Lectura de sambata dimineata

De curand le intrebam pe cele cu care ma intalnesc atat de des la Style Conversations ce noi teme le-ar placea sa discutam. „Cum sa ne imbracam in stilul uneia dintre capitalele modei” a fost un raspuns care se tot repeta. Se va intampla un astfel de Style Conversations, spre sfarsitul lui mai – dar pana una-alta, astazi dimineata ma intrebam daca ar fi posibil nu doar sa ne imbracam, ci si sa re-creem o zi, la alta scara si nu ca un turist, intr-un astfel de oras.

Mi-as alege pentru acest weekend Parisul si as incepe dimineata cu o cafea, o omlette si un croissant (la un Paul sau acasa). M-as imbraca cu o rochie simpla neagra si cu un trench si m-as opri la un chiosc de ziare pentru un supliment de weekend. Mi-as petrece dupa-amiaza la Targul de Antichitati de la Romexpo (mais oui, avem si noi varianta noastra de marche aux puces!), iar seara ar inseamna un bistro, un pahar de vin rosu si o reteta savuroasa, ale carei ingrediente susura de rrr-uri si pronuntia lor se rotunjeste pe limba ca un bob de strugure…

Duminica as schimba traseul: as face o scurta vizita intr-un muzeu (stiati ca avem un muzeu al hartilor in Bucuresti?), iar daca as avea copii, jur ca i-as tarai dupa mine la MNAR (pentru ca au programe pentru copii), ne-am plimba pana la Arcul de Triumf, ne-am duce apoi la un film (ideal, la Elvira Popesco!) si, la final de zi, recompensa ar fi o felie de tarte tatin cu inghetata alaturi…

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Revenind cu picioarele pe pamant, recomandarile de lectura ale saptamanii le putem citi si de la Bucuresti, si de la Paris 🙂

P.S: azi mai puteti participa la concursul cu BùSTA Bags, aici!

Art and Fashion: mutual appreciation – „The special relationship between the same-but-different worlds of art and fashion is becoming seriously bankable.” In Wall Street Journal.

A day in the life of perfumier Frederic Malle – „With two new stores opening this spring in Rome and New York’s West Village, perfumer Frédéric Malle’s fragrance empire is in full bloom.” In Wall Street Journal

Why logos are back in fashion – „Luxury brands have rediscovered bold 1980s-style branding. Is it irony, nostalgia, or just a rehash?” In Financial Times.

Go mad for maximalist fashion – „Then the 2014 spring collections happened. Suddenly, it seemed as if every brand was proposing clothing that shouted even more loudly than anything my maximalist sisters and I would consider wearing.” In Wall Street Journal.

The Investment Dresser: tees that please – „Rather than aspiring to head a couture house, every designer worth their salary should be required to present a capsule collection of plain white T-shirts. That’s a real test of taste, cutting, fabric selection and holding your nerve: with a T-shirt, less really is more.” In The Telegraph

Mannequins make a comeback – “Mannequins are the latest weapons in the ever-intensifying push to get consumers more excited about shopping in stores rather than online.” In Wall Street Journal.

Fashion in the age of Instagram – “Creating a unique — and, by extension, shareable — experience for jaded showgoers has become part of a designer’s mandate. Shows are designed to wow not only those in attendance, but also all of their followers.” In New York Times

Why men’s fashion is not like women’s fashion – “Menswear design is driven by tradition, authenticity and detail, but we’re increasingly seeing designers taking their cues from womenswear’s more abstract approach.”  In The Telegraph

Collars and dollars – „Women’s hemlines rise and fall with the times – but do men’s shirts reflect the economic climate too?” In Financial Times.

Look like a Hollywood adventurer – Find answers to the spring fashion conundrum of how to look chic and carefree when the weather is at its most capricious in classic Hollywood films. In Wall Street Journal

Decades of American teen fashion in a chart – “The economic cycle has a much bigger bearing on apparel retailers than fashion preferences do.” In Quartz

Why do so many fledging fashion businesses fail? – “Fashion start-ups jump from using their friends and begging favours, to believing they need to create the perception of being a bigger player, with the infrastructure, staff, shows and industry presence of a successful business, before they are ready to fund that..” In Forbes

The Dream Team – “For Riccardo Tisci, seduction bred obsession. He used to collect American flags. Nothing embodied freedom for him like the Stars and Stripes.” Pe Style.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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