Lectura de sambata dimineata

Sa fie asta vantul schimbarii, e felul naturii de a ne „impinge de la spate” la inceput de an? Nu stiu si nici nu stiu cum e vremea acolo unde sunteti voi, dar de azi-noapte in Bucuresti bate un vant desprins din romane gotic-romantice. Gone with the wind este planul pe care il aveam pentru weekend, o plimbare lunga pe Kiseleff (nothing special, dar nu se poate face pe uraganul asta), declansata de lectura Ioanei Parvulescu.

Am sa va las sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii acesteia, dar nu inainte de a va bate usor pe umar, ca pentru a va reaminti: stiti ce vreti sa faceti anul acesta? stiti unde vreti sa ajungeti, ce vreti sa invatati, cine vreti sa deveniti? Ce carti vreti sa cititi, cum vreti sa va aratati iubirea familiei, copiilor, prietenilor? Ce big thing va propuneti sa realizati in fiecare luna? Ce decizii luati, ce planuri va faceti, ce vise aveti, cum vreti sa arate viata voastra anul acesta? Stiti vorba aceea: „aveti in fata 366 de zile fabuloase, ce faceti cu ele?” (au ramas deja mai putine…)

Fashion review of the 2011 – “From blushing brides to dramatic falls from grace, Susannah Frankel charts the highs and lows of the international style set in 2011.” In The Independent.

In with the new: a look at 2012 – “The publishing world is all about what’s new and what’s next, so 2012 should be right up its alley. There are lots of changes ahead in Media Land.” In WWD.

Topping up with a top hat – „Although it’s been the accessory of choice for history’s most dapper statesmen and coolest entertainers, today the top hat seems, well, over-the-top. One fan risks ludicrousness and tries one out (yes, in public).” In WSJ.

Sophie Theallet on running a fashion business – “Sophie Theallet worked under masters like Azzedine Alaïa and Jean Paul Gaultier in Paris before decamping to New York City to start her own label, which launched in 2007. Since then, she has racked up acclaim — including the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award, which she won in 2009 — and has dressed everyone from Jessica Alba to Michelle Obama.” In Thread NY.

The J in J.Crew – „The first thing you notice about Lyons—after her height—is that she doesn’t look much like anyone else in fashion. She has an emphatic jaw, flower-bud mouth, and warm eyes. Unlike many of the J.Crew employees’ dark tans, hers looks incidental, not cosmetic, and the overall effect is of a woman who knows the might of her presence and handles it carefully. ” In NY Mag.

How Gucci got its groove back – „“Today she’s happy being the woman behind the brand, unlike Ford, who was ultimately bigger than Gucci, which is why, in part, he’s no longer there. (Ford declined to comment for this article.) ‘After almost ten years, it’s difficult to divide myself from Gucci,’ she says. ‘I love this company, and I have such respect for its history.’” In Departures.

Azedine Alaia, a furious fashion talent – “Basking in the knowledge that he occupies neutral territory – it is not uncommon for M Alaïa to be seen front row at many of his competitors’ shows, or indeed for other designers to wear his clothes – this is not a man who has been overly worried about what others might think of him and that, too, in fashion circles, is most unusual.” In The Independent.

Mr. Zeitgeist – “In the world according to Monocle, Mr. Brûlé is the walking cynosure of the good life. In addition to his global media company, he writes a column, Fast Lane, in The Financial Times, in which he chronicles his adventures as a globe-trotting connoisseur, bent on unearthing the rarefied and idiosyncratic.” In NY Times.

China Luxury trends in 2012 – “The pace of transformation in China’s luxury market is stunning, yet it is unique. Due to its size and diversity, China can not be viewed simply as one market, but as many smaller markets with different degrees of maturation. Therefore, China requires different approaches.” In Red Luxury.

The consignment business booms with 2nd hand luxury – „“While most retailers have yet to recover from the recession, used luxury handbag businesses are thriving. Reema Al Khomeiri, founder of Toujours Chic, launched her second-hand purse business in 2009 – in the midst of the global downturn – but she isn’t complaining. Almost three years later, her venture has flourished, with hundreds of loyal customers. ‘The recession has definitely whipped us into being disciplined and responsible buyers,’ she adds.” In The National.

… si in sfarsit, e posibil sa va intereseze, tot pe Style Diary, un modo-scop sau previziuni astro-fashion pentru 2012, partea 1 si partea 2; vedeti daca v-ar placea sa ne intalnim la cursul meu despre evolutia frumusetii si modei feminine, Un secol de frumusete, de la Fundatia Calea Victoriei; iar daca aveti in plan sa deveniti anul aceata cea mai frumoasa mireasa dar nu aveti chef sa va inghesuiti la targurile respective, recomandarea mea este sa va rezervati timp miercuri 11 ianuarie, de la ora 17.30, ca sa vedeti colectia Rhea Costa Bridalissima (evenimentul este la Marriott, sala Constanta).

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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