Lectura de sambata dimineata

Nu prea mai tin minte cum erau vacantele mele de vara de cand eram copil, dar imi aduc aminte penumbra bleu si moleseala dupa-amiezelor din camera mea, orele nesfarsite de inot, pumnii de cirese si de dude, lecturile obligatorii pentru scoala.  Azi-dimineata, cand m-am trezit, am inceput sa rasfoiesc „La Medeleni” si, unu-doi, eram inapoi in vacanta de vara cu Danut, Monica si Olguta.

„Un cearsaf ud prins cu tinte de colturile ferestrei deschise se bomba lin si iar venea la loc, prefacand caldura care molesea caisele livezii in racorita boare. […] Daca ar fi intrat bunica in odaia fetitelor si-ar fi pus ochelarii si, fara sa atinga cu degetul nici sifoniera, nici cele doua dulapioare de langa paturile de nuc, ar fi vazut ca pic de colb nu-i nicaieri, nici muste, si-ar fi oftat cu usurare; ar fi simtit mirosul de podele ceruite imbinandu-se cu aroma de racoare pastrata doar in tihna caselor batrane unde ierneaza mere si gutai si ar fi clatinat din cap cu bunatate si cu duiosie; si s-ar fi aplecat cu multa truda asupra paturilor neted invelite, si dezvelind un colt ar fi vazut ca asternutu-i de olanda si ca spalatoreasa-i vrednica, si ca-n dulapul rufelor mai e sulfina si lavanda si ar fi acoperit cu evalvie coltul descoperit; si daca ar mai fi deschis si sifoniera ar fi vazut papusile care asteptau emotia fetitelor premiate la examenul de clasa a treia primara, […] si incetisor-incetisor ar fi iesit si s-ar fi dus… In odaia fetitelor nu mai era nimeni.”

Back to the present and on with the show, honeys, haideti sa vedem ce citim azi, in racoarea aerului conditionat!

Pinterest has users, Fancy has a business model – “Fancy isn’t Pinterest. Not even close. But Pinterest may start looking to emulate its business model. A startup Web application that blends bookmarking and shopping, Fancy just recently crossed the million-user mark.” In AdWeek.

Haider Ackerman: the traped crusader – “So it is with Haider Ackermann who first showed at the Paris collections 10 years ago now and who has built up a loyal following with the most sartorially forward thinking. Now, though, his runway presentations and the highly singular vision they represent are one of the high points of the French fashion season across the board.” In The Independent.

Are these the new supermodels? – “They’re young, beautiful and all have huge campaigns under their collective tiny belts, but can they really match up to the likes of Naomi, Christy, Cindy, Linda and Claudia?” In The Telegraph.

Shorts reign in a men’s wear jubilee – “The first stand-alone British men’s wear shows that the prince was lauding developed into three packed days of presentations this past weekend that played out like the Diamond Jubilee: a mix of grandeur, tradition and streetwise energy — sometimes all in one outfit.” In International Herald Tribune.

Always dress to impress – „ou never know when you’ll have a date with destiny. Annette Tapert argues in favor of an unrelentingly presentable wardrobe ” In Wall Street Journal.

The best and brightest – „Italo Zucchelli, the designer for Calvin Klein, explains how a single item from a designer’s collection can catch the public’s fancy and blows up. In his case, it was neon suits.” In NY Times.

Mum’s the word for designers – „As a new generation of young des­igners challenges the usual definition of ‘family business’ by turning to their parents, especially the mother, as employees, understanding such familial tropes and how they may affect their corporate partnerships is increasingly important.’We call it a ‘reverse succession’, and we are seeing it more and more.’” In Financial Times.

An intellectual fashion: Matthew Stone – “Matthew Stone’s multifaceted work addresses culture as a whole. First and foremost an artist, he notoriously attracted more than 4000 viewers for his WOWOW performance at Tate Britain, in 2008. Since then, his work has been featured in numerous venues, most recently, the 2012 Marrakech Biennial, and in magazines including Dazed & Confused and Vogue Japan.” In AnOther.

Diane von Furstenberg on „China Century” – “Virtually every luxury marketer has China in its sights, and while Ms. von Furstenberg is no different, she says she is taking a more personalized approach to the country’s rising middle class. They appear to be responding: She now has more followers on Weibo than on its American equivalent, Twitter.” In Wall Street Journal.

Ascot decoded – „Style experts give their verdicts on the stricter guidelines at Royal Ascot.” In Financial Times.

A high-heeled stroll through history – „Historically, women have told themselves they had to “suffer to be beautiful,” but Ms. Bergstein shows that women are just as willing to suffer to be successful. When it comes to footwear, she implies, beauty is secondary … and comfort is the proper concern of the dowdy.” In NY Times.

The handbag rescue – „Once you find the perfect handbag, you hate to see it go. It starts with a scratch here and there, and then the zipper stops working. Pretty soon, that favorite bag is too embarrassingly shabby to carry. But there’s hope for it yet.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Madalina says:

    Ce frumos… La Medeleni a fost motivul pentru care m-am indragostit de citit. Brings up memories.

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