Lectura de sambata dimineata

Ultimele 2-3 saptamani au fost o perioada aglomerata (cand nu e?), dar asta face ca weekendurile si mai savuroase. As vrea sa inghesui in 2 zile 100 de ore in care sa ies la brunchuri cu cate o prietena, sa lenevesc pe o patura cadrilata in parcul palatului Mogosoaia, sa vad filme, sa citesc, sa cumpar flori si jucarii, sa imi fac planuri de viata si de business, sa rearanjez mobila si sa pictez un perete turcoaz, sa imi descopar Everestul propriu (vorba cuiva…) si, daca imi ramane timp, sa dorm…


Inainte sa va las cu recomandarile de articole ale acestei saptamani, va invit sa va faceti timp pentru Romanian Design Week (hai, mai exista si altceva in viata noastra decat shopping si munca!), pentru familie, pentru respirat in aer liber si pentru simtit sau trait primavara. Trece prea repede.

When art meets fashion – „From Gap to Gucci via Frieze, the relationship between fashion and art is hotting up.” In Financial Times.

The ethics of fashion – „Being a fashionista these days comes with its own set of responsibilities. Four principles to help guide an ethical perspective on fashion.” In Wall Street Journal.

Who can best survive the „clicks versus bricks” era? – “The e-commerce boom is a worrying headwind for retailers and shopping mall operators the world over, but BNP Paribas says some shopping hubs are weathering the risks better than others.” In CNBC

Why you get so many catalogs – „Retailers find shoppers spend more online after browsing through lavish print spreads.” In Wall Street Journal

Lunch with… Grace Coddington – „Coddington became an accidental celebrity in 2009 thanks to RJ Cutler’s film The September Issue, which was nominally about the making of the September 2007 edition of American Vogue but turned out to be a portrait of the complicated alliance between the analytic and creative sides of the business.” In Financial Times

Grace Coddington on nudes and being a hoarder – „Fashion icon and Vogue’s creative director, Grace Coddington, collects everything from ceramics to feline and folk art–and nude photography, the subject of an online auction she’s curating this month with auction house Paddle8.” In Wall Street Journal

How to wear spring’s white lace dresses – „You don’t have to be daydreaming—or at a beach wedding—to pull off this ultra-romantic dress.” In Wall Street Journal.

20 odd questions for Bibi van der Velden – „Mixing gold, diamonds and semiprecious stones with ostrich eggs, scarab wings and 40,000-year-old woolly mammoth tusk, Bibi van der Velden’s creations embody a guileless enrapturement with nature that the Amsterdam-based jewelry designer sees as a natural outgrowth of the English countryside where she grew up.” In Wall Street Journal.

Like mall browsing, with a click – „“Championing creativity could be the mantra of Ms. Varshavskaya, 34, and her three-year-old Wanelo, a mash-up of the words “want,” “need” and “love” (and pronounced WAH-nee-loh).” In NY Times

The write stuff – „A fabulous pen is a portable objet d’art, beautifully tactile yet possessing a mild intellectual disdain for the modern.” In Wall Street Journal.

Embracing the full skirt – „Big skirts are all over the shop this year – and actually, they can be a low-maintenance evening option. A full skirt in light-weight grey or cream wool, black or midnight blue silk would look very chic pared with a cotton shirt, cashmere jumper or drapy t-shirt and void the dreaded prom-queen connotations.” In The Telegraph

Is the era of selfie-centered fashion blogging coming to an end? – “The low barriers to entry and allure of free products and parties mean the fashion blogging scene in Hong Kong is booming. But as with the global phenomenon, what started as individuals’ original comments on style have increasingly moved towards an economy of paid-for social media content.” In South China Morning Post

Garance Dore: a half, but whole – “Once perceived as her partner’s talented sidekick and armpiece, [Garance Doré] has lately, and gracefully, snatched a spotlight that is customarily reserved for social-media stars like Leandra Medine, a.k.a. the Man Repeller; Tommy Ton of Jak & Jil; and, not incidentally, Mr. Schuman himself.” In NY Times.

Clash of the tartans – „Coco Chanel discovered Cumbrian tweeds and Scottish cashmere during her 1920s affair with the Duke of Westminster” In Financial Times

How models get robbed on the catwalk – “Models look glamorous and never less than perfect on the billboards. But they claim they’re not being paid properly for looking this fabulous—and now they’re fighting back.” In The Daily Beast

The Investment dresser: the t-shirt bra – „You can’t look good in clothes until your boobs look good. Lesson one. All right, let’s tweak that thought. Pre babies and all that, your boobs can go their own sweet way. After that, you better start paying attention to cut and fit.” In The Telegraph

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Laura Filip says:

    Foarte Interesant si util articolul dumneavoastra, mai asteptam si altele la fel de utile

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