Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Cu ceva timp in urma notam aici paragrafe descoperite in Kinfolk, o minunata revista americana, despre cum ne putem proteja weekendul. Astazi, la final de toamna, am descoperit cu emotie alte randuri, care rezoneaza in armonie cu anotimpul.

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

„For this autumn […] we celebrate the holes in our socks, the burned toast of our breakfasts, our scorched attempts at marmalade-making and all the crappy, lopsided haircuts we’ve had over the years. We’re all guilty of occasionally attempting to make our lives seem a bit cleaner or a bit more organized, but the reality is often quite different. Daydreaming of an idyllic life serves the valuable purpose of hopeful aspiration, but what if we dropped the facade for a moment and wholeheartedly accepted out shortcomings?

The world around us is filled with lessons on embracing life’s supposed flaws: the Navajos weavers create purposeful mistake in their designs to free their minds from unattainable precision, the Japanese art of kintsugi repair uses gold leaf to highlight the fractures in damaged ceramic and a fine art conservator can explain how some historical blemishes can actually add to a painting’s story.

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

From the shoddy darning on your cardigan to the oddly manicured shrubs in your neighbourhood, the flawed details are the beautifully blemished collateral of a life lived to the fullest. So make mistakes. Make a mess. What have you got to lose?”

Ce greseli ati facut in ultima vreme? Cu ce defecte proprii v-ati impacat? Cat de mult sau putin conteaza pentru voi imperfectiunile celorlalti? Ca sa citez tot din Kinfolk, „the glory of the chips from the woodwork come from taking chances and making memories”.

Va las sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii, nu inainte de a spune ca pregatesc un nou Style Conversations, „Capitalele modei in tinutele tale” – in 22 noiembrie, iar daca vreti sa aflati din timp cand sunt urmatoarele editii de Style Masterclass, scrieti-mi la inscrieri(at)imagematters(punct)ro.

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Bucurati-va de duminica…

The art of Underwear: 60 years of La Perla – „In 1954, entrepreneurial housewife Ada Masotti presented her first couture lingerie collection from her atelier in Bologna, Italy. Sixty years on, La Perla has become an international authority on luxe-lingerie, walking the artful line between the practical and the provocateur.” In Another Magazine

Karim Rashid on personal style – „One of the most prolific product designers of his generation, Karim Rashid is known for his minimalist, sensually curved pieces in pop-art colours.” In How to Spend It.

Buy now, wear forever: the wardrobe staples that will keep you stylish – „From a Breton top to a camel coat and ballet pumps, the classics that every wardrobe should include.” In The Telegraph

Nicolas Ghesquière innovates at Louis Vuitton – “After being named artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s women’s collections last year, Ghesquière ushers in a new chapter at one of the crown jewels of the LVMH empire, while striking a balance between the past and the future.” In Wall Street Journal

Kevin Plank on retail’s future – “One of the big themes you hear right now is virtual reality. Imagine the day when you can put on a headset and actually walk through a mall. Just short of feeling the fabric, you can create a three-dimensional environment. That’s how you have to think about selling online in three or four years.” In Business Week

Helena Rubinstein: a head for business – „Rubinstein was an advertising trendsetter. Among her innovations was the use of her own image – and works of art from her personal collection – in ads for her salons and products. Madame, as she was universally called, made self-promotion a seamless part of her business.” In Financial Times

Luxury training becomes fashionable MBA accessory – “Most concentrate on a single facet of luxury, such as design and marketing. Others boost technological skills. Fashion in the digital age has become instant and a luxury goods education today includes video and social media training.” In The Globe and Mail

Inside H&M’s designer collaborations book – „From Karl Lagerfeld to Alexander Wang, ‘The First 10 Years’ will chronicle every designer collaboration the Swedish retailer has brought to the masses.” In The Telegraph

New kind of normal – „But how to capture the ever-changing and amorphous infrastructure of the world we live in? The European Photo Exhibition Award is making a sideways swipe, asking 12 young European photographers to present their own visual musings on the personal histories and cultures that have forged their realities.” In Another Mag

Hermès to feed China’s appetite for understated style – “Hermès represents what China aspires to be: not just another nouveau riche nation with more money than taste, but a country of sophisticated affluence and understated extravagance.” In Financial Times

The Investment Dresser: Navy blue – „Less ageing than black, navy does lots of things you want it to. It’s dark, ergo slimming, restrained yet simultaneously warm, looks less predictable than black with white, cream, gold and silver, and much nicer with khaki, olive and grey – and look very Phoebe Philo.” In The Telegraph

Savage Beauty: Alexander McQueen promises to be a blockbuster show – „An enhanced and bigger version of the exhibition originally designed for the Metropolitan Museum in New York, ‘Savage Beauty’ will feature outfits from McQueen’s 1992 post-graduate collection and final designs from the collection he never completed.” In The Telegraph

Fotografii: pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1
    Natalia says:


    Urmaresc cu interes blogul tau si mai ales incerc sa-ti ascult sfaturile, chiar ma inspira anumite articole. Acord atentie in limita timpului disponibil tinutei in general, incerc sa iau haine de calitate si sa am o aparitiema intai placuta si potrivita si apoi ma gandesc si la alte aspecte.
    Dar am avut o revelatie saptamana trecuta cand am fost intr-o delegatie mai lunga si am petrecut multe ore in aeroporturi (Lisabona, Otopeni, Viena si Frankfurt). Am ramas cu un gust amar vizavi de tinutele doamnelor si nu ma refer doar la haine.
    E totusi un paradox, partea aceasta de fashion este asa de agresiva si prezenta in viata noastra, dar cand privesti in jur e alta lume. Comoditatea dusa la extrem scoate la suprafata femei de-a dreptul neglijente, prezente gri lispite de orice accesoriu sau detaliu feminin, doar priviri suficiente, zgomotoase si mult fard.
    Merg apasat, sunt agitate chiar si atunci cand stau pe scaun, mesteca zgomotos, nu mai sunt atente la gesturi, desi sunt preocupate continuu de rujul de pe buze sau oja de pe unghii. Am avut ore de privit si parca toate erau crescute de aceiasi mama, nu conteaza ce natie erau. Genti scumpe, dar blugi mulati, tociti, nu conta nici varsta, nici greutatea, nimic altceva – uniforma la nivel european cel putin.
    Ma gandesc uneori ca poate tocmai pentru ca se pune asa mult accent pe imagine si aparente – adica s-a ajuns la o extrema – a aparut si cealalta extrema in sensul negativ, pur si simplu sa nu se mai tina cont nici de ABC-ul unei tinute.
    Ma gandesc uneori ca o carticica cu desene simple si frumos colorate ar fi mai utila decat toate sfaturile elaborate din acest domeniu. Femeile sa descopere din nou fusta, esarfa moale si colorata, pantofii cu bareta in loc de conversi si alte carpeturi cu strasuri in picioare, pardesiul elegant in loc de veste de fas sau hanorace si exemplele pot continua. Tot in carticica as mai exemplifica si pe situatii – nu zic acum ca la biserica sa mergi cu batic pe cap, dar nici in slapi cu pantaloni scurti.
    Ca o concluzie, cred ca trebuie mai intai sa nu uitam de roata inainte de a trece la masina si tablete.

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