Lectura de sambata dimineata

Daca ar fi sa-mi aleg un moment preferat, ar fi acela cand deschid usile dulapului dintr-o camera de hotel. Hainele sunt aliniate cuminti pe umerase, se leagana usor in spatiul aerisit, in camera se aude doar sunetul metalic al carligelor de umeras. Imi imaginez propriile haine ca fiind oameni invizibili care, dupa ce au stat inghesuiti intr-o camera claustrofobica de bloc, acum respira adanc, isi intind bratele, se balanseaza ritmic: inainte, inapoi, inainte, inapoi…

E placut sa iti vezi toate hainele, sa intinzi bratul si – chiar in clipa in care scoti un umeras – sa stii care va fi urmatorul ales. Simplitatea si ordinea fac viata mai usoara, fac aerul mai respirabil, ne imblanzesc garderoba si ne-o fac draga…

Astfel de momente sunt rare, iar cele mai multe garderobe sufera de prea-plin, la fel ca si agendele si vietile noastre. Gandul acesta a dat nastere altora similare, care au dat nastere unui eveniment semi-spontan (adica au fost necesare doar o intalnire minunata, doua telefoane si o fata pe nume Ana-Maria) la care va invit miercuri, 20 februarie, in Readers Cafe, de la ora 19.00.  Nu, nu este un cerc de lectura, ci o discutie, un workshop si un exercitiu de creativitate.  La  „Garderoba Mix & Match” va voi arata cum puteti crea mai mult de 30 de tinute cu doar 11 piese vestimentare si o mana de accesorii.  Atat! Vom avea la dispozitia noastra doua standere pline cu bluze, tricotaje, pantaloni, sacouri, rochii, fuste, camasi si accesoriile de rigoare, pentru ca sa ne jucam in voie – dar cum locurile sunt limitate, va puteti rezerva un loc scriind la contact@readerscafe.ro.

In alta ordine de idei, azi fac fericite trei persoane. Nu doar eu, ci si TShirt Factory.ro, cei cu care am derulat concursul din aceasta saptamana. To be honest, as vrea sa va pot oferi tuturor cate un tricou (sau zece!) pentru cat m-ati fermecat si surprins cu raspunsurile voastre! Peter Pan si Sheldon Cooper, Dr. House si Coana Mitza Biciclista, Bubico si Miranda Priestley…

Si totusi, castigatorii alesi prin random.org sunt AnaMaria/ Arriana, Iana si Eugen – felicitari, sa va bucurati de tricouri! Verificati-va emailurile luni 🙂

In sfarsit, inainte sa trec la recomandarile zilei, nu pot sa ma abtin  – trebuie sa va spun: saptamanile urmatoare vor fi ca un al doilea Craciun, atat de multe cadouri vor veni de pe Style Diary! O carte despre Christian Dior, o invitatie super speciala la un show de moda, o mega-sesiune de shopping gata platita… OMG, lipseste doar sampania!

Bine, gata, sa trecem la lucruri serioase, haideti sa ne cultivam impreuna gradina interioara…

Deconstructing Demeleumeester – „Twenty-seven years after launching her own business, Belgian fashion designer Ann Demeulemeester is a byword for single-minded dedication, still creating looks that embrace the androgynous modernity with which she first made her name.” In Wall Street Journal.

The joy of sets – “It’s a far cry from over a century ago, when British designer Lucile popularised fashion shows as we know them today, organising biannual presentations of her clothes in Europe and America at which models would slowly parade up and down the catwalk while a lone voice intoned the specifics of each look.” In DazedDigital.

Fashion sweet spot: the $400 dress – „Where does a fashion-conscious woman shop when she graduates from mall chains but isn’t ready to break the bank on high-end designer wear? Increasingly, the answer is a middle tier in the fashion ecosystem that retailers call „contemporary.”” In Wall Street Journal.

Why China’s fashionista website aim high (and low) – “Online shopping offers a platform for new fashion brands to enter China, without the expense and risk of opening physical stores. Even deep-pocketed fashion houses face a challenge in planting a flag in China’s frothy real estate market. ‘All the good locations have been taken by the big brands,’ says Angelica Cheung, editor of Vogue China , which has a partnership to promote local designers on Yoox.com’s Chinese website.”  In Forbes.

Luxury labels are scaling up for China’s year of the snake – “Luxury brands are rolling out a menagerie of merchandise to capitalize on the holiday, which marks Asia’s biggest shopping season. And more Western brands are getting in on the Year of the Snake, pushing snake- and red-themed goods, from Vacheron Constantin’s $150,000 watch with an engraved snake etched onto its face to the serpentine, limited-edition Mercedes-Benz Smart Car, of which only 666 were made.” In Wall Street Journal.

Selling Jewelry and a Lifestyle, a snapshot at a time – “Using Instagram and Twitter, the sisters behind Dannijo have become editors of a cool-kid style (documenting their way through Paris Fashion Week, South by Southwest, Coachella, St. Bart’s and Montauk) with models, actresses and blogger friends in tow.” In NY Times.

Stylist turns ancient hairdo debate on its head – „A hairdresser at a Baltimore salon has stuck a pin in the long-held assumptions among historians about the hairstyles of ancient Rome and Greece.” In Wall Street Journal.

 Natalie Massenet and Caroline Rush: meet the real first ladies of fashion – „London Fashion Week, which is estimated to generate some £30 million in visitor spend to London twice a year, is, Massenet points out, „one hundredth of what the BFC does. This is a 365-day-a-year job.” Which she’s attempting to do in about two days a week – although since her appointment, she and Rush find themselves speaking and emailing constantly.” In The Telegraph.

The investment dresser: the perfect wallet – „Finding the perfect one – streamlined but capacious and in a colour that wasn’t so interesting you’d be sick of it in a season – became another grail. The closest I came was a slim, cobalt, zip-around Prada with a William Morris-esque place for everything and that retro Prada logo. It broke.  Since then I’ve been in a holding pattern.”  In The Telegraph.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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