Lectura de sambata dimineata

Uneori am senzatia ca traiesc in „Click” – filmul cu Adam Sandler, nu in revista!!! Ce credeati???? Suntem aproape de jumatatea lui februarie – sau ca sa incadrez lucrurile altfel, la 2 saptamani departare de 1 martie si de primavara – iar pentru mine timpul a zburat ca pus pe fast-forward.  Faza mai interesanta este ca, cu exceptia zilelor in care am avut ceva important de facut (multa traininguri, o prezentare despre tendinte, inceperea colaborarii cu TinaR, cate un eveniment), toate sunt in sir incetosat. De asta eu nu ma prind niciodata cum e cu intrebarile din filmele politiste, cand oamenilor li se verifica alibiul: „ce faceati in seara de 9 februarie 2010?”

Dar ca sa revin la zile importante, urmatoarele 3 luni au cateva date mega-importante, iar sfatul meu e sa le incercuiti cu rosu in calendar. La sfarsitul anului trecut ma hotaram – cu curaj 🙂 – sa iau atitudine de rockstar si sa fac un roadshow, adica sa organizez cursul de stil, „Fii propria ta stilista”, prin tara. Voila, acum se intampla!

Informatiile complete le voi posta in urmatoarele zile, dar deocamdata va pot spune datele in care, daca ne intalnim, deveniti niste printese cochete, stylish si seducatoare:

Bucuresti 17-18 martie; Iasi 31 martie – 1 aprilie; Cluj 21-22 aprilie; Timisoara 28 -29 aprilie, Constanta 12-13 mai, Brasov 26-27 mai, (nedefinit) Sibiu 2-3 iunie.

Asadar, dragele mele, „To Wonderland!” Daca sunteti interesate sa participati la curs, rogu-va lasati-mi un comentariu ca sa va pot trimite pe email toate informatiile…

Ah da, avem si de citit zilele astea 🙂

Manolo Blahnik: feet first – “Since he began his career in the early ’70s, Manolo Blahnik has dominated the shoe world. And this season, with the demise of the heavy wedge and the return of the stiletto and mule, every woman worth her salt will be wearing his uniquely crafted designs.” In Wall Street Journal

Divided they stand: the new extremists – “This may look like a classic case of Roundhead versus Cavalier. Or Minimalist meets Maximalist. But that’s too simplistic.Neither Mary Katrantzou or Osman Yousefzada can be that easily pigeonholed.” In The Telegraph

The Finnish fashion blogger who landed a deal with Diesel – “Sandra Hagelstam, 24, is the founder of the hot fashion blog 5inchdesandup.com. She started blogging to create a daily log of what she wears… ‘(The blog) has opened up doors for me I never would have imagined in terms of being able to design my own collection and collaborate with others.’” In Business Insider

Executive Education in a material world – “From fine wines and fast cars, to handbags and haute couture, insatiable consumer demand for luxury goods means that business is booming for the €185bn industry. As a result, specialist executive programmes that train managers for the sector are also on the rise, with several high-­profile launches in recent years. The trend is not exclusive to international business schools, with companies and art colleges following suit.” In Financial Times

The Freud of fashion – „At the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, Valerie Steele’s analysis of clothing and styles has enriched museum exhibitions.” In NY Times.

Luxury companies that can bring you closer to the good life – “A lot of consumers are hurting right now, but you wouldn’t know that looking at the earnings of major luxury companies. Many luxury companies like LVMH Moet Hennessey Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Hermès, and Coach Inc had a stronger-than-expected 2011 campaign.”   In Money Morning

Custom shirts, cut from a different cloth – „Custom-made men’s dress shirts were once considered the privileged peacockery of the moneyed set… Thanks to advances in technology, a competitive market and consumer demand, custom clothing has moved within the barrel-cuffed arm’s reach of the common man.” In L.A. Times

Fashion changes and so do the magazines – “Glamour’s newsstand sales were down substantially last year, by 17 percent through June and (as submitted to the Audit Bureau of Circulation) 9.9 percent in the second half. Most women’s titles were down. Part of the problem, it would seem, is that by exploiting a winning formula, fashion magazines have made themselves indistinguishable.” In NY Times

Polo puzzle: what goes into a $155 price tag? – “Every piece of clothing has a story: There’s far more to a $155 polo shirt than a yard of fabric, four buttons and a length of thread. The tale of a KP MacLane polo shirt offers a rare look inside the planning and global transactions behind the clothes people wear.” In Wall Street Journal.

Designers finding new ways to sell their style – „The loping sashay, the glamorous turn, the retreating back, impossibly nimble on six-inch heels: all have become a familiar archetype, a synecdoche for the fashion industry itself.” In The Independent.

A fashion revolution? – “By far the most exciting thing I saw last week during the couture in Paris wasn’t couture at all, but a website that launches today: www.honestby.com. The brainchild of Belgian designer Bruno Pieters, late of Hugo Boss, it is the most subversive etail initiative I have seen.” In Financial Times

When jewels precede the dress – „Erickson Beamon, which will celebrate its 30th birthday next year, has always had to contend with the problem of how to present its jewelry collections. In past years, their presentations have included dancers and floral pieces, but this year, Ms. Erickson had a vision. ” In NY Times.

Made better in Japan – “Louis Vuitton sales are plummeting, and magnums of Dom Pérignon are no longer being uncorked at a furious pace. That doesn’t mean the Japanese have turned away from the world. They’ve just started approaching it on their own terms, venturing abroad and returning home with increasingly more international tastes and much higher standards, realizing that the apex of bread making may not be Wonder Bread–style loaves, but pain à l’ancienne.” In Wall Street Journal

The man who says no – „Though few people outside fashion know his name, Mr. Rougier, 50, is unquestionably one of that world’s most influential — and controversial — characters. With Sylvie Picquet Damesme, Mr. Rougier has collected an enviable client list that includes Jil Sander, L’Wren Scott, Versace and Rag & Bone. ” In NY Times.

Beyond the runway: meet the PR pros who run Fashion week – “Those outside the tight-knit fashion PR community might be familiar with Paul Wilmot, who sold his firm to Omnicom’s Fleishman-Hillard; HL-Group, which got snatched up by MDC; or People’s Revolution owner Kelly Cutrone, who through reality TV demystified the frantic nature of fashion-show seating and swag-labeling. But inside the sartorial bubble live some highly influential shops unfamiliar to those outside the industry.” In Ad Age.


Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

Postari asemanatoare

5 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    alina says:

    Ma bucur ca ti-ai extins mult activitatea! Felicitari si spor in continuare. E mare nevoie de frumos, de bun gust, cu atentie la incadrare in buget. Sunt sigura ca se poate si stiu ca vii cu idei foarte utile.

  2. 2
    Oana says:

    Ce bine că ai pus și Brașovul pe listă! Te rog să îmi dai toate detaliile, cred că mai am prietene interesate să participe! Abia aștept!

  3. 3
    Carmen says:

    i can turn my dreams into plans, and my cant’s into cans !

  4. 4
    Cristiana says:

    Vino si la Sibiu!!! :)))

  5. 5
    Claudia says:

    Irina,vreau sa stii si eu detaliile despre cursul din Iasi,te rog 🙂

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