Lectura de sambata dimineata

Cat de frumos e citatul acesta? Lasand la o parte faptul ca e roz (not my fav), nu va face sa… nu stiu, sa faceti ceva? Vorba aceea, tot a trecut prima luna din an, au mai ramas doar 333 pe care sa le faci fabuloase, doar vreo 40 de saptamani…  Ca tot vorbim de saptamani, cea de Haute Couture deja a trecut, iar eu abia am avut timp sa prind cu coada ochiului imaginile catorva colectii. In schimb, in mod paradoxal, venirea zapezii si a sfarsitului de ianuarie imi dau senzatia de promisiune a unui inceput de primavara, change and excitement are in the air, si nu se pot intampla decat lucruri minunate, dintr-acelea care va fac sa tipati wooooo hoooo! Si uite asa, ne intoarcem la living the life we imagined… Invitatia e deschisa, faceti la fel printeselor!


Prada displays its star power – “It was a red carpet, and it had to be, given the stellar lineup on Prada’s runway Sunday: From Adrien Brody in a rich red coat to Gary Oldman in a spiffy black morning coat, and the rest of a star-studded cast… What the designer seemed to be saying, after her dynamic but simplistic racing car theme for her last women’s collection, was that if men like cars, they like power, with all the trappings of formal tailoring and linear coats even more.” In International Herald Tribune.

Marc Jacobs: „I dont know what the key to happiness is” – “I don’t know, I don’t know what the key to happiness is. Happy is just a feeling like every other feeling. I certainly feel happy some days and in general I am pretty happy, but I have all the other feelings as well. So I don’t know if there is a key.” In The Talks.

How long can Dior last without a couturier? -„Ten months after John Galliano was sacked over a racist outburst, Dior has yet to name a new chief designer – but sales are booming. Which begs the question: how long can the French fashion house thrive without a couturier at the helm?” In France 24.

Northern exposure: new Canadian fashion brands looking to build a worldwide presence – “Canada has many assets – commodities, natural resources, space, poutines – but most people would not count fashion among them… Yes, the Canadians are coming. And no, it’s not all lumberjack shirts and ice hockey jerseys. Their arrival marks a sense of maturity for retailers on both sides of the border.” In Financial Times.

What it takes to be editor in chief of the web – “Tavi Gevinson started her first blog ‘Style Rookie’ when she was 11. She was shopping at thrift stores, taking pictures of her outfits and writing about music, images and movies that inspired her… Now Tavi is 15 and has started her own web magazine for teenage girls, RookieMag.com, that counts 4 editors and 40 writers, illustrators and photographers.” Pe BBC News.

Military, front and center – “Is it the bitter, battling winter following the Arab spring that has created a march of the military in men’s fashion? A soldierly influence was an undercurrent in the winter 2012 Milan men’s show, which closed Tuesday. The idea of smartening up and shaping up may be a response to Europe’s gloomy economic situation” In International Herald Tribune.

Lady Amanda Harley: „I really like getting my hands dirty” – “Lady Amanda Harlech is the victim of many misconceptions. First and foremost is the fallacy that fashion really isn’t much work at all – something with which a hard-nosed professional working through nights to pull together not one but two major collections for a four-week catwalk circus can wholeheartedly disagree.” In The Independent.

Fashion’s beautiful relationship with art – “There’s a real buzz about the vivid, almost saccharine sweet pastel shades that will define spring/summer 2012 fashion. That, and of course the other huge trend of the moment: thrilling prints and 3D textiles. Sometimes it’s hard to tell one from the other because the surface is textured, which heightens the overall trompe l’oeil effect of the print.” In The National

Worst of times prove best for luxury brands – “Luxury brands, including fashion label Burberry and vehicle manufacturer Rolls-Royce, have all enjoyed bumper years, recording slump-busting profits that may raise eyebrows among consumers forced to tighten their non-snakeskin belts. Such income surges will dispel doubts raised when markets first began to falter over the resilience of the high-end market.” Pe CNN.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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3 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Alexandra says:

    Cred ca o sa incep sa imi traiesc viata care mi-o imaginez. Si apropo foarte frumos articol si blog.

  2. 2

    As usual, a lovely and comprehensive post!

    And thank you so much for your kind words regarding my recent loss, it meant a lot 🙂


  3. 3
    rox says:

    citatul acesta imi place f mult, ca si blogul, dealtfel!

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