Lectura de sambata dimineata

„In vara aceea ne-am cumparat niste palarii mari de pai. Maria si-a luat una cu cireste de jur-imprejur. Infanta cu flori albastre de nu-ma-uita iar eu una cu maci rosii ca focul. Cand ne asezam in fan, cerul, florile de camp si noi eram tot una. „Unde v-ati ascuns iar?” striga dupa noi mama. Noi mormant. Vorbeam in soapta, ne spuneam secrete. […]

Dupa-amiezele nu dormeam, era un obicei care imi ramasese de cand eram mica, inchipuindu-mi ca a nu te culca este o fapta revolutionara care vadeste vointa si spirit de independenta. Asa ca ma urcam in nuc si acolo imi faceam inele din flori si bratari din par de cal. […] Cand oboseala imi ingreuna pleoapele si imi simteam mainile si picioarele moi, de parca as fi baut vin dulce, ma duceam in fan unde gaseam liniste, umbra deasa si miros de flori uscate. Trupul mi se cufunda mai adanc in fan, capul imi cadea; ma fura un somn scurt, despre care nu suflam o vorba nimanui. Un somn atat de dulce, incat atunci cand ma trezeam parea ca ma intorc din alta lume.”

Vara trebuie traita, dar si descrisa. Altfel ramanem doar cu urbanul nostru, cu asfaltul fierbinte, traficul infernal, rutina din timpul saptamanii, presarate cu momente oarecare, greu de identificat cronologic mai tarziu – mai o fuga pana la mare, mai o noapte nedormita la un party – iar cele trei luni fierbinti dispar ca o minune… Saptamanile trecute mi-am propus sa descopar in carti paragrafe care descriu zile si dupa-amieze de vara (nu stiu de ce, poate ca sa creez un fel de „album” de vara in care vizualul este completat de cuvinte, randurile din deschidere sunt din „Palariile de pai” ale Margaritei Liberakis), iar ieri cu atat mai mult dupa o vizita la Createurs 5d emotions, unde umarul mi-a fost parfumat cu miros de apa sarata, briza si alge…

Pana nu trece vara, sa mai citim una-alta (iar daca va aduceti aminte sau stiti descrieri frumoase ale unor veri de roman, let me know).

Overdressed makes buyers aware of  what they wear – “With fashion it bears remembering… that unlike textiles or widgets, garment production is not automated. It’s manual labour — people seated at sewing machines — which makes a book specifically exploring the past, present and eventual financial and moral implications of cheap chic and fast fashion all the more important.” In National Post.

Ending on a grace note – “For all the the flesh still flashed on the red carpets, there is a change of mood on the runways. Perhaps the change can best be seen in the long-sleeved dresses with hemlines at the shoe-level that have taken over for the once-prevalent winter bare-the-body look.” In International Herald Tribune.

A green and pleasant trend – „Depending on where you sit, green may be the colour of money, of envy, of summer grass or of a Rousseau painting. But it has rarely been the colour of fashion – largely because it has rarely been a colour anyone wants anywhere near their face. This season, though, green isn’t just for grass: it’s for garments too.” In Financial Times.

Couture is alive and kicking -„Fashion is fuelled by mythology and stories so lovely that one could be forgiven for thinking they are imaginary – or at least heavily embellished, just like the clothes that go with them. The haute couture, however, is the last bastion of such romance and […] and it remains very much alive.” In The Independent.

Yohji Yamamoto museum style – “Yohji Yamamoto, champion of the avant-garde, has built an empire crafting ready-to-wear clothing brilliantly complex in texture, fabric, and tailoring… Opening today, the Japanese designer’s work will be celebrated in Israel for the first time at Design Museum Holon, as part of a series of traveling museum exhibitions.” In Interview.

Fashion’s new establishment – “But since then, style blogs like The Man Repeller, Into the Gloss, Style Rookie and Bryanboy, aka Bryan Grey Yambao, have become assigned reading among the fashion set—and you’d be hard pressed to find them missing a single Fashion Week.” In AdWeek.

Bedazzled at Place Vendome – “Under the rafters, through small windows, the jewelry workers have a bird’s-eye view of the Place Vendôme, that noble Parisian square with Napoleon on his thin plinth in the center… ‘But in two years when it is all done, it is going to be the rebirth of the Place Vendôme in all its glory,’ said Thierry Fritsch, the chief executive officer of Chaumet”  In New York Times.

Rethinking color for Hermès – „One of the art world’s most coveted accessories this summer is a limited edition Hermès scarf by Hiroshi Sugimoto.” In Wall Street Journal.

Bags of history – „Built by the Seoul-based luxury bag producer Simone, the Simone Handbag Museum is part of a new 10-floor building called Bagstage, in the shape of a top handle shopper and dedicated to the accessory.” In Financial Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Ioana says:

    Da, vara merita mai mult decat o noapte nedormita si o fuga pana la mare. 🙂
    Iti recomand Cella Serghi – Panza de paianjen. Are niste descrieri superbe ale Mangaliei si ale Balcicului vara.

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