Lectura de sambata dimineata

Va aduceti aminte, cum, in urma cu cateva saptamani, va invitam sa va propuneti sa faceti ceva maret, important, semnificativ in timpul ramas pana la Craciun? Ei bine, the time is (almost) up, au mai ramas 12 zile pana atunci – si sa fim serioase, numaratoarea se opreste in 20 decembrie, cand toata lumea ia vacanta! Ce ati facut frumos pentru viata voastra in ultimele saptamani?  Ce ati schimbat? Va ganditi deja la anul urmator?

Pentru mine, perioada asta din an ma pune pe ganduri dar ma si umple de energie. Ma folosesc de decembrie ca sa fac un rezumat a ceea ce am invatat, realizat, schimbat, muncit timp de un an, ma gandesc la oamenii pe care i-am intalnit si la proiectele pe care le-am derulat, la ce as fi putut face mai bine, la ce aveam pe liste si in minte dar nu am bifat… Dar, cel mai important pentru mine, ma opresc cateva zile din munca pentru ca sa imi dau seama cat de mult a contat un an, cat de plin si bun a fost, si sa ma bucur la gandul unui an urmator care va fi fantastic, de un milion de ori mai spectaculos!

Schimband putin tonul dar ramanand in zona „recomandarilor de lectura”, va invit sa reveniti maine dimineata pe blog. Am o surpriza pentru voi, un mic cadou inainte de Craciun: un concurs-fulger, la care veti putea castiga si trei exemplare ale cartii „Cum sa arati de milioane”, si invitatii duble la lansarea de joi seara a cartii – unde simt ca atmosfera va fi foarte cool, printre altele si pentru ca eu am fost invitata sa vorbesc despre carte!

Astea fiind spuse, fug sa atarn globuri si coronite prin casa, sa imi fac o cacao fierbinte si sa citesc ultimele pagini din cartea pentru maine 🙂 Sa aveti o sambata luminoasa si plina de iubire!

Yahoo’s geek goddess – “As one of Google’s highest-ranking women, Marissa Mayer became a Silicon Valley superstar, but inside the search giant her dazzle sometimes wore thin, with colleagues rebelling against her imperious style.” In Vanity Fair.

Shop too much? Blame the music – “Big chains turn to specialists like Mood Media, based in Austin, Texas, and PlayNetwork, in Redmond, Wash., to design store playlists that match the values and design aesthetic of the brand and the lifestyle of its shoppers.” In Wall Street Journal.

The tux inspires elegant luxe in women’s fashion – “Moving way beyond the suit, tuxedo dressing options have multiplied in recent seasons, with an influx of creative new styles. Ranging from jumpsuits, cape-style jackets and shorts to drawstring trousers, dresses and trompe l’oeil tops, these party dress alternatives work year-round as wardrobe staples.” In L.A. Times.

„The Glamour of Italian Fashion” on display at V&A – „The exhibition, which will display photographs, films and around 100 ensembles and accessories by leading Italian fashion houses including Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Missoni, Prada, Pucci Valentino and Versace – as well as those from their lesser known forerunners such as the Fontana sisters and Mila Schön – explores Italy’s contribution to fashion through pivotal individuals and organisations.” In The Telegraph.

Inside the Cartier exhibition in Paris –  „Arch-duchesses and doubtless a few arch-villains, movie stars and tragic heroines (some choice Cartier pieces went down, like their owners, with the Titanic) – all were entered into the Cartier annals whenever they bought anything. And in 1906 the company began systematically photographing all of its pieces. It’s these magnificent archives that make the exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris such a rich source, not just for jewellery-philes but for social historians. There are 600 items in the exhibition – many, like the pebble-sized sapphires once belonging to the Queen of Romania, retrieved, temporarily, from private owners.” In The Telegraph.

The threesome behind Calvin Klein – “Meet the team of fashion designers—Kevin Carrigan, Francisco Costa and Italo Zucchelli—who together have kept the cool of Calvin Klein alive and built the brand into a global juggernaut.” In WSJ Magazine.

How Amazon uses its Brooklyn studio to make fashion right – “Amazon is better known for its far-ranging, eclectic inventory and aggressive business tactics than its fashion efforts, but the retail giant is working hard to change that fact. They’ve recently expanded their operations to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where Amazon has opened the fashion industry’s first large-scale photo studio.” In Racked.

Waris Ahluwalia: a ubiqutous presence, however unlike – “Instantly recognizable with his trademark black turban and bespoke style, Mr. Ahluwalia — the jewelry designer/retailer/actor/model — is one of the most photographed men on the city’s social circuit, with more than 1,500 appearances on the Billy Farrell Agency photo website.” In NY Times.

Fashion sneakers: the runway hit – „Before, casual sneakers meant the puffy, white running shoes favored by Jerry Seinfeld in the ’90s. Now, for some people sneakers have replaced dress shoes almost entirely.” In Wall Street Journal.

When it comes to Nike celebrity endorsements, make sure the shoe fits – “Nike came out with their new $200+ LeBron basketball shoes in October, calling them ‘one of the most innovative Nike basketball shoes to date.’ And while fans have been thrilled, one wonders about Mr. James … What are fans to think when the guy with his name on the shoe, isn’t wearing the shoe?” In Forbes.

Marc Jacobs on going it alone: „I’m a little scared” – „We have the same therapist,’ laughed architect Peter Marino yesterday evening whilst in conversation with long-term collaborator Marc Jacobs. During an intimate talk curated by The Architecture Foundation at the Tate Modern, hosted by Penny Martin, the duo discussed their mutual love of the arts, New York’s 80s club scene and showmanship.” In Dazed Digital.

Shirt tales from TAL, an apparel powerhouse – “Barely known outside Hong Kong, it is now one of the world’s biggest ap­parel manufacturers, making 56m garments a year. In one factory in Dongguan, a shirt from each client hangs on a wall for training purposes. From Eddie Bauer and Banana Republic to Gieves & Hawkes and Burberry, it reads like a Who’s Who of high-street fashion.” In Financial Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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2 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Simona says:

    La categoria schimbari, nu prea am vrut, dar asa s-a potrivit, ma mut in alta casa:)):)) asa ca in ultimul timp, am alergat dupa gresie, faianta….
    Si m-am hotarat sa fac ceva altfel, asa ca acum am o bucata de perete cu luciu auriu metalic… Nu, nu e kitsch…. Nu o sa fie o camera incarcata, ci cu mobila minimala…..
    Si cu ocazia deplasariii obiectelor, incerc sa mai disponibilizez din ele….
    Si este haios, ca ne-am hotarat sa ne mutam cam de doua luni :))))
    Abia astept urmatorul articol:))

  2. 2
    Simona says:

    A, da, am mai facut ceva ce doream de multa vreme, am participat la strangerea de cadouri pentru copiii de la Fundeni.

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