Lectura de sambata dimineata

„The French, when they can’t remember something, blame it on a „hole in the memory”. Through the hole in my memory have passed not only the names of the people I met 10 minutes ago, the combination for the lock on my suitcase and the plots of Henry James’s novels, but also some inner sense of who I was at various times in my life. Looking over my shoulder, I regard whole chapters of my past as the misadventures of a stranger, though of course the stranger was me.

A woman I once met tol me that she’d been approached at the racetrack by an attractive gentleman, who loked not even vaguely familiar. „I beg your pardon”, he said, „but didn’t we used to be married?” She was at that time on her third husband; he had been her first, 20 years before. It was bad enough that she didn’t recognize him, she latter admited,  but even worse that she had such hard time recognizing herself as his former wife. I sympathized. The older I get, the more it seems that I have been not so much one continuous person as several people, in sequence.

With some of those people I now have little or nothing in common, including our taste in clothes. Cleaning out the back of my closet one weekend not long ago, I came across assorted evidence of my former selves: a high school cheerleadig sweatshirt worn by the pre-conscious small town ingenue; a pair of blue denim overall that constituted a uniform for the arty college student; a black leather jacket that served as some kind of downtown armor for a bashful newcomer to the city; a long, droopy cardigan sweater that represented a rookie writer’s idea of what somebody literary might wear; a Chanel suit that, it was hoped, might confer some authority on a young woman endeavouring to live by her opinions…

Nici ca as fi putut gasi o introducere mai buna la invitatia pe care urmeaza sa vi-o lansez. La fel ca Holly Brubach, cea care a scris randurile de mai sus, mi-am petrecut o mare parte a ultimelor weekenduri triindu-mi garderoba, cu nemilozitate si obiectivitate. Rezultatul: trei standere pline de haine (mai bine de trei sferturi din ele purtate o singura data), aproape 30 de perechi de pantofi nepurtati, un sac de curele, o tava imensa plina de inele, bratari, coliere si cercei.  Sambata urmatoare, 1 septembrie, de la 11 dimineata la 5 seara, ma gasiti cu ele toate in gradina Green Tea, intr-un garage sale improvizat.

Sa nu intelegeti gresit: nu va fi un targ „vintage”, nu va fi showroom de designeri. Just me, a couple of my friends, some very cool music in the background and my clothes for sale.

Asadar, daca aveti chef de cotrobait prin dulapul meu, probat haine, cercei si pantofi in aer liber, maimutarit in fata oglinzii, stat la un ceai cu gheata intr-o gradina cu trandafiri sau la o sueta cu mine (in ce ordine vreti voi), va astept sambata urmatoare la Green Tea.

Iar acum, sa vedem ce avem de citit.

Anna Wintour shares: her Vogue story – “Working on this September’s 120th anniversary cover of a Marc Jacobs–clad Lady Gaga made me think about my very first cover as the editor of Vogue.” In Vogue US

In search of a real woman – „Amid the air-brushed perfection of so much fashion advertising, a backlash is under way: one of “real” women, unretouched images and online customer reviews.” In Financial Times.

Smells like Chanel’s spirit – “The couturier, who favoured neutrals throughout her career personally and professionally, did make black the fashionable colour to see and be seen in at all times – from day to evening and dressed up or down, depending on the taste of its wearer. Black is also the starting point of the company’s new fragrance, Coco Noir.” In The Independent.

20 questions for Muriel Grateau – „The Parisian design gallerist, celebrated for her jewelry-like tableware, talks hostess gifts, the beauty of bronze and why she would never redo her home.” In Wall Street Journal.

J.Crew taps street style, industry insiders and Tumblr’s founder – “You won’t see any big-name models in J.Crew’s fall 2012 ad campaign–but that doesn’t mean you won’t recognize any of the faces. The mega-retailer has tapped a handful of successful fashion industry types (who just, you know, happen to be model-good-looking) to star in its latest ad campaign.” In Fashionista.com

Up close with Carine Roitfeld, with the world’s chicest grandmother – “The 57-year-old former editor of Vogue Paris has just become a grandmother – her daughter, Julia, gave birth to a daughter in May. But today there is nothing grandmotherly about her.” In The Telegraph.

Disruptions: the next wave for the wristwatch – “Cellphones have already muscled onto watches’ turf as a time-telling tool. Now, some of the biggest technology companies are eyeing your wrist, too. Companies like Apple, Nike and Sony, along with dozens of start-ups, hope to strap a device on your wrist.” In NY Times.

Prada’s CEO on staying independent in a consolidating industry – “While rival fashion houses have struggled and been acquired by conglomerates, Prada has prospered. Its CEO says that has a lot to do with the company’s culture.” In Harvard Business Review.

A growing auction market: Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel bags -“The still red-hot status handbag market — driven by celebrity trendsetters such as Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham — has not escaped the notice of some big auction houses. They say it’s a new and growing category that is attracting a global clientele of sellers and buyers.” Pe Associated Press.

Christian Louboutin, the collector– „During his constant globe-trotting adventures, he collects, well, everything: Egyptian sofas, English farm chairs, feathers from the Amazon, African masks, Brazilian mid-century anything, Damascene tiles and so on. He squirrels these away in a warehouse in Paris, which he visits regularly, like going to see old friends. When it’s time to decorate yet another residence—he has 5 now, in Paris, Portugal, Egypt, Los Angeles and the French countryside—he rummages through his treasures, looking for just the right pieces.” In WSJ Magazine.

Prosperous times for luxury print media, or are they? – “Ad-pages are up, but circulation is down. New titles are launching, but digital is increasingly driving content consumption. What does all this mean for luxury print media?” In Luxury Society.

Why one coat doesn’t fit all – „At last count, I have 10, four of which – a trench, a ladylike bracelet-sleeved number, a cocooning beige overcoat and a longline baseball jacket – were on regular rotation last winter. Having one for all eventualities is like trying to force a triangle into a star shape on one of those Early Learning Centre toys – it’s not going to happen.” In The Telegraph.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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