Lectura de sambata dimineata

Inca o saptamana s-a incheiat, inca un weekend se deschide in fata noastra. Ce aveti de gand sa faceti? Unde evadati, unde va relaxati, unde visati? Daca in dimineata asta stati in fata laptopului dezorientate, iar singurul fir de gand este „ce fac eu in urmatoarele 48 de ore?”, am cateva recomandari….


Pentru cele ultra-matinale dintre voi, alegeti o carte din biblioteca  – ceva usor si placut, potrivit unei dimineti de iulie – si puneti-o in geanta (ati citit Taramul Lamailor sau cartea despre cele 12 creatoare care au schimbat istoria modei?) . Daca va treziti tarziu, prima oprire inainte de cafea ar putea fi un InMedio, de unde sa va cumparati 1-2 reviste. Nu, nu de moda, ceva mai putin conventional pentru gusturile si obieciurile voastre, o revista intr-un altfel de registru – sa zicem, un National Geographic Traveler (este minunata editia acestei veri, despre Vama Veche), o editie de Beaux Arts, un Sciences & Vie sau chiar ultimul numar din Stiinta si Tehnica, un Psychology Today…!


Cu ochii inca lipiti de somn, nemachiate si ciufulite dar neaparat cu ochelarii de soare pe nas, iesiti la terasa unei cafenele (nu in Centrul Vechi!) si stati acolo toata ziua. Atat. O zi in care nu faceti ni-mic. Spre seara, daca mai aveti chef si energie, mergeti la o proiectie in aer liber. In Herastrau ruleaza in fiecare weekend, de la ora 19.30, cate un film (din pacate, organizatorii nu listeaza nicaieri titlurile), la fel la cinematograful de la MTR.

Printre picaturi, cititi articolele selectate de mine si, eventual, participati la mini-concursul EQUA (se incheie duminica, la miezul noptii). Sa va bucurati de weekend, dragile mele… 🙂


Women in power know Nina – „Little known in the wider world, Ms. McLemore’s clothing is well-known in the circles of powerful women. Hillary Clinton wears her. So does PepsiCo Chief Executive Indra Nooyi, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. At least a quarter of female chief executives at Fortune 500 companies have appeared publicly in her clothes or shopped with the label.”In Wall Street Journal.

Behind the screens at ASOS – „How exactly has the company formerly known as As Seen on Screen morphed from a site that started out selling celebrity-obsessed teenagers the clothes worn by their idols, to the UK’s biggest fashion dotcom? „In The Telegraph.

David Bailey:  How are you going to cross the road? -„Lots of politicians are so full of themselves. Sports people too a bit. But actors are the most difficult because you never know who you’re photographing. They could be Hamlet or Lassie. But the fewer people they come with, the more interesting they usually are.” In The Talks.

Vanessa Friedman on fashion, politics and money – „What I discovered […] is that fashion is really about identity — social, political, cultural — as it is expressed at a specific moment in time, and because it changes every three months it creates a constantly evolving, very useful, prism for looking at these issues.” In NY Times.

Dedicated followers of fast-fashion – „On high streets and in shopping centres across the globe, Spain’s most successful clothing retailer, Inditex does battle daily against such other multinational fast-fashion giants as Hennes & Mauritz of Sweden, Uniqlo of Japan and Gap of the United States. But it also faces rising competition, at home and abroad, from two Spanish rivals, Mango and Desigual.” In The Economist.

Designing a perfect summer – „In a stream of elaborately staged shots and off-the-cuff selfies, KJP documents the many splendors of a certain strain of New England life: sipping mimosas at the Head of the Charles Regatta; piling into a Jeep Wagoneer; organizing an Izod shirt collection.” In NY Times

Love the dress: sharing websites are the latest must-have for fashion retailers – „From Primark to M&S, clothing stores need to use social media to form new relationships with shoppers.” In The Guardian.

The bodysuit returns – „I have obsessed over fashion personally for about three decades and professionally for nearly two. So the odds of my having a complete epiphany about a category of clothing seemed as slim as a teenage model. Until recently, when I pivoted an entire 180 degrees on the subject of bodysuits.” In Wall Street Journal.

The bride didn’t always wear white – „Queen Victoria’s decision to wear white when she married Prince Albert in 1840 set in motion a fashion revolution, quickly making that color the dominant choice among blushing brides. Before that, gowns in bright colors or decorated with flowers — dresses that were meant to be worn again as party frocks well after the wedding ceremony had passed — were the prevailing trend.”  In NY Times.

Elegance in an age of crisis – „Many refer to the 1930s as a grim decade: opening with the Wall Street Crash, it played host to the Great Depression, and the global anxieties in the run up to the Second World War.They may have been a time of worry, but they also saw the arrival of Schiaparelli, Charles James, Vionnet and the development of Savile Row. ” In Another Magazine

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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3 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Iulia says:

    daca te referi la filmele care ruleaza in Herastrau, in zona numita ‘Roaba de cultura’, organizatorii publica programul pe site (http://www.roabadecultura.ro/) si pagina de facebook (https://www.facebook.com/roabadecultura). Numai bine 🙂

    • 1.1
      Irina says:

      Draga Iulia, multumesc! Eu gasisem evenimentul organizate de CinePark, iar pe siteul lor si pe pagina de facebook era scris ceva de genul „putem publica doar tipul/ categoria filmului ce va rula – respectiv artistic, de animatie etc – , dar nu si titlul acestuia”. Sa stii ca eu nu am gasit programul filmelor nici pe Roaba de cultura, nici pe siteul parculului Herastrau…

      • Iulia says:

        Le publica in timpul saptamanii pentru weekend-ul in curs, (de exemplu: bit.ly/1k52xki), dar nici eu nu am gasit un program amanuntit. Exceptand asta, am fost de cateva ori si este quite relaxing 🙂

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