Lectura de sambata dimineata

„If the way a society keeps sexual behaviour under control is one of its organizing principles, then fashion, being the language in which sexuality (among other things) is expressed, is a key to something basic. The clothes French women wear are nearly always fitted, if not tight and sometimes downright constricting. A suit by Saint Laurent indicates the body underneath it more precisely than, say, a suit by Bill Blass.

Perhaps because they seem to be „held” by their clothes, French women walk and sit and carry themselves as if they thought they were sexy. When French women dress in something big and loose, it is more often than not a man’s sweater or sportscoat, borrowed from a boyfriend’s closet and worn as a trophy.”

Si dupa aste ganduri frumoase – btw, voi cum va imbracati astazi? -, va las sa cititi si sa va bucurati de una dintre ultimele zile insorite de toamna-iarna…

Icon of the decade: Diane von Furstenberg – “At 65, Diane von Furstenberg still embodies sultry beauty and feminine power. She is womanly, sensual, and utterly bien dans sa peau as she lounges on a sofa in her office on West 14th Street in Manhattan, portraits and murals and photographs of her in all her feline splendor staring down from the walls.” In W Magazine.

Double impact jewelry – „Quick: what do Diana Vreeland, Coco Chanel and Wonder Woman have in common? All three are connoisseurs of wide cuffs worn twinned on each wrist. Tap into the stylish power of symmetry with identical cuffs worn on each wrist.” In Wall Street Journal.

Supersize my silhouette– „While there were other styles on the catwalks this season – from puffas and crazy fun furs to military and equestrian – there was a rare consensus among designers about the key coat statement: supersize me. Within the trend there are multiple looks: sporty (Chloé, Stella McCartney), the oversized boyfriend (3.1 Phillip Lim, Céline, Chalayan), the 1950s, couture-inspired cocoon (Raf Simons’s last season for Jil Sander, Erdem), the luxe dressing gown (Daks, Chloé)…” In Financial Times.

The Garbo of Fashion – “Ms. Moss’s bad-girl image has always been good for business, at least since the days of heroin chic and somebody-feed-her-a-cracker. Now, at 38 — an age when even the luckiest in her field have typically been tossed on the ice — Ms. Moss can boast of numerous advertising campaigns; more editorial work than any one glamour puss can reasonably handle.” In NY Times.

Blow up – „For the past decade or so, the work of fashion photographers has been fetching record prices at auction. In 2010, the iconic picture of the Dior-clad „Dovima with Elephants,” shot by the late Richard Avedon in 1955, set a world record for the photographer and was the most expensive photograph ever sold in France, fetching €841,000 at Christie’s Paris. Last November, an Irving Penn picture of his wife Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn, entitled „Woman in Moroccan Palace” (1951), sold for €361,000.” In Wall Street Journal.

How fashionable shoppers invest in individuality – “Either way, customisation and bespoke services are on the increase among fashion houses this season, with two major launches for the pickiest aesthetes at ultra-luxury labels Bottega Veneta and Louis Vuitton.” In The Independent.

Interview with Jane Shepherdson , CEO Whistles – “Perhaps it’s not surprising that, in her spare time, Jane Shepherdson does flying trapeze in Hoxton, smack in the heart of achingly hip East London. Right from her earliest days in the fashion industry, Shepherdson has been known for taking risks and having her finger on the pulse of what’s cool.” In CEO Talk

The new male fashionista – “At Mr Porter.com, the personal shopping team receive emails from customers straight after fashion shows expressing interest in looks they spotted on the catwalk. Buying manager Terry Betts reports that in 18 months of trading, Mr Porter has seen the emergence of a new ‘really strong fashion guy.’ In The Guardian.

The investment dresser: classic watches – „I love watches, the way a man’s large dial makes a woman’s wrist look delicate or how an antique dress watch shows up all other bracelets at night. I enjoy feeling undressed when I leave my watch off. How can you truly enjoy the liberation from time constraints on holiday if you never wear a watch?” In The Telegraph.

On the scent of the masters – “Since the Metropolitan Museum’s Alexander McQueen show, it has been clear that fashion is a viable – and lucrative – subject for a museum show. But what about fragrance? Now, New York’s Museum of Arts and Design will test the hypothesis with “The Art of Scent”, a showcase of 12 great perfumers and their works.” In Financial Times.

The Shopping Social Network – „Connection is the new name of the fashion e-commerce game. But do we really want the World Wide Web peeking in as we’re just browsing for winter boots?” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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3 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Monica says:

    Astazi ?

    Planuiam ceva … dar dupa lectura post-ului tau si reinvierea imaginii sexy French style , mi-am schimbat ideea initiala si trec la niste pantaloni foarte pe corp si un top matasos bleumarin cu buline galbene, care ma binedispune intotdeauna.

    Mi-a placut si articolul despre Diane von Furstenberg, ce viata aventuroasa ! Poate de-asta imi placuse atat de mult parfumul lansat de ea anul trecut, pura bucurie olfactiva.

    Weekend frumos !

  2. 2
    Raluca says:

    Pe cuvantul meu ca habar nu aveam ca tatal Dianei von Furstenberg era roman….

  3. 3
    andreea says:

    De unde e citatatul despre femeile din Franta….

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