Lectura de sambata dimineata

Iubesc toamna. Iubesc diminetile cu aer proaspat si serile racoroase, mantourile subtiri care imi permit sa port inca tricouri cu maneca scurta, senzatia unui pulover moale sau a unei fuste din piele purtate direct pe piele, apusurile timpurii si serile indigo, ceaiurile de la Demeers a caror aroma imi umple casa (dupa o cana de Baked Apple sau Garden of Eden nu veti mai vrea alte ceaiuri, va promit!), culorile calde care infloresc in gradini si magazine…

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Octombrie, luna mea preferata, a inceput cu minunate zile insorite, ati observat? V-ati ridicat nasurile din ecranele calculatoarelor? In cazul meu, va marturisesc ca ultimele doua saptamani au trecut vajaind pe langa mine: weekendul trecut tineam prima editie de Style Masterclass si deja o am programata pe urmatoarea, proiectele se tin lant, lunea s-a transformat in vineri, iar teancul de carti de pe noptiera mea s-a tot micsorat…

Lectura de sambata dimineata

In aceasta perioada traiesc senzatia ca numai toamna fructific intelepciunea stransa din experientele verii, ca abia acum pot echilibra agitatia zilelor cu calmul serilor lungi, ca totul continua neschimbat desi totul se schimba in fiecare secunda.

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Voi cum va petreceti toamna? Calatoriti sau va pregatiti „cuibul”? Cu ce va ocupati serile, ce schimbati in rutinele voastre? beti must si mancati dovleac copt? Va rujati cu visiniu si imbracati o bluza ruginie? Ce va propuneti pentru ultimele 3 luni din an?

Inainte sa va ganditi la raspunsuri, treceti prin recomandarile de lectura ale acestui weekend. Fiecare informatie nou descoperita va transforma putin, realizati asta?

Trends report: Paris fashion Week, spring 2015 – „Circles, vintage florals and brocade are among the key looks for spring.” In Financial Times

An Intellectual Fashion: Simon Collins, Dean of Fashion at Parsons – „Fashion in many ways just means popular, and popular does not mean stylish. I’ve been in fashion my whole life and I’ve observed people are often not very stylish if they’re too fashionable.” In Another Magazine

Eight lessons learned from fashion week – „Fashion week really is didactic: Navy is the new black, you have permission to wear jeans all the time, and the new trouser shape is wide and cropped above the ankle.” In The Telegraph

Chloé founder Gaby Aghion dies at 93 – “Feisty, opinionated and resolutely feminine, Gaby Aghion was the ultimate Chloé girl, personifying the brand she co-founded in 1952, remaining its éminence grise through her twilight years. That’s how designers, executives and academics remembered Aghion, who died at her Paris home on Saturday at age 93.” In WWD.

The rise of Miroslava Duma – „Don’t be deceived by her diminutive stature. Miroslava Duma – a former editor at Harper’s Bazaar Russia turned consulting and digital media powerhouse – is becoming a force in the fashion industry.” In Financial Times

The Burberry revolution – „“A decade ago sales at the Burberry fashion house were floundering. Together, CEO Angela Ahrendts and creative chief Christopher Bailey turned the company around, making Burberry an admired name in fashion and branching into China and the digital world with equal skill—which is probably why Apple poached Ahrendts last year to help build out its already formidable retail capabilities.” In Wired.

Thinking outside the box – “Italy is experiencing a spiritual, cultural, economic and political rebirth, says Brunello Cucinelli, the founder and chief executive of the luxury clothing brand that bears his name. Mr Cucinelli predicts that Italy will soon emerge from the financial crisis which has seen its economy fall into recession three times since 2008.” In The Economist.

As Paris Fashion Week ends, in search of more mad scientists – “Women’s wear can’t seem to shake off the past. At a time when practically every aspect of our lives is in upheaval – from our media to our food – women’s ready-to wear designers are insistent on reinventing and refreshing the past instead of working to figure out what comes next.” In Washington Post

Bill Gaytten, out from the sadows cast by John Galliano – “In a small white studio on the Rue François, Bill Gaytten, the designer of the John Galliano label since the exit of Mr. Galliano himself three and a half years ago, was making the final decisions for his spring 2015 show.” In NY Times.

Peter Pilotto: meet the princes of print and their colourful work – “European-born but London-based, the label has garnered worldwide acclaim and an ever-expanding audience for their kaleidoscopic graphic designs. As their autumn/winter collection hits boutiques around the world, Alexander Fury looks at their colourful work” In The Independent.

Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris – „The wait is over: this month, France’s richest man will see his private collection displayed in Paris’s newest – and most dazzling – architectural creation.” In Financial Times

A „common bitch” who made it: the story of Kate Moss and Corinne Day – “By July 1990, 15 year-old Kate Moss had dropped out of high school and left home to pursue modeling full-time. Prospects were iffy: she’d appeared twice on the cover of The Face, but she was also showing up at fittings in thrift-store finds and beat-up boots, her long brown hair hanging in strings. She was surrounded by world-famous warrior models, plated in Versace, who made it quite clear that this plain little foundling from the suburbs of London did not belong.” In Jezebel.

Fotografii: Pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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