Lectura de sambata dimineata

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple…”

Mult prea curand – si dupa una dintre cele mai frumoase veri -, toamna e aici. Eu simt deja agitatia de septembrie, inlocuind zi dupa zi calmul si langoarea zilelor de august fierbinte. M-am intors din vacanta si am redescoperit un Bucuresti mai racoros, in care soarele straluceste diferit. O stralucire aurie, patinata, difuza, ramane dimineata in aer, esarfele de matase au devenit de rigueur seara cand cerul devine indigo, bronzul este o nostalgie palpabila, frunzele fosnesc pe asfalt iar apusurile se sting in oranjuri incandescente…

Agendele incep deja sa ni se incarce, nu-i asa? Va lansez si eu trei invitatii, doua dintre ele de trecut in agenda, cea de-a treia necesita un simplu click.

First, incercuiti in calendar 28 septembrie. Style Conversations #7 este dedicata tendintelor pentru sezonul toamna-iarna 2013: care sunt noile directii stilistice, noile culori si texturi, noile accesorii; ce piese ne pot actualiza garderoba si care sunt detaliile care ne vor schimba tinutele. Locurile sunt limitate (numarul maxim este de 22 persoane), ca sa va inscrieti trimiteti-mi un email la office@imagematters.ro.

Second, de joia aceasta  – 12 septembrie – reincep cursul de stil si imagine personala de la Fundatia Calea Victoriei. De-a lungul celor 6 intalniri descifram stilurile vestimentare in functie de personalitate, stil de viata, preferinte individuale (felul in care iti decorezi apartamentul, ce inseamna pentru tine romantismul, cum iti petreci timpul liber, alegerea muzicii sau sporturilor sunt cateva dintre indicii, stiai?). Vorbim si despre siluete si principii vestimentare, alegerea culorilor pentru garderoba si machiaj, facem colaje de imagini si o sesiune de shopping. Asadar, daca aveti libere serile de joi, va invit la Fundatie, va puteti inscrie aici.

Third, faceti loc artei si frumosului in viata voastra. Alina Petcan ne-a deschis cu gratie usa catre universul creatiilor ei si, daca participati la acest concurs, puteti castiga un tricou pictat cu unul din tablourile lui Luchian, Tonitza sau Grigorescu. Preferatul meu: fetita cu basma rosie.

Inainte sa va las cu lectura celor mai bune articole, ridicati ochi din laptop si ganditi-va ce vreti sa faceti in primul weekend de toamna. Cumparati-va un teanc de carti si rasfoiti-le pe o banca in Parcul Bordei, cumparati-va croissante calde si tarte de la Pain Plaisir, vizitati Muzeul Colectiilor de Arta, inchiriati o bicicleta, stati la soare…

How to tell the fashion future? – “Just as old-style traders have been all but replaced by analysts crunching vast amounts of data, Ms. Fowler said she believed that understanding fashion trends should be less about intuition and more about real or near-real time information. Not surprisingly, some traditional forecasters are suspicious of a data-driven approach.” In NY Times.

The Iconclast: Lauren Hutton – “Hutton’s success—and where it led—changed the modeling industry. In 1973, she landed what became a landmark contract with Revlon, and her status as the first $1 million-a-year girl had the collateral effect of increasing pay for models across the board, in some ways, giving rise to the more complex business infrastructure that surrounds modeling today.” In Interview magazine.

At Elle magazine, from Italian suits to flip-flops – „At Elle, employees are free to express their personal style, which can range from sweats and colorful high-tops to custom-made Italian suits or even the occasional Yves Saint Laurent „Le Smoking” jacket.” In Wall Street Journal.

Mulberry’s industrial revolution – “Its production and clientele might be globalised, but Mulberry still defines itself by its Englishness. Three decades before it was bought out in 2003 by the Singaporean retail entrepreneur Christina Ong, the brand was born in the Somerset garage of 21-year-old Roger Saul, who named it after a tree he was fond of in the grounds of his old school.” In The Telegraph.

A fashion for cashing out – “It’s referred to as the ‘House of Fraser Effect’; the moment a fashion or clothing brand begins a downward slide after appearing in one of middle England’s favourite department stores. The pejorative phrase hints at a well-trodden final resting place for the kind of brands that were once rich in character only to give it all up in a scramble for sales.” In Courier.

Web sales remain small for many retailers – “Nearly two decades after the Web revolutionized shopping, many big retailers are still struggling to turn the Internet into a big part of their business.” In Wall Street Journal.

The Visionary: Calvin Klein – “Everyone in Calvin’s world was gorgeous. Sexy. Sensual. Beautiful bodies. Silky skin. Perfection. Calvin’s clothing seemed to be all about the sensation of touch and the provocation of getting naked, and the imagery that he used to communicate that changed the worlds of fashion and advertising.” In Interview Magazine.

Vogue’s print ads rise has little to do with print – “What’s the story behind Vogue? It’s nothing to do about print in and of itself, and should not be cited as such. It’s all about competition, transformation, the value of branding, and knowing your customers.” In What They Think.

A look at September fashion magazines – “Certainly there’s a lot to absorb in the 902 pages of Vogue, and a shout-out to whoever decided to resurrect that photo of Novak Djokovic in a Speedo from the archives. But I do miss the days when magazines didn’t look so much as though they were striving to be synergized, on brand, on platform or just with-it to the point that the layouts appear to be inspired by Pinterest. I miss when magazines were an escape from reality, not a reminder to go back online.” In NY Times.

The Investment Dresser: the navy trousers – „Some trousers are meant to be black – leggings, drainpipes. Why would you wear any other colour unless you needed to add a few inches to your thighs? When it comes to mannish trousers, however, there is no better hue that true navy. Black would look undertaker-y. Grey works, but try finding the right shade. Navy? Easy.” In The Telegraph.

Ethical fashion? No, its not an oxymoron – “Ethical fashion? The term sounds like an oxymoron for an industry that sometimes seems to wallow in indulgence and hedonistic nihilism. The value more often found across the fashion sector seems to be that of shock.” In Australian Financial Review.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Adriana says:

    ee, da, vacanta asta chiar a fost una frumoasa. Eu, una, aveam nevoie de ea ca de aer. Am venit cu alt tonus, cu idei noi si cu dorinta de a face schimbari esentiale. A, si cu o palarie 😉 asa cum imi doream…
    Deja mi-am trecut in agenda evenimentele care ma intereseaza, cele la care voi participa cu siguranta, dar si cele pe care vreau sa le abordez pe masura ce lucrurile capata contur… si culoare.
    Voi face multi pasi mici, o perioada, dar…

    I „choose to be optimistic, it feels better” (Dalai Lama).

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