Lectura de sambata dimineata

Ce avem prin oras: magnolii in floare, petale albe imprastiate pe masini, cafenele care si-a scos masutele in strada, conversatii despre filme si soare, fete in sandale si cu cocuri de balerina, orbitoare nuante de turcoaz alaturi de palidul verde mentolat, buchete de narcise…  Imi place sa cred ca ati inceput deja sa va imbracati altfel, ca de azi renuntati la negru si, in loc, deschideti usile dulapului ca sa va alegeti cele mai colorate si mai vesele haine, ca va jucati cu coliere care va mangaie gatul si ca va alegeti un parfum care pana si pe voi va face sa respirati adanc.

Iar treaba asta cu dulapul si primavara ma duce cu gandul la un alt citat frumos din cartea Dianei Cosmin, nu ma pot abtine sa nu vi-l citez: „Toate ne imbracam pentru serviciu, pentru sedinte foto, pentru club sau pentru sindrofii la care mergem de nevoie. Aproape niciodata nu ne „imbracam” insa cu adevarat pentru dragoste. Majoritatea privesc iubirea ca pe o haina prea costisitoare, de lux, pe care nu si-o permit deocamdata si nici nu simt c-o merita cu adevarat. […] Printre zecile de umerase ingramadite unul in altul, piesele cu adevarat importante se pierd, cad undeva in fundul dulapului, iar noi continuam sa cumparam si sa cumoaram, cu iluzia abundentei. Cu cat dulapul este mai plin, cu atat ne simtim mai bogate si mai in siguranta desi, la nevoie, n-am reusi sa incropim nicio tinuta care sa ne incalzeasca inima.”

Ca sa nu inchei intr-o nota melancolica, va trag de maneca de doua ori: o data, ca sa participati la concursul de tricouri facut impreuna cu Tshirt Factory (daca nu o sa va placa, sa imi spuneti… Karl!); a doua oara, ca sa va atrag atentia ca mai sunt cateva locuri libere la cursurile de stil de la Cluj (21-22 aprilie) si Timisoara (28-29 aprilie), idem pentru Iasi (12-13 mai) si Brasov (26-27 mai), la Constanta (5-6 mai) lista e la jumatate si suntem la inceput cu inscrierile pentru Sibiu (2-3 iunie). Nu stiu ce mai asteptati, really…

Luxury titles on the rise – “ Are you rolling in cash these days? Magazine publishers seem to think so. It’s only March and four luxury titles have revealed they will launch (or relaunch) to tell the tales of billionaire bachelors, fine Parisian restaurants and the latest antiaging skin procedures.” In WWD.

The top 10 schools for fashion journalism, PR and Marketing – „Obviously going to these schools won’t guarantee your dream job in fashion–that takes a lot of internships and a hell of a lot of hustle (and a shining attitude!). But a degree from these schools is certainly going to put you at an advantage. ” In Fashionista.

The world at her feet – „Jane (Aldridge of Sea of Shoes)  is now considered to be one of the country’s top five style bloggers. She has worked with Coach’s executive creative director Reed Krakoff on his eponymous label, and when designers such as Nicolas Kirkwood come to Dallas for trunk shows, they first make appointments with her. This spring she is being featured in the Barneys New York catalog alongside legendary sixties supermodel Penelope Tree.” In Texas Monthly.

Bird is the word – „There’s no better way to ring in spring than with the season’s flock of avian prints.” In Wall Street Journal.

Best foot forward: the man behind Toms – “Toms, the brand behind these ethical espadrilles – with its singular tagline ‘one for one’ – has revolutionised fashionable feet, as well as the face of charitable giving in one easy step. Founder Blake Mycoskie’s idea is a simple one: for every pair of shoes sold, another is given to children in the developing world.” In The Indepednent.

How to sell custom clothing cheaply – “The key difference between Quincy and any other brand is its sizing concept. The company measures a woman’s size by her bust, waist and height ratios. The result is custom clothing for a fraction of the price.” In Business Insider

I buy, therefore I am (unless I return it) – „Decisions on purchases — experiential or material — may reveal more about your personality, according to two studies.” In NY Times.

Bath time with Manolo Blahnik – “That lasciviously scarlet sole-flasher Christian Louboutin is a high-profile parvenu, and Jimmy Choo (long-divorced from Choo himself) has grown into an impressive beast of a global brand. Yet no other women’s shoe designer affects women quite so powerfully as Manolo Blahnik.” In The Telegraph.

Finding an audience for edgy runway styles – “With a taste for rarefied fashions, Net-A-Porter often finds itself chasing rainbows—seeking edgy looks that designers have dreamed up for the runway but deemed too expensive or fashion-forward to produce.” In Wall Street Journal.

Altuzzara says fashion has always been part of his life – “Fashion, he says, has been a part of his life as long as he can remember, since boyhood in Paris. It started through a passion for drawing, which eventually became mostly fashion drawing.” In The Washington Post.

A homegrows fashion mogul – “Andrew Rosen’s father was a bombastic character who played gin rummy with William Holden and pretty much invented designer jeans. His son soaked up his father’s mastery of the clothing business but not his bluster. He avoids the limelight his father basked in. So it’s easy to overlook the progress that has made him among the most potent figures in the U.S. clothing business today.” In Wall Street Journal.


Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    AdinaB says:

    Super recomandari! …Chiar o sa caut si eu cartea Dianei Cosmin!

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