Lectura de sambata dimineata

„Marea fierbinte se ghiceste in luminozitatea tavanului. E inca prea cald pentru plaja. In casa asta mare, inecata in verdeata, totul picoteste – pe terasa, o palarie de paie cu boruri largi ce straluceste in soare, in gradina, ciresii cu ramuri nemiscate, cu trunchiuri contorsionate lacrimand rasina topita. Ziarul vechi de cateva saptamani, cu stiri ce consemneaza sfarsitul indepartatului nostru Imperiu. Si marea, peruzea incrustata intre ramurile ciresilor…  Odaia-n care stau lungit se pravaleste parca, prin fereastra larga, in necuprinsul orbitor al marii. Totul e alb, totul e soare. Afara de marea pata neagra a pianului, exilat al serilor ploioase. Intr-un fotoliu: ea.  Putin distanta, inca – nu ne cunoastem decat de doua saptamani. Cateva imbratisari timide, cateva plimbari pe inserat, in umbra cu miros intepator a chiparosilor. Cateva sarutari.”

Nice? Sigur ca da, este Andrei Makine. suflet trist de slav si expresivitate de francez…. In alta ordine de idei, pentru weekendul acesta va recomand un singur lucru (daca ati ramas in Bucuresti): retrospectiva B-Est de la MTR.  Atat.


Cat despre citit, aveti mai jos.

All the trimmings are the mainn course – “Ten years ago, fashion design students might have said they most wanted to emulate the careers of Marc Jacobs, Diane von Furstenberg or Michael Kors. Today, role models might include Rebecca Minkoff, Pamela Love or Brian Atwood — all accessories designers.” In NY Times.

Revamped, „The Cut” will take on fashion glossies – „The company plans to reveal its all new version of the blog—a standalone website that will move outside its current editorial milieu of style and gossip to take on a wide range of topics that interest women, from sex and relationships to health and media. And it’s putting a whole new emphasis on photos.” In Business Insider.

Rise: Julie Eilenberger – “Julie’s often ironic, always unique vision is not entirely new to the fashion scene; she has already shown at Berlin Fashion Week three times and designed a collection for Adidas along the way.” In Dazed Digital.

Faster, higher, stronger: luxury pricing goes for gold – „If, like French fashion house Balmain, you can sell a ripped cotton tee-shirt for more than 1,000 euros, you might wonder if there’s any price your well-heeled customers won’t pay.” Pe Reuters.

Fashion’s most angry fella – „When John Fairchild, the tyrannical, mischievous editor in chief of Women’s Wear Daily and founder of W magazine, stepped down from his Fairchild Publications throne, in 1997, it was supposed to be a clean break. Fifteen years later, at the age of 85, the onetime terror of the fashion industry is still stirring the pot.” In Vanity Fair.

A new look for French Vogue – “French Vogue is getting a makeover with the September issue, which hits newsstands Aug. 23. The magazine features a cleaner, airier design, with remodeled typography and the use of a craft-paper-like brown background — both of which hark back to its look in the Sixties and Seventies.” In WWD.

Rich toddlers draw fashion designers’ eyes – “Top fashion designers are pushing more expensive duds for the increasingly lucrative affluent toddler demographic. This fall, Oscar de la Renta, Dolce & Gabbana, and Marni launched collections for the pint-sized.” In Business Week.

„Mirror fasts” help take the focus off yourself – „Some people in search of serenity are trying to abstain from looking at their reflections for a day, a week, a month or even a year.” In NY Times.

More brands joining Instagram and with good reason – “Perhaps it’s the ‘Pinterest Effect’ – the social media network that is all about the visual side of life, but more and more brands, especially the big boys on the brand block, are joining Instagram.” In Forbes.

Model / Entrepreneur: Erin O’Connor – “Erin O’Connor needs no introduction. After a nearly two-year-long hiatus, the supermodel, who first came on the scene in the mid-nineties and has been a muse to countless industry influencers” Pe Style.com

Can a mom get a break? – „Still-pudgy moms struggling to find their way back are bombarded by the celebrity narrative of the mom as bombshell in a looks obsessed culture.” In NY Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Mihaela says:

    And if you get bored : http://inspirationaldiary.wordpress.com/
    Ai un blog genial, Irina 🙂

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