Lectura de sambata dimineata

Coincidenta sau nu, imi incep weekendul cu o carte noua: „In cautarea elegantei”.  Am cumparat-o crezand ca are de-a face cu intelegerea armoniilor vestimentare, poate cu aranjarea detaliilor dintr-un spatiu locuit… Dar nu: cartea nu vorbeste despre moda, imbracaminte, femei, interioare, carti, aranjamente florale si alte frivolitati cu care ne inconjuram.

In schimb – si de aici remarca mea despre coincidenta – Matthew May cauta sa explice de ce perfectiunea se gaseste in simplitate, de ce simetria si seductia sunt importante, dar mai ales de ce eleganta isi manifesta puterea deplina atunci cand un impact maxim este obtinut cu efort minim.

Aici vroiam sa ajung, de fapt, pentru ca principiile din carte pot fi extrapolate. A te imbraca elegant si a fi eleganta (in tinuta, vocabular, gesturi, decizii, viata) inseamna, inainte de toate, a descoperi ce ti se potriveste si ce vrei, pentru ca apoi sa poti  elimina sau ignora restul. O femeie eleganta nu va proba cu disperare toate trendurile existente, nu isi va incarca dulapul cu haine inutile but oh-so-pretty, nu va merge in nestire la cumparaturi, nu isi va fi dorit sa se compare, never ever, cu style icons, fashion bloggers sau colege de serviciu. Modificand putin versurile lui Sting, „a lady will walk, but never run”.

Asta invata si pun in practica femeile care vin la „Fii propria ta stilista”.  Invata ce si cum sa aleaga pentru garderoba proprie, cum sa construiasca o tinuta in 1-2-3 pasi si in tot atatea minute, cum sa se calmeze in fata unui munte de haine si pantofi. Cum sa fie elegante, la propriu si la figurat.

In zelul organizarii si promovarii cursului, am pus pe planul 2 intalnirile Style Conversations. But fear not! In noiembrie vor fi mai multe ca de obicei si vom vorbi despre genti, incaltaminte, esarfe si alte accesorii de toamna; despre hainele pe care ar trebui sa le avem in permanenta in garderoba, indiferent de sezon si ce adaugam in functie de anotimp; despre cum ne  alegem bijuteriile si cum ne machiem cand purtam ochelari dar mai ales, cum ne imbracam in decembrie la un party…sau la orice party fabulos din viata noastra oh-so-glamorous!

Inainte de a va lasa sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii, nu uitati de concursul cu Aldo Shoes. Give a girl the right shoes… stiti citatul, sunt sigura 🙂 Lectura placuta!

Trash bags you won’t throw out – “Derelicte is really happening. Twelve years after the Ben Stiller-as-supermodel classic Zoolander introduced the concept of a garbage-inspired fashion collection, real-life designers appear to be reprising trash as a trend.” In NY Times.

A color robed in meanings – „From Barbie to ballet to a symbol of the fight against breast cancer, the color pink carries a heavy load of subtext.” In Wall Street Journal.

Tim Gunn: a lifetime of making it work – „Mr. Gunn has become more famous than the designers who have won “Project Runway,” but this fame hasn’t completely exorcised painful memories of his youth.” In NY Times.

Bustiers and bretons – „Vintage can be a dirty word, both in concept and in reality. So when a collection of unworn, pristine high-fashion pieces comes onto the market, it is worth taking notice. On Oct. 30, Farfetch, the digital fashion retailer that allows independent boutiques around the world to sell through its portal, is partnering with London-based vintage specialist House of Liza to sell 50 never-before-worn mens- and womenswear pieces from Jean Paul Gaultier.” In Wall Street Journal.

Shona Heath’s flights of fancy – “Shona Heath is the woman fashion brands and magazines come to when they want to create images of enchantment. This season alone she has designed fantastical sets for the advertising campaigns of Dior, Prada, Miu Miu, Barney’s and Mulberry, and dreamt up props for Wallpaper, W and AnOther Magazine. Hers is a bewitching world in which flying saucers swoop over packs of hunting hounds; biplanes are made out of French bread; forests have 19th-century chairs suspended from their branches; and conservatories house giant pastel-coloured tortoises.” In The Telegraph.

Luxottica sees nothing to fear in Warby Parker – „he Luxottica empire comprises close to $10 billion in annual sales, 70,000 employees, and a portfolio of powerful brands that includes Ray Ban, Sunglass Hut, and Lenscrafters. Guerra’s biggest concern, he said, is growing complacent.” In BusinessWeek.

Lane Bryant believes couture is big  – “Lane Bryant is stitching something closer to haute couture into its line of clothes for bigger women, tapping a design duo best known for creating the First Lady’s 2009 inauguration outfit for a new fashion line. The T-shirts and bags designed by Isabel and Ruben Toledo are set to hit most of Lane Bryant’s 800 or so stores in time for the holidays, and a wider collection of clothes and accessories is expected for spring.” In Business Week.

Lunch with the FT: Brunello Cuccinelli – “Cucinelli and his wife Federica, with their daughters Camilla and Carolina, are the inspiration and models for his clothes. The family creates a fantasy picture of Italy, much as Ralph Lauren’s does for the US, in this case full of rolling vineyards and beautiful people strolling among the grapes. When people buy Cucinelli they are buying, besides a beautiful garment, this vision of themselves.” In Financial Times.

The return of the trouser suit – „This is not a manifestation of cowering depression. It’s essence de superiority. The upshot is that they often look much more chic at evening events than we do. Their night-time staple is a tuxedo, usually in the guise of a trouser suit, but for the more daring, a jumpsuit or possibly a short strapless dress with tuxedo details.”In The Telegraph.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Magda says:

    Eu din pacate nu stau in Romania si nu pot sa vin la curs…asa ca astept cu nerabdare luna noiembrie cu nouati 🙂 weekend elegant va doresc 🙂

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