Lectura de sambata dimineata

Una, doua, trei lucruri va spun astazi.

Unu: va astept astazi, din nou, in Baneasa la Styling Corner. Daca aveti timp sau chef sa treceti pe acolo, in afara ca ma auziti pe mine vorbind despre shopping, noile colectii si stil (in jurul orei 15.30) toata ziua va puteti inscrie la sedinte de machiaj gratuit (de la Dior, Melkior, Marrionaud, Sephora), la sedinte de hair styling (va lasati coafate de Geta Voinea, de fetele de la Evidence sau Oksana va arata cum sa va impletiti parul ca rusoaicele), exista discutii despre parfumuri sustinute de l’Occitane, este invitata Mihaela Bilic care va vorbi despre nutritie sanatoasa…

Doi: locurile la cursul de stil din Bucuresti sunt completate, dar mai sunt inca locuri la cursul de la Iasi (30 martie – 1 aprilie). Cineva mi-a spus la un moment dat ca moldovencele sunt cele mai frumoase, abia astept sa vad ca au si bun gust, ca invata pricepere la culoare si maiestrie la gandit tinute.

Trei: a venit primavara, ati observat? Totul e parfum de zambile, frezii, lalele, totul e din nou colorat si insorit. Am inceput sa port sandale, vreau culoare multa, vreau imprimeuri, vreau la mare.

Si de citit…

Behind the cover story: Stella McCartney’s Ghetto side – “Stella is sort of strangely under the radar as a subject. This was an opportunity to update her story quite a bit, beyond all the comments about her being Paul McCartney’s daughter and toward looking at the business she’s built.” In T Magazine

Catwalks echo the Oscar look – “If there is such a thing as a female dandy, that was the Armani look: long jackets, curving in at the waist, perhaps with a flat fabric flower on the label. Slim pants made up the lower half, until the jackets were cropped shorter for fuller pants.” In NY Times.

Lessons from the first lady of fashion – „The First Lady of fashion, Jackie Kennedy, proved that achieving genuine style involves mixing not only fake and fine, but any and every metal and medium. ” In Wall Street Journal.

Interview with Marc Jacobs – “The fashion exhibition (which has opened March 9th) at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris has a bit of a split personality. Called Louis Vuitton – Marc Jacobs, the show examines the influence the two men in the title have had on the fashion industry.” De Jessica Michault.

Dior mag to launch – “Christian Dior boasts nearly 7 million fans on Facebook — and now the French house is out to conscript more readers and viewers with today’s launch of DiorMag.” In WWD.

Frida Giannini: rewriting history – “Frida Giannini is the woman who out-Tom-Forded Tom Ford. I intend this as a compliment to both designers. When Ford left Gucci in 2004 after a dispute with owner PPR over creative control, many doubted that his like—and his unique take on what was then an 83-year-old brand—would be seen again.” In WSJ.

In France, second lines finally come first – “For French brands, there is always a sneaking feeling that a second line is second best. The Milan designers rejoice that Just Cavalli or Emporio Armani are on the runway… But French ‘subsidiaries’ are either non-existent, hidden or given slightly pejorative names, like ‘diffusion’ line.” In NY Times.

Wigs and gowns in vogue on the catwalk – „“Behind the scenes during a fashion week, it’s not just models, designers and their production teams working frantically. Perhaps the busiest member of a label’s in-house team might not be the first figure to spring to mind: its lawyer.” In Financial Times.

Log on, coordinate, pose – “Today he is the founder of TheFancy.com, a new scrapbooking and shopping site, where users can share photographs of covetable objects and experiences — a velvet Burberry trench coat, sparkly gold nail polish, a room at the Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong — and, it is hoped, buy them.” In NY Times.

Tight ties, killer heels:clothes make fashion victims – „Talk about fashion victims. Apparel and accessories that are too tight, too loose, too heavy, too high, too flat or too floppy can all create health issues.” In Wall Street Journal.

Dark secret behind fashion for celebrity front row – “Knowing that they can generate publicity by having a star photographed on the front row of a show, some fashion houses or their public relations agents will pay tens of thousands of pounds for an appearance.” In The Telegraph.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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