Lectura de sambata dimineata

Iubesc perioada asta din an. Parca are mai multa substanta si traire decat primaverile, mai multa natura si umanitate decat iernile, mai multe nuante decat verile. Pentru mine este si o perioada in care devin, inevitabil, nostalgica, introspectiva si retrospectiva.  Ma gandesc ca zilele de toamna sunt perioade in care constientizam cat ar trebui sa pretuim ceva ce stim ca va disparea curand: caldura soarelui, lumina de zi, weekendurile insorite, picnicurile si plimbarile, copacii inca infrunziti, galbenul si oranjul…

Si asa amanam sa incaltam ciorapi grosi, amagindu-ne ca o botina si o fusta din dantela ne acopera genunchii, lasam puloverele pe altadata si ne infasuram in cardiganuri si esarfe, inlocuim incetul cu incetul verdele mentol cu cel masliniu, rozul corai cu oranj si vermilion, bejul cu ciocolatiu iar rosul cu declinari de visiniu sau bordeaux. Devenim mai elegante, mai blande si mai gratioase in catifea, tweed, piele si tricotaje, ne schimbam parfumul si playlistul, ne miscam mai studiat, citim mai mult, ne cultivam placerea degustarii ceaiului si a unei cesti de cacao, respiram altfel. Devenim putin altfel.


Alte lucruri raman neschimbate si certe, cum e cazul cu recomandarile mele de lectura pentru sambata,  haha! Inainte sa va las sa le cititi, va invit sa aruncati un ochi aici: pentru ca v-as putea trimite la un curs de fashion business, daca gasiti o solutie desteapta, noua, simpla pentru un scenariu legat de o prezentare Prada. Va simtiti in stare?

Sites that pay the shopper for being the seller – “Favorable mentions on blogs have been for sale for years. Product reviews can also be bought. Now social media sites are taking citizen marketing to a new extreme, turning anyone’s Twitter message, Facebook post, Pinterest image or e-mail into a possible paid promotion.” In NY Times

Oh, those crazy Italians! – „Tod’s has put together a book called Italian Portraits featuring some of the country’s most exceptional sartorialists—generations of leading businessmen, entrepreneurs, industrialists and aristocrats casually photographed at home, relaxing with the confidence of kings.” In Wall Street Journal.

When Ferragamo met Marylin – “Known as the ‘shoemaker of dreams’, Salvatore Ferragamo’s playground was always Hollywood. His trusting relationships with legends of the screen in the 1920s through to the 1950s saw his name rocket to infamy; a legacy that endures via a focus on actresses and supermodels in Ferragamo campaigns today. Marilyn Monroe was one of Ferragamo’s most high profile fans…” In Dazed Digital.

Mencyclopedia: Dior Homme – “Dior Homme, you see, is the high temple of international masculine tightness. Pleated pants are the last thing you expect to see sold by a brand so instrumental in introducing the super-skinny silhouette now adopted by men around the world.” In The Telegraph.

Tim Walker: Story Teller – “From a flying saucer invading a foxhunt to floating dinner tables, photographer Tim Walker’s fantastical images tantalizingly blur the line between fiction and reality.” In Nowness.

Tilda Swinton elivens fashion history – “The laws of museum preservation are sacred. Once stored, pieces may never again be touched by human hands—let alone worn. Reflecting upon this quandary, the Musée Galliera’s curator Olivier Saillard devised The Impossible Wardrobe, a performance piece that has breathed new life into some of the Galliera’s most precious acquisitions.” In Interview.

Chanel rises above its excess – “Three great couture houses showed their 21st-century visions in the closing days of the Paris summer 2013 collections. Yet it was not the much-anticipated Saint Laurent show that won the regeneration game, nor even the recurrent inventions at Chanel. Valentino, in a graceful, calm and beautifully crafted show on Tuesday, hit the sweet spot between heritage and contemporary.” In NY Times.

The luxury that dare not speak is name – “But China is no longer just the sweatshop of the world that churns out cheap T-shirts and jeans. The high costs in Europe have meant that many artisans have moved to China, while local manufacturers have also benefited from a transfer of knowledge that has taken place since the country became an outsourcing centre more than three decades ago.” In Financial Times.

Chanel’s little black jacket: how Chanel split the fashion atom – “That innocuous cardie turned out to be fashion’s equivalent of the atom. And Coco split it. First, she took its pockets, which were perfectly positioned far enough down the front panels to encourage a woman to thrust her hands in them confidently, and placed them in corresponding places on jackets. Prior to Coco, women did not thrust, and pockets were for show – at least they were in the bourgeois wardrobe.” In The Telegraph.


Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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2 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    ramona says:

    Ce frumos scri, Irina

  2. 2
    ramona says:

    upsi, scrii, scuze

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