Lectura de sambata dimineata
Ieri am ramas fascinata de un articol despre lumina. Cat de importanta e pentru functionarea noastra normala (de la sanatate si stare de bine la nivel de productivitate sau perspectiva asupra vietii), cat de putina lumina „buna” primim de-a lungul unei zile, cat de mult ne fragmentam ciclul de somn/stare de trezie datorita utilizarii laptopurilor, tabletelor, televizoarelor; cat de putin dormim comparativ cu cat ar trebui sa dormim, din simplul motiv ca corpurile noastre nu mai sunt armonizate la ritmurile naturii… Drept pentru care astazi dimineata m-am trezit cu noaptea-n cap: nu am prins rasaritul, dar la sase si jumatate soarele era minunat de stralucitor, aerul racoros (si Bucurestiul pustiu).
Cu cafeaua in fata, ma gandeam ca un om destept ar trebui sa inventeze un acumulator „de lumina”: o posibilitate de a conserva auriul si stralucirea diminetilor de iulie, pe care sa le accesam intr-o zi gri de noiembrie. Cum ar fi sa ne trezim, in fiecare dimineata, cu dormitorul inundat de vara?
Inainte sa va las cu articolele saptamanii, doua chestii.
Unul este un gentle reminder, cumva tot legat de lumina: astazi si maine mai puteti participa la concursul organizat impreuna cu OPTIblu. Este suficient sa imi spuneti un titlu de film in care personajul feminin poarta ochelari de soare, iar premiul consta intr-o pereche de rame Polaroid, aleasa dupa propriul gust al castigatoarei!
Al doilea este legat chiar de blog. Din cand in cand, primesc din partea voastra sugestii de teme, pe care le transform in articole sau workshopuri: tinutele potrivite pentru concertele in aer liber, ce facem cu tinutele de ocazie dupa ce le purtam de prea multe ori, care sunt regulile pentru purtarea mai multor imprimeuri simultan… Ce altceva v-ar placea sa mai cititi pe Style Diary? Ce reguli, principii, teme vreti sa stapaniti? Ce dileme vestimentare va framanta? Ce altfel de produse v-ar placea sa avem in concurs (pe langa albume de moda, genti, accesorii, ochelari de soare)? Scrieti-mi, lasati-mi comentarii…
Iar acum, on with the show!
Eileen Ford, Doyenne and Disciplinarian of Modeling Industry, Dies at 92 – “Mrs. Ford built a reputation for transforming girls into stars with lessons in grooming, etiquette and style while running her agency like a convent. Some in the industry called her the mother of New York modeling, in almost the literal sense.” In NY Times
Postwar panache: in celebration of French dressing – „An exhibition at the Palais Galliera in Paris showcases fashion that spans the decade from 1947 to 1957.” In Financial Times
Fear and Clothing: How Fashion’s Critical Forces Have Changed Along with the Hemlines – “Does fashion criticism matter? Not to answer a question with a question, but that depends. Matter to whom?” In The National Post
Pocket Squares Are Hip Again – “The pochette is no longer just for your grandfather, as fashion brands create new takes on an old standard.” The Wall Street Journal
An interview with Martine Assouline – „Elegance is in the genes, as well as the fruit of experience, in the case of some singular individuals. It’s a state of mind as a way to present oneself. You can use fashion to be elegant, but you can be elegant without using the fashion codes of the moment. Today, sadly, elegance is a „has been” value.” In Another Mag
A Butcher, a Baker, a Luxury-Handbag Maker – “Not so long ago, Bond Street, home to stores like Chanel, Prada and Ralph Lauren, was London’s uncontested luxury thoroughfare. But time and a steady influx of designers have made Mount Street a competitor for the title.” In NY Times.
The Investment Dresser: the white tuxedo – „It is worth owning one. Despite the drawbacks, a silky-esque cream jacket looks wonderful in so many guises. Let me count the ways: at night with black or even cream trousers it is a glamorous, feminine, milkily flattering alternative to a black tux. It snazzes up faded denim jeans. Is a lovely and useful cover-up for strapless cocktail numbers and the kind of dresses one ends up wearing at weddings. It looks terrific over tailored shorts (or culottes and adds a nice boy-girl twist to a full black skirt.” In The Telegraph
On the scent of summer – „Get a whiff of these five unisex fragrances that are light, distinct and perfect for a day at the office—or the beach. „In Wall Street Journal
Can Marimekko go from cult design brand to fashion empire? – “The Finnish brand has cult status among design snobs. Now Marimekko wants to expand by playing up the very thing it got famous for: fashion.” In Fast Company
Rock and fashion: a love story – „The ties that bind fashion and music are as strong as ever. Plus, a look at three model-musician couples who rocked.” In Wall Street Journal
14 steps for clever mini break packing – „Even if you’re not actually camping in open countryside, but staying with friends in a Scottish castle, mini-break packing is not quite holiday packing, and it’s self-evidently different from anything you would place in your suitcase for an overnight work trip, or even a city break. Everything should co-ordinate – stick to three or four colours, and go for canny, inexpensive buys that look stylish but not precious.” In The Telegraph
The pearl comes out of its shell – „In its long and lustrous history as the queen of gems, and the gem of queens, the pearl has seduced us with its ability to be elegant, demure and even gritty.” In Wall Street Journal
Buna Irina!
Ai promis la un moment dat intr-un articol, ca ne vei povesti candva mai multe despre materiale – de ce unele tricouri de bumbac se scamoseaza dupa cateva purtari, de ce altele se pastreaza impecabil… mi-ar placea sa reiei discutia despre materialele de calitate – cum le gasim, cum le recunoastem. Eu una iubesc bumbacul si il caut pretutindeni 🙂
Ah, o alta intrebare care ma framanta este cea legata de colierele supradimensionate – unele mi se par foarte elegante, stralucitoare, rafinate… prin urmare intrebarea este: merg purtate si ziua, sau doar seara? Da, stiu, le vad pe toate drumurile, si in tinutele de zi, si la rochii elegante, vad si siraguri de perle in combinatie cu tricouri casual asezonate cu o pereche de jeansi si tenisi… dar parca mi se pare nepotrivita asocierea asta dintre sport si elegant… nu stiu, poate sunt eu prea conservatoare. Te rog, spune-ne tu cum se combina in mod armonios diverse coliere cu diverse stiluri de tinute.
Salut.Cum pot purta fustele de Tulle la 40 ani pt zi fără a părea copilăroasa?Anca din cosntanta
Sugestie (foarte utila pt mamici) de articol: cum ne imbracam cand suntem proaspete mamici, fara timp si energie, dar totusi vrem sa fim chic 🙂
Merci frumos 🙂