Lectura de sambata dimineata
„Am ramas in picioare, tacuti, in iarba inalta, iar eu mi-am aprins o tigara. Pana ce am terminat-o, ceata s-a raspandit putin, iar o limpezime rece si palida a inceput sa umple universul. Dupa zece minute ne-am putut da seama unde ne aflam. Campia se intindea dedesubtul nostru si putea urmari soseaua pe care venisem cum serpuieste incoace si incolo, suind pe clina dealurilor, cum ajunge in dreptul nostru si cum, serpuind mai departe, isi urmeaza drumul tot in sus.
Spre sud, la mare distanta, sub norii mereu schimbatori, se intindeau poalele albastru inchis si ferfenitite ale muntelui Kilimanjaro. Cand ne-am intors spre nord, lumina a devenit mai intensa, razele palide ale soarelui s-au strecurat piezis printre nori si o dunga de argint stralucitor s-a lasat pe coama muntelui Kenya. Deodata, mult mai aproape, sub noi si spre rasarit, s-a vazut o mica pata rosie pe fondul verde si gri al padurii, singurul punct rosu din peisaj, acoperisul de tigla al casei mele, ridicandu-se solitar in mijlocul unui luminis. Nu trebuia sa mergem mai departe, eram exact unde trebuia. Un moment mai tarziu ploaia a reinceput.”
Am inceput cu un pasaj din Out of Africa, una din cartile (si filmele) mele preferate, pentru calmul cu care este scrisa. Poate si pentru felul in care sunt descrise stralucirea culorilor si luminozitatea cerului azuriu – parca am uitat cum sunt, dupa atatea zile cenusii de ianuarie si decembrie. Avem doar ceata in comun, pare-se.
Intr-o nota mai vesela, e weekend! Avem la dispozitie 48 de ore pe care le putem umple cu ce vrem noi. Prin oras ruleaza filme nominalizate la Oscarul din acest an, in curtea MTR e un minunat targ taranesc, la Muzeul National puteti vizita Ars Amandi, o expozitie pe tema iubirii in arta europeana, si sunt sigura ca gasiti prin oras un curs de facut paine sau de aranjamente florale. Sau puteti, pur si simplu, sa leneviti in casa si sa visati cu ochi deschisi…
Mai jos aveti cateva dintre articolele care mi-au atras atentia saptamana asta – dar pana nu uit, doua remindere: azi si maine inca puteti participa la concursul organizat impreuna cu Books Express (aveti 6 carti la alegere, nu doar una!), iar de ieri am deschis lista de pre-inscrieri pentru urmatoarea editie a Style Masterclass, de la final de februarie.
Sa aveti un weekend-minune!
The Glamorous Past, Troubled Present, and Uncertain Future of NYFW – “Fashion Week still faces many obstacles that cloud its potential, and given the imminent changes, industry experts are now implored to reflect on how the blockbuster event came to be, where it currently stands, and what the future will bring.” In Racked
What’s inside Jason Wu’s office – „For the fashion designer Jason Wu, his office holds both inspiration and sentiment. And then there’s that cat.” In NY Times
New CEO Paula Schneider: How I’ll Fix American Apparel – “Paula Schneider is less than two weeks into her tenure as CEO of American Apparel, but she’s already set about correcting years of missteps by the clothing chain’s infamous founder Dov Charney.” In Forbes
Making the Normal Abnormal: Revolutionaries March into Paris – “Radicalising menswear is a tough job in Paris, which lacks the male fashion traditions of a place like London.” In The Independent
Guy Bourdin’s Work Stands the Test of Time – „Bourdin’s images lean toward the surreal, owing in part to the influence of Man Ray, who was a mentor in the 1950s. In one photo, a woman, her lips lacquered cherry red, covers her hands with her hands — four pairs of them, all sporting matching red manicures.” In NY Times
From Kardashian to Couture: How Balmain Got its 21st-Century Buzz – “Olivier Rousteing, the fashion house’s 28-year-old creative director, explains why he’s obsessed with social media and star power.” In The Guardian
What Changes at ModCloth and Nasty Gal Mean for E-commerce – “The industry is entering a new phase where successful players will look and behave more like retailers and less like tech startups.” In TechCrunch
What Makes a Good Collaboration? – “More than a decade after Karl Lagerfeld’s collection debuted at H&M, high-low partnerships are still a formidable marketing strategy for fashion designers and retailers. But what does a designer collaboration need to accomplish to be considered successful?” In Fashionista
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