Lectura de sambata dimineata

Nu absentez de pe blog weekendul acesta, chiar daca sunt la Cluj. Dupa un drum lung (dar nu asa de lung cum as fi crezut), intr-o masina pe care as descrie-o mai cool decat ar face-o Jeremy Clarkson (am sa va povestesc despre ea zilele urmatoare!), astazi si maine sunt in placuta companie a vreo 20 de femei frumoase, impreuna cu care vom discuta despre stiluri, siluete si proportii, combinatii cromatice si all black, garderobe, tinute, accesorii, actualizari de stil… si parca vad ca nu ne vom opri aici!

Saptamana urmatoare, aceeasi masina si acelasi drum ma vor duce la Timisoara (mai sunt cateva locuri disponibile la cursul de stil, asadar it’s now or never pentru inscrieri!), iar apoi ajung in Constanta (in weekendul 5-6 mai) si Iasi (12-13 mai).  Una peste alta, aici  gasiti toate informatiile legate de curs, trimiteti-mi un email daca vreti sa participati.  Ma confesez aici ca, dupa cele 6 destinatii din tara, ma voi simti ca un Jack Kerouac, ca Thelma fara Louise, ca Steinbeck fara al lui Charlie – dar cel putin voi fi intalnit niste femei splendide si imi voi fi facut niste amintiri fantastice.

PS: ca sa intelegeti de ce spun „femei frumoase” – cum se poate sa ajungi intr-un oras in care nu ai prieteni ci doar cunostinte, sa stii ca urmeaza sa te intalnesti cu femei pe care nu le-ai mai vazut niciodata, si cu toate astea sa primesti pe drum mesaje de la ele de „ai grija cum conduci, te asteptam cu drag la Cluj” si „te asteptam ca si cand…” si „bine ai venit la Cluj, chiar daca e miezul noptii, you made my day”?

Bun, nu mai bat campii, va las sa cititi, ne reintalnim maine…

How language is like fashion – „In the end, usage really isn’t related to grammar or logic but is a realm of fashion. And this cuts both ways. Just because something is, linguistically, grammatical English doesn’t mean it’s expedient to use it. It’s like wearing jeans or a suit. Clothing tastes, like grammar instruction, were once rigidly prescriptive, too.” In The Atlantic.

Lunch with the FT: Alexandra Schulman – “But she is a big deal, and this is a big year for her and for Vogue. It’s Shulman’s 20-year anniversary as editor, this month she’s publishing her first novel, Can We Still be Friends, and Vogue is staging its first festival.” In Financial Times.

Luxury goods oust executives with global economy in flux – “Luxury-goods makers are spring cleaning their boardrooms and ateliers. At least 14 new presidents, chief executive officers, chief financial officers and creative directors started at European companies, including Mulberry Group Plc and PPR SA in the first quarter alone.” In Business Week.

Digital tools boost in-store services – “The online and offline shopping worlds are converging, and thanks to a handful of digital solutions, retailers are using them to enhance offline shopping practices more than ever… Gucci unveiled a ‘Mobile Point of Sale’ program this week that will launch later this year at select boutiques in the U.S., Europe and Asia to better the retail experience for consumers.” In WWD.

Perry Ellis has something to say – “For men of a certain generation, the Perry Ellis look of the early ‘80s was a classic: impeccably constructed khaki pants and a crisp white or blue cotton shirt, perhaps paired with a buttery soft trench coat, all of it conveying a kind of effortless elegance.’ When Perry Ellis was alive, no one did it better,’ Michael Bastian, the men’s wear designer, said recently.” In NY Times.

Architecture meets fashion: the world’s best flagship stores – „Fashion and architecture have experienced an unrivaled period of growth, with star architects and major fashion brands working closely to build architectural wonders around the world. But is this simply a classic commercial act or a romantic matter based on a natural affinity from both sides?” In The Atlantic.

Gilt Group founders gab about the future of commerce – “When Gilt Groupe co-founders Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson opened the virtual doors to their online flash sale site in 2007, they were thrilled to sell $9,565 in high-fashion fare on their first day. Now, the members-only site—which has since grown to include travel, food, home furnishings and local services—can generate far more than that in a matter of seconds.” In AdWeek.

Stores go online to find the perfect fit – “When Andy Dunn helped start Bonobos five years ago, he wanted to shake up the retail industry with a men’s wear brand exclusively sold online. Now Mr. Dunn, 33, is embracing the brick-and-mortar model, striking a partnership with Nordstrom. It is a symbiotic deal. Bonobos will get $16.4 million in cash and more than 100 stores to sell its clothes, while Nordstrom will get gain expertise on e-mail marketing and online branding.” In NY Times.

Plastic is fantastic! – „Believe it! Designers are creating covetable polymer pieces, applying the forever-futuristic material to party clothes, accessories and even beachwear.” In Wall Street Journal.

Trench warfare: Aquascutum vs. Burberry – “Two of Britain’s most well-known fashion labels found themselves at rather different ends of the spectrum yesterday, as international megabrand Burberry announced a rise of 17.1 per cent in its revenues, while Aquascutum – whose apparel once warmed the burly shoulders of Winston Churchill – has entered administration.” In The Independent.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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