Lectura de sambata dimineata

Dear reader, cum spune Jane Austen, au venit zapezile. Afara parca e o scena din Urzeala Tronurilor.

Ca adult, nu imi pot imagina nimic mai placut pe vremea asta decat a sta in casa, la caldura, invelita cu o patura groasa, cu o cana de cacao alaturi si absorbita, ore in sir, de o carte. Dar nu cumva traim prea mult ca adulti, ne conformam, cautam confortul? In loc de carte si cana de cacao si patura groasa (sau variantele voastre: film in loc de carte, iubitul in loc de patura), ar trebui sa iesim cateva ore sa facem un om de zapada – azi, cat inca zapada e multa si pufoasa -, sa ne batem cu bulgari, sa ne dam cu sania sau pe gheata, sa spargem intre dinti un turture sau sa gustam cativa fulgi. Iar apoi, la sfarsitul dupa-amiezii, sa ne intoarcem in casa imbujorati de frig, razand din toata inima si tropaind, sa aburim un geam si sa ne trantim pe canapea. Ce zi frumoasa ar fi!

„Snowflakes swirl down gently in the deep blue haze beyond the window. The outside world is a dream. Inside, the fireplace is brightly lit, and the Yule log crackles with orange and crimson sparks. There’s a steaming mug in your hands, warming your fingers. There’s a friend seated across from you in the cozy chair, warming your heart. There is mystery unfolding.

Frost grows on the window glass, forming whorl patterns of lovely translucent geometry.Breathe on the glass, and you give frost more ammunition.Now it can build castles and cities and whole ice continents with your breath’s vapor. In a few blinks you can almost see the winter fairies moving in… But first, you hear the crackle of their wings.”

Va las sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii, eu ies sa ma joc in zapada…

High fashion loves the hoodie – “The hoodie is having a fashion moment—one that may be long-lasting enough to make the garment a wardrobe staple.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fashion goes pop – „From Michael Travis’s lavish gowns for the Supremes to Madonna in Jean Paul Gaultier’s corsetry, fashion and pop music have always had a close relationship. The musicians get extra exposure and maybe even a makeover. Here’s who’s set to rock the fashion world in 2014.” In Financial Times.

Why wearable devices will never be as disruptive as smartphones – “Four key problems prevent wearables from reaching a mass market – but they still have some important applications.” In Fast Company.

The Investment Dresser: jog on, silkily – „Silky satin jogging pants are set to be 2014’s other most hyped item after big skirts. That’s enough to put anyone off, I grant you, but free yourself from the shackles of prejudice and you’ll see that silky satin jogging pants offer a viable alternative to the (still) ubiquitous skinny jean.” In The Telegraph

At Chanel, look at the shoes! – “SNEAKERS at Chanel! Along with sporty waistbanded corsets, knee and elbow protective pads and wild hair, licking the head like flames and dubbed “Chariots of Fire” by the designer Karl Lagerfeld.” In NY Times.

David Collins, a man who knew how to make women look good – “The late architect and interior designer was one of life’s enhancers, who always had the best lines. It was his tribute today, and it was standing room only.” In The Telegraph.

In Paris, Schiaparelli returns to couture – “The first haute couture collection by Marco Zanini was a fine effort, using the codes of the house, but not in a superficial way.” In NY Times.

The white shirt: from supporting player to star – „This spring, the white shirt will be more than just a wardrobe staple. A few runway collections for spring included notable shirts with enough character to stand apart from the sea of white button-downs. Rather than playing a supporting role, these shirts stand as stars on their own.” In Wall Street Journal.

Feminism is back in fashion – „The overriding trend that’s shaping fashion for the coming season, the one thing that no one will be able to avoid, is not a colour, a shape, a decade or even a fabric. It is a movement. Fashion has finally got in touch with its feminist side.” In Financial Times.

Moneybags: Humble British Satchel Conquers the World – “The Cambridge Satchel Company has raised $21m to break into China and “train up the next generation” of British craftsmen – only five years after it was founded by a mother of two in her kitchen.” In The Independent

As fashionr retail meets technology, more is more – “The fashion and retail industries are taking a page from the technology world, making startups in that field some of the hottest properties around. Technology has made it possible for young brands to connect to their consumers, skip the middleman, and produce a quality product without massive overheads.” In Gigaom

The way to better gray – „More men are turning to professional colorists to adjust the salt and pepper.” In Wall Street Journal

Hedi Slimane’s controversial YSL rebranding is not to everyone’s taste – “It’s a rebranding success story. At least, as far as retail goes. Sales are buoyant: Barney’s New York reported a 60 per cent sell-through on Slimane’s first spring collection.” In The Independent

Fotografii: pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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