Lectura de sambata dimineata

Cu toate pregatirile si agitatia sarbatorilor, tot va veti gasi un ragaz scurt, cateva clipe pentru voi. Poate dimineata, la prima ora, cand restul lumii inca doarme si gustul cafelei este mai delicios datorita linistii. Sau dupa-amiaza tarziu, cand placerea de a va odihni intr-un fotoliu devine enorma?

Pana sa trec la recomandarile saptamanale, va fac o recomandare de lectura „ca la carte”. Una care mie mi-a umplut sufletul de frumos si mintea de imagini, din momentul in care, din curiozitate, am deschis-o. Este vorba de „Amintiri”, scrisa de Zoe Camarasescu: o biografie/ monografie-poveste despre Bucurestiul lui Carol I si Ferdinand, al lui Claymoor si I.C. Bratianu, despre Romania Pelesului si a trenurilor de placere, despre cine si cum se traia aici de pe la 1900 pana dupa razboi.

Ca sa intelegeti de ce va recomand cartea, va insir aici doua citate. Ele m-au facut sa cumpar cartea, fara sa stiu cine este Zoe Camarasescu.  „Mama se spala pe maini cu sapun Guerlain, Geranium sau Fleurs des Alpes, care ne imbata cu mirosul lui delicat, […] iar odaile ne miroseau a sapun bun, a rufe curate si a flori.”  Iar cateva paragrafe mai incolo… „In fiecare zi, pe la patru, venea Fraulein in iatacul mamei sa-i ajute la imbracat, caci rochiile ei aveau: captuseala cu balene, sute de copci cu nasturasi, volane pe dedesubt si pe deasupra, in care te incurcai cand le treceai peste cap, si se inchideau toate la spate. Dupa ce se strangea corsetul, mai venea si corsajul de incingea trupul intr-o armatura de balene, iar de betelia fustei trebuia sa tragi cu putere ca sa se ajunga copcile, caci moda cerea sa arati un mijloc subtire ca un gat, indiferent daca deasupra si dedesubtul taliei se exagerau rontunjimile.”

In sfarsit, va doresc ca zilele astea sa traiti o stare de gratie, sa spuneti „Te iubesc” si „Imi pare rau” de multe ori, sa va apreciati cu adevarat familia (pentru ce inseamna si ce va ofera),  sa zambiti interior si sa fiti ca niste flori <3

Insiders: Jane Shepherdson – “In her 20-year tenure at Topshop during which she rose through the ranks from buyer to brand director, it’s no understatement to say that Shepherdson helped change the way women buy and wear fashion. Take any style icon of today from Alexa Chung to Kate Moss and their effortless mix of high fashion and high street and you can trace a line directly from Shepherdson’s influence.” In AnOther.

Is Pinterest going to make any money? – “We have Pinterest and a range of social curation sites that enable us to search for and pin gorgeous images to virtual boards, and then share them. Eventually Pinterest will have to make money, but it will have to be from browsers, not buyers, because Pinterest won’t drive significant purchasing.” In The Telegraph.

„I am having a flashback!” – “Diane von Furstenberg, 65, invented the wrap dress in 1974 at the age of 27; in 1983 she sold her company, later moving to France. She returned to New York in 1990 and relaunched her own brand in 1997… Yvan Mispelaere, 44, became creative director of DVF in 2010, following stints at Gucci, Chloé and Valentino.” In Financial Times.

Material Wrld lets you shop the closets of the Man Repeller – “Material Wrld is a peer-to-peer ecommerce site that Ms. Zheng calls ‘a prettier and friendlier eBay with social features.’ Like eBay, the company offers a chance to turn the back of your closet into ca$$h money, only in this case its more front-of-closet and fancy.” In BetaBeat.

Is lingerie still risque business? – „Madonna wears an Agent Provocateur bra on the cover of her new single „Girl Gone Wild,” and Beyoncé very publicly shops at the store and wore the brand’s lingerie in her music video for „Best Thing I Never Had.” In Wall Street Journal.

Stella McCartney talks to Tim Blanks – “There are people who are utterly galled by the good fortune of others. Then there are those who feel uplifted by it, walking away with a smile on their lips, and a song in their hearts (preferably something in the vein of The Beatles). Stella McCartney’s sane, human response to a life that has been anything but ordinary is some kind of model of how to thrive in the lowering shadow of a legend.” In Interview

Personal Traina – “Vanessa Traina’s career as a New York-based sylist started long before she moved to the east coast. Born and raised in San Francisco, she grew up at the hem of her haute-couture-collecting mother, the seminal novelist Danielle Steel… To date, her career has included roles as model, muse and what she prefers most, stylist.” In The Aesthete.

When fashion is stranger than fiction – „A number of new fashion initiatives that have been landing on my desk shouldn’t have provoked even a raised eyebrow. And, largely, they haven’t – not even the $11m laptop sleeve from a little company in Rotterdam.” In Financial Times.

Arizona Muse: the model mum sweeping the catwalks – “Muse is a 23-year-old American model who, over the past 18 months, has captivated the world of high style. Since September 2010, when Miuccia Prada exclusively booked the then unknown to open and close the Prada show, her gazelle-like legs have stalked every catwalk between New York and Paris.” In The Telegraph.

Who wears short shorts? – „Do I consider short shorts to be wearable in the context of work and play? Yes, but seriously (and here’s an edict), if you are 40-plus, have great legs and are intent on wearing shorts to do business in, then said shorts need to be part of a shorts suit—as in those sent down the runway by the likes of Jil Sander, Givenchy and Proenza Schouler.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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