Lectura de sambata dimineata

Time presses on, my darlings, si va vine sa credeti ca peste cateva zile este 1 martie? Cu putina rabdare, in cateva saptamani incepe sa purtam bluze cu buline, maneci din dantela, culori mai vii sau mai pastelate, ne improspatam machiajul, ne schimbam parfumul si gentile, cautam umbrele inflorate, narcise, zambile si mai ales lalele!

Nu ne putem misca in slow motion (sau daca o facem, miscarea ar trebui sa fie doar pe „inainte”). In cazul meu, asta inseamna, first and foremost, ultima suta de metri de organizare si promovare a cursurilor de stil:  liste lungi de to do pe care le impart cu Raluca, multumiri unor oameni minunati care cred in valoarea acestui proiect (de aceasta data, multumirile merg catre Andreea, fondatoarea siteului Belva.ro – Belva este unul din principalii parteneri media pentru cursul de la Iasi), momente de  respiro cand ne bucuram de zecile de inscrieri pe care le primim… Si pentru ca tot vorbesc despre curs: pentru Bucuresti (weekendul 17-18 martie) mai sunt disponibile doar 5 locuri, iar locurile pentru Iasi (31 martie – 1 aprilie) se ocupa pretty fast….!

In urmatoarele doua weekenduri ma veti gasi din nou in Baneasa. De data aceasta nu voi mai vorbi despre tendinte sau despre inventarea conceptului de lux, ci despre piesele-cheie ale sezonului si cum ne actualizam si adaptam garderobele noului sezon. Dar nu am vrut sa ma opresc doar la vorbe, asa ca one lucky winner – o sa va spun mecanismul concursului in cursul acestei saptamani – va primi cadou o sesiune de shopping , de o ora, impreuna cu mine – ceea ce nu inseamna ca va fi obligata sa cumpere doar pentru ca ii spun eu ce i-ar sta bine!

Ah anyway, ca sa facem un pas mai departe, mergeti la The Artist sau la My Week with Marylin,  incepeti sa va faceti curatenia de primavara in dulap, deschideti larg ferestrele penru soare si aer curat, dar mai ales nu uitati sa va faceti timp sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii…

Saluting nobility, tweeds and all – “Oh, Mr. Lauren, you do amaze as you entertain. But seriously, you could not have been a better costume designer — as much as you love the movies — than you are an exceedingly good fashion designer. You may not have an ironic bone in your body, despite what your colleagues tell you, but you have the virtue, and indeed it is a great virtue, of being an earnest American.” In NY Times

Fashion’s fairy godmother – “When Michelle Obama wore a bright purple Roksanda Ilincic dress to 10 Downing Street last May, followed swiftly by the Duchess of Cornwall, who chose a lavender draped Ilincic number for her Los Angeles debut, it was not just a coup for the London-based designer but for the woman who discovered her: Lulu Kennedy, aka British fashion’s ‘fairy godmother’.” In Financial Times.

How to dress for the red carpet – ‘In practice, red-carpet dressing is simple – put a beautiful woman in the right gown, and see the instant publicity shots multiply a million times over – but it can be a more complex equation. If an actress is the face of a luxury brand’s perfume campaign – Keira Knightley for Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle, for example, or Natalie Portman for Miss Dior Chérie – then there may be expectations that she should wear the associated couture.” In The Telegraph.

Michele Montagne: could this woman look any more like French fashion?– „For more than 30 years, Montagne has served as a devoted and almost mystical guru to some of the industry’s most influential designers, including Helmut Lang, Rick Owens, Ann Demeulemeester and Ackermann, not only handling their media and retail relations but also styling their fashion shows and counseling them on everything from design direction to business philosophy.” In WSJ Magazine.
Fashion tips from a style blogger – „Style blog Cupcakes and Cashmere has become a destination for fashionistas from around the world, many of them curious about the next outfit Emily Schuman will throw together.” In WSJ, iar aici tot Emily Schuman despre The Business of Fashion Blogging.

Westwood tells austerity UK to buy fewer, better clothes – “Fashion lovers should take advantage of today’s cash-strapped times and use their limited resources to buy fewer, better clothes, Britain’s grande dame of design Vivienne Westwood said after wowing London Fashion Week’s Autumn/Winter show on Sunday.” Pe Reuters.

Fun, funky and fabulous – „This year is also the celebration of a decade of support from Topshop, which has done so much to nurture young talent.  It is the kooky side of London style that charms and inspires, from the mad outfits put together by creative fashionistas on the streets to the originality on the runways.” In NY Times.

Ditch winter, keep the tights – „Peplums, pastels, patterns – they come, they go. The real perennials are tights and bags. It may not sound glamorous, but, believe me, you need to master these building blocks if you’re ever going to arrive at a peaceful settlement with your personal style. ” In The Telegraph.

Editing as a brand investment – “Brand-financed magazines — not glorified catalogs or vanity glossies but serious niche publications with top-notch editors and contributors — became something of a fad during the last decade. Now, in a tense business atmosphere where every cent is guarded, some fashion businesses say the publications (and their new online versions) have been excellent marketing investments.” In NY Times.

The future of prints is bright – “For something as blindingly conspicuous as the brave, bold print, it certainly has enjoyed a long run on the catwalks over the past 10 years. Such stamina is pretty remarkable considering fashion’s notoriously fickle nature and ever-shortening attention span.” In NY Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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