Lectura de sambata dimineata

Chiar daca incepe cu intarziere, weekendul este weekend. Este facut pentru aventura, iesire din rutina, stat cu prietenii sau familia, pentru baut cea mai buna cafea si respirat aerul din parc, pentru incercat bistrouri nou-deschise si haine noi, rasfoit reviste si vazut seriale lacrimogene… Weekendul asta mi-am propus sa le incerc pe toate: trag o fuga la Unveiled, ca sa descopar nu doar un loc deosebit – studioul Iconique – dar si cativa dintre tinerii designeri romani (Carmina Cimpoeru, Cristina Sabaiduc, Alina Cioara, Loredana Nedelcu, Teodora Criclevitz), mananc ceva  bun la Beca’s Kitchen, termin de citit un Time si o carte despre pictura, poate merg pana la piata de flori, poate ma opresc la Bastilia si termin cu un ceai la hotel Epoque. Voi cum va petreceti sfarsitul de saptamana?

Inainte sa trec la linkurile zilei, va las cu un citat, din „The Throughtful dresser”: „The profound desire for something new is perhaps linked with the strong need we have to be alive, just to be living. Unconsciously we understand that to live is to be in perpetual motion, and motion propels change.

Fashion is always moving: its tendency to abandon abruptly a particular hemline or colour or style of jacket, or even a whole way of thinking about how women dress, getting rid of gloves  hat an pearls – fashion’s maddening short-term memory takes you further and further away from the past. And if the past has not been good to you, you might thank fashion for making it look so firmly out of date, so old, so decisively not the present tense.

When we canot wear a pair of kitten heels mules because they are out of fashion, we are acknowledging that we must not live in the past. A few, a very tiny few style eccentrics have always managed to break all the rules and wear what they want, but the rest of us make those minor and major adjustments more or less unconsciously. Like great herds of bisons thundering across the American planes, we proceed onwards, always moving in packs to the next pasture land…”

Longchamps: a long way from the pipes in Paris – “Longchamp’s signature product is a handbag seen on the arms of hundreds of women everywhere from London to Sao Paulo and Singapore. Its Le Pliage foldable handbags launched in 1993 and the company still sells three million of them every year, helping to explain a recent 22 per cent growth in group sales. Despite its products being a common sight among the masses, Longchamp claims it isn’t out of place among Hong Kong’s ‘who’s who’ of top luxury names.” In The Independent.

Q&A: Diane Pernet’s Shaded View on Fashion -“Founded by, A Shaded View on Fashion blogger and industry aficionado, Diane Pernet back in 2008, when the concept of fashion film existed solely for mega brands, as another appendage to their already sprawling global presence, and where only the daring and cutting edge would dare to tread un-commissioned.”  In Dazed Digital.

Mencyclopedia: Hermes – “Selfridges in London plays host to a hi‑tech Hermès installation by a digital artist named Miguel Chevalier. This consists of two rooms whose walls ripple with the elegant, seemingly abstract patterns that also undulate across the company’s Heavy Twill tie collection” In The Telegraph.

Holt Renfrew: on a youth click – „“The retailer has spent the past year carefully building its social media presence, with a primary goal of reaching a younger demographic. Canada’s leading luxury retailer, with nine doors spanning the country from Toronto to Vancouver, wants to make sure its digital message is in line with its overall mission: providing customers with an extraordinary experience.” In WWD

Designers dip into Klimt’s well – “It is 150 years since the birth of Gustav Klimt, the creator of the gilded plaques, the russet richness and the jeweled mosaics that have entranced the world of decorative arts. His legacy lies not only in the artist’s paintings from his native Vienna, nor in the exceptional decoration of the modernist Stoclet Villa in Brussels, but also in fashion.” In International Herald Tribune.

Mastering the mismatch – „Get ready to add ‘spezzato’—the art of contrasting jackets and trousers—to your sartorial dictionary. Not to be confused with sprezzatura, which is the art of unstudied elegance, spezzato literally translates as „broken in two.” Quite simply, it describes a combination of jacket and trousers that’s not a matching suit.” In Wall Street Journal.

A working fashionista – “For a woman who has become known as one of Russia’s ‘Fashion Pack,’ Miroslava Duma’s education was not pointing her to the world of fashion journalism she is making her own.” In Moscow News.

Fendi scion turns trash into handbags – „Ilaria Venturini Fendi stitches together unused materials, such as bottle caps and leather remnants, to create her fashion line, Carmina Campus. ” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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