rodeo Drive Walk of Style Award — the first fashion house to be honored as an entire family. Could it be that Missoni is on its way to becoming a household name?” In L.A. Times.

Francisco Costa’s modern aestheticSince assuming the mantle at Calvin Klein Collection in 2004, Francisco Costa has modernized the laid-back luxe look known as American sportswear. Working with innovative, luxurious fabrics and using Calvin Klein’s own original, pared-down aesthetic as the base, the Brazilian-born designer has radically re-envisioned the female silhouette.” In Wall Street Journal

Online shoe store Spartoo.com projects 100 million euros turnover this year – “This ‘Zappos of Europe’ was founded in France by three young entrepreneurs in 2006, and is now active in 20 countries, including United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. Today, the company revealed that its internationalization efforts have led to significant growth. In fact, Spartoo.com says it sold more than one million pairs of shoes in Europe in the first months of 2011 (the company offers about 15,000 models and 400 brands).” In TechCrunch.

What Christian Lacroix did next – „Puffs of tutus, twinkling tiaras, Cossack costumes and body suits painted with watery greenery fill a series of studios backstage at the Opéra Garnier in Paris.  These fantastical costumes,  […] are for just one among a series of theatrical events across Europe that Mr. Lacroix has worked on since his couture house was shuttered in 2009.” In NY Times.

How Zara clothes turned Galicia into retail hotspot – “The green, rainy region of Galicia in northwest Spain is best-known as the destination for pilgrims hiking the Camino de Santiago to pay tribute at the remains of apostle Saint James… But a different kind of pilgrim also makes the journey here — retail sector analysts visiting the headquarters of Spain’s most successful modern export, Zara clothes, which has made the founder of Inditex one of the richest men in the world.” Pe Reuters.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    AdinaB says:

    Geanta din ultima imagine e super!

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