Lectura de sambata dimineata

De dimineata, m-am trezit fredonand asta. E unul dintre cantecele mele preferate, dar abia dupa ce l-am fredonanad un sfert de ora mi-am dat seama – coincidenta sau nu – cat de bine se potrivesc versurile cu ziua de azi.

„Just sit tight, don’t you even think about going anywhere
Stay where you are, open up your eyes to what’s all already there
What I’m about to tell ya, what I’m about to say
Don’t even let it throw ya,
It just might change your day…”

Stiti fazele acelea din viata unui om, cand stie ca trebuie sa isi tina promisiunile fata de sine? Pentru ca de fapt acelea sunt cele mai greu de tinut si cele mai usor de incalcat, suntem atat de toleranti cu noi insine… Eu mi-am promis un cuvant la inceput de an si, no pun intended, ma tin de cuvant!

Asa ca mi-am facut curaj si, cu ajutorul unui spiridus muncitor, creativ si plin de initiativa pe nume Raluca (care este si inima si sufletul targului Unveiled), organizez si sustin cursul meu de stil personal prin tara, incepand de la jumatatea lunii martie. Concret, dupa un curs la Bucuresti in 17-18 martie, vin pe rand la Iasi (31 martie – 1 aprilie), Cluj (21-22 aprilie), Timisoara (28-29 aprilie), Constanta (12-13 mai), Brasov (26-27 mai) si Sibiu (2-3 iunie). La linkul de mai sus gasiti toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie si pe care nu vi le mai repet aici. In schimb, va invit sa mai treceti pe blog maine, pentru ca mai am o veste uber-mega-importanta!

PS: si pentru ca imi doresc sa va vad cum treceti dincolo de zona voastra de confort, de „uniforme” vestimentare, de rutina, de temeri legate de genunchi care nu vi se par frumosi, glezne care nu v se par suficient de conturate, curcubee de culori imposibil de gestionat si armonizat, va fac cadou imaginea de mai jos. Nu e faina?

„It” Girls work both sides of the camera – “For all the attention paid to photographers like Mr. Schuman, Tommy Ton and Yvan Rodic of Face Hunter, street style as a genre is scarcely a boys’ club anymore. A growing pack of talented female photographers, based in New York and abroad, are equally deserving of the spotlight.” In NY Times.

Red Carpet Baggers – “The idea that anyone can be a designer is now part of the culture. Celebrities, stylists and enthusiasts on “Project Runway” are all aiming to join Karl & Co… It all started with celebrity endorsements.” In T Magazine

Family, fashion dominate the days of Carolina Herrera – “Designer Carolina Herrera didn’t grow up dreaming of a fashion career. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, she spent her childhood riding horses and pursuing favorite pastimes on the family estate. But fashion became her calling and after a lifetime of design, winning awards and providing red carpet looks for stars ranging from Oscar winner Renee Zellweger to Grammy winner Lady Gaga.” Pe Reuters

Michael Kors designer for the Jet Set – “The Michael Kors woman is lightly tanned, toned, polished and pulled together at all times. She loves fur, figure-hugging fabrics and expensive shoes. She may or may not travel by private jet, but she certainly looks as though she does… It could be said that if Oscar de la Renta is the Park Avenue Princess’s couturier of choice, then Kors is their regular tailor. “ In Wall Strett Journal.

Why fashion trends are still relevant – “Money may well be tight for the consumer but this doesn’t mean to say they’ve stopped caring what they wear. Quite the contrary, they are becoming far more specific in what they buy and are looking for pieces that hit the nail squarely on the head. The scattergun approach to shopping is dead in the water; people don’t want five Breton striped tees any more, they want one ultimate Breton striped tee and are prepared to pay the cumulative cost.” In Huffington Post

New York Fashion Week parades 328 shows – “There was a time when Ruth Finley could easily avoid conflicts while putting together the schedule for New York Fashion Week. This month, the publisher of the pink-paper Fashion Calendar, the trade’s must-read, had to fit as many as eight different runway shows and presentations into one time slot.”  In Business Week.

The beauty business – “Careers in modelling are typically short-lived, badly paid and less glamorous than pretty young dreamers imagine. Yet the business is changing. For one thing, educated models are in. This may sound improbable. In the film ‘Zoolander’, male models are portrayed as so dumb that they play-fight with petrol and then start smoking. But such stereotypes are so last year.” In The Economist.

The Sarah Mower interview – “Sarah Mower has always been a force to be reckoned with, but now that she comes with three rather important letters after her name (M, B and E), her clout has been considerably amplified.” In Fashion 156.

BCBG’s off the runway struggles – “Global designer and retailer BCBG Max Azria is learning that sometimes, less really is more… BCBG has seen its mass-market lines—including its discontinued Max Rave chain of stores and a now-dead deal with Miley Cyrus and Wal-Mart—sputter, leading to a revenue decline that puts it in danger of violating its loan covenants, according to credit analysts.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

Postari asemanatoare

3 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    ana says:

    Felicitari, Irina! unul din cele doua cuvinte ale mele ( nu m-am putut limita doar la unul:) este tot „curaj”… sper sa ma tin si eu de el!
    multa bafta!

  2. 2
    M says:

    Frumos „post”, melodia picura cu delicatete, iar gandul la pasarea aventuroasa dinauntru mi-au luminat sufletul.

    THX !

  3. 3
    M says:

    PS – Mi-a luminat 😀

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