Lectura de sambata dimineata

Quelle surprise: a venit toamna. S-a strecurat cumva in calendar saptamana asta, dar ar fi trebuit sa observam: lumina de dimineata a fost mai taioasa, aerul mai clar, cerul mai albastru, trotuarele s-au umplut de frunze uscate, iar serile s-au dizolva in noapte mai devreme ca pana acum.

Toamna ramane mereu anotimpul unor altfel de aventuri, cu gust dulce-amar, nostalgic – sau cel putin asa a fost pana acum! Pentru ca acum sezonul ne promite palete de roz pastel si bleu, tricotaje in cel mai elegant gri cenusiu, ca cerul de noiembrie si teancuri de romane fascinante, paltoane comode si rujuri seducatoare, cizme inalte si orase noi de vizitat, imprimeuri de leopard si promisiunea regasirii propriei frumuseti…

In caz ca ati ratat lectura de saptamana trecuta, imi reinnoiesc invitatiile: astazi e ultima zi in care puteti participa la concursul pentru un tricou Alina Petcan, iar daca va grabiti puteti prinde ultimele locuri la Style Conversations #7: tendintele toamnei 2013.

Girls – don’t judge yourself on your looks – “As ‘Vogue’ prepares to teach schoolgirls about fashion shoots, its editor Alexandra Shulman says real beauty is linked to self-awareness. The lesson, devised by Shulman and launched last week to secondary schools throughout the country, intends to encourage 13-year-old girls to explore their idea of beauty and to understand the astonishing amount of work that goes into producing a high fashion image.” In The Telegraph.

The business of Fashion Week – “A decade ago, London Fashion Week was just a tearaway little sister to three more established elders: seen-it-all, done-it-all, post-coital-cigarette-smoking Paris; corporate focused, financially fly New York; and straight-A student (albeit smouldering) Milan. In those days, London’s most successful designers inevitably eventually graduated to one of these international outposts, but today its reputation for producing talent affords us a fairer share of the global limelight.” In Vogue UK

JW Anderson: I will never see fashion as an art form – “Anderson doesn’t consider himself an artist – nor does he consider fashion an art form. The idea of fashion being ephemeral doesn’t faze him – in fact, by the end of our interview he is quite confident in saying ‘I like the idea that there is a shelf life to it.’” In Dazed Digital.

At Berluti, Antoine Arnault puts business before pleasure – “Antoine Arnault spent his youth enjoying the spoils of being the LVMH titan’s eldest son. But by successfully betting on high-end men’s wear as an ever-ripening luxury category, he’s quickly proving that nepotism only goes so far.” In T Magazine.

Couture clash – „The smart suit with trainers turned up as a key look on the men’s runways for summer at the shows of sartorial heavyweights. It is controversial combination but should that put you off?” In Financial Times.

Diana Vreeland’s life in memos– „During the 1960s, Diana Vreeland was the formidable editor of American Vogue. She had vehement ideas about every detail of the magazine , and communicated her views to staff and contributors via memos and letters, dictated each morning over the phone from her bath. For the first time these communiqués have been gathered in a book (edited by her grandson Alexander Vreeland).” In The Telegraph.

Love gold… and wool, and fur, and crystals: the pro-active luxury chain – “Yesterday, at Narciso Rodriguez’s show, close readers of show notes (ie, those who are not using their wait time runway side to feed their Twitter and Instagram addiction) might have noticed a little symbol next to many of the look descriptions in his running list: the Woolmark swirl, to indicate which outfits are made from that exciting fibre.” In Financial Times.

Why street style peacocks are critical to the fashion industry – “By providing a global view into both the here and now and the future of trends, street style can serve designers with both inspiration and confirmation. Trend services like WGSN accordingly forecast two years ahead so brands can plan their products and assortments well in advance. But those same trend services also report on what people are wearing now for the same reason.” In Mashable.

The Investment dresser: cocoon coats – „The Cocoon Coat, aka The Grace Kelly Coat, aka The Boyfriend Coat, is a loose fit, with curved shoulders, drop sleeves, low-slung side pockets made for thrusting hands into while you saunter gaminely about the place, and often, but not always, double-breasted.” In The Telegraph.

Fashion goes for gap teeth and attitude: quirky is the new beautiful – “There is a long-held view, encouraged by the airbrush, that beauty has to be flawless. But the latest round of fashion weeks, which began in New York last week, is already showing a distinct trend towards a new type of model good looks. Quirky, it seems, is chic.”  In The Guardian.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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